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Experience sharing of software designers preparing for exams

2022-07-07 10:22:00 qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun

2021 year 12 month 26 Japan to update : The results come out , The exam is not good or bad , But it should pass :
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Personal background

​ The author is a graduate student just this year , Because I see the knowledge and Postgraduate entrance examination 408 subject The content overlap of is relatively high , In line with Review computer related knowledge through exams And think Take this certificate Purpose , Taking the advantage of 408 I haven't forgotten too much of my knowledge , I signed up for the software designer exam .

Exam Introduction

  1. Examination requirements
(1) Master data representation 、 Arithmetic and logic operations
(2) Master the computer architecture and the performance and basic working principle of main components ( Group counting
(3) operating system 、 Basic knowledge of programming language , Understand the basic knowledge of compiler ( operating system
(4) Commonly used Data structures and algorithms
(5) master C Language , as well as C++ perhaps Java One of the
(6) master Software Engineering , software test , And basic knowledge of software development project management ( Also contains UML these )
(7) Computer The Internet
(8) Master common information technology standards 、 Security 、 And relevant laws and regulations
(9) database Principle and Application
  1. Examination subjects

    Time subject Duration
    In the morning Knowledge of computer and software engineering (75 Tao chooses )150 minute
    Afternoon software design (5 A big question )150 minute

Exam analysis

​ The score of the exam is 75 branch , The requirement for passing is to pass in the morning and afternoon No less than 45 branch .

​ The morning's multiple-choice exam The content is very wide , however The depth is relatively shallow , If you have just finished the exam 408 Or the big pieces of computers in sophomores ( data structure 、 operating system 、 database 、 Network counting, etc ) Students who have finished learning should not be unfamiliar when they see the corresponding topic . The difficult part for me is the database paradigm ; Object oriented programming , For example, give you an object diagram or class diagram and ask you to judge what design pattern to adopt .

​ Afternoon questions are fixed , Is the total 5 There are three types of questions :

1.  Database design 
2.  Data flow diagram 
3. UML modeling 
4. C Language algorithms 
5.  Object oriented programming ( It can be used C++ or JAVA)

Review methods and materials

  • Soft test registration address Registration address
  • Textbooks : Personally, I bought the official textbook of the software designer , But in fact, it was not used in the end
  • Video tutorial :
    • B The one with the most bullets Software designer exam tutorial https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rW411j7e7?from=search&seid=8811308003134081654&spm_id_from=333.337.0.0: When I review, I watch it at double speed , Because some content is learned , It is suggested that you can take some notes while watching the video , You can check Baidu for some points you don't understand , It's estimated that it's too late for you to read .
    • I also recommend one to you, which I have read and talked about Afternoon question Videos with good ideas :https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mv411w7KN, This up Lord, I think the idea is good , You can have a look when you start to do the real problem in the afternoon .
  • app: I used 【 Soft test 】, But these app Generally speaking, there are often mistakes , Everyone can brush it in their spare time to consolidate their knowledge points .
  • Real question papers over the years : I bought Xue Dalong's 《 Software designer real problem analysis and proposition volume 》, General quality , But it's still OK to do some hand practice after buying it , After all, I prefer to use paper materials , Here's the picture

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method of examination

  1. In previous years If you make mistakes after choosing questions, you should correct them in time And important knowledge points can be summarized in this book or electronic notebook for review . Because a large part of multiple-choice questions can be memorized ( For example, common port numbers ), And it may come out again in previous years .
  2. In the big question It's best to put the algorithm problem at the end , Because this needs accumulation and is very difficult , If not , There are four kinds of algorithm design strategies : Divide and conquer 、 greedy 、 Dynamic programming 、 to flash back , Any guess . General complexity bit O(n),O(n^2),O(logn) Wait and guess .
  3. If you have registered for this exam , Just take this exam a little seriously , Many people may say that this exam is useless , Then why do you have to report , Now that you have reported, review it a little every day , Strive for one-time clearance , Then you can find time to finish other things later , I hope that I and my friends can get the certificate at one time .

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