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Study summary of postgraduate entrance examination in September

2022-07-07 10:21:00 qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun


  • The probability handout completes Chapter 6, basic concepts of mathematical statistics

  • Line generation finished the intensive courses of teacher Tang

Major courses

  • The composition principle has completed the first rough review
  • Ji Wang probably read the first chapter


  • Other activities have been stopped except reciting words

The October plan

  1. Complete the probability handout
  2. 20 Complete the second round of review of advanced mathematics handouts before the th .
  3. Complete the online handout .
  4. Politics is used in scattered time anki Software back 1000 topic
  5. English has time to do real problems , Find a chance to deal with the composition

Some thoughts and feelings

  • The registration is confirmed this month , Finally, I chose that school , I want to give myself a chance , And I realized that this year I can only grasp mathematics to have a chance , Regret not having been assigned to math all day before , Cannot concentrate fire , Now we can only put all our eggs in one basket , I feel deeply about many things I saw at home , Parents grow old day by day , I can no longer casually , Maybe I failed, and I don't know what job I can find , Undergraduate course is not good , In addition, I have been studying mathematics for a year, and it is difficult to find a job without studying major , But now I can only do my best , Action is better than words , Don't let yourself regret .

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