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SPSS analysis of employment problems of college graduates

2022-07-05 22:47:00 Sichuan rookie


In recent years , The employment problem of college graduates in China is prominent , Cause the attention of all aspects of society . This article is aimed at the practical problem of College Students' starting salary , Set up a series of models , To forecast 2011 The average starting salary of college students in 、 This paper analyzes the impact of various factors on College Students' employment and whether it is necessary to set up employment guidance courses for master students .
problem :
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Basic assumption

  1. Do not consider the major impact of unexpected major events such as natural disasters and economic crisis on the employment of college students ;
  2. The domestic enterprise structure and talent demand will not be greatly adjusted ;
  3. The starting salary of college students only considers their own ability and does not consider other special factors ;
  4. It is assumed that the data given are representative and authentic ;
  5. It is assumed that the number of graduates of college students will not change due to other factors in the next few years ;
  6. Assuming that the data collected in this chapter is basically accurate ;
  7. Suppose that the overall quality of college students graduating in different years is basically the same ;
  8. Suppose what we get 2011 There is no large error in the data value of the four factors that affect the starting salary in , This data can be used to analyze and study the starting salary of college students in China .

Problem analysis

Question 1 through collection 2002 year -2010 Starting salary data of college students in , First, we directly adopt the linear fitting model , Find out 2011 The starting salary of all kinds of college students in , They are junior college graduates 1767.7 element , The bachelor degree graduates are 2383.1 element , The master's degree graduates are 3852.6 element ; Considering the relevant factors that actually affect the starting salary of college students , So we set up a total number of employment 、GDP Index 、 Number of business units 、 The annual average number of all employees is predicted by a multiple regression equation model composed of four factors 2011 Starting salary of college graduates in . After integration and polynomial equation prediction 、 Grey prediction of various data , The final analysis results ,


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