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Mongdb learning notes

2022-07-05 14:38:00 JavaSupeMan

1.NoSQL Characteristics

It's a non relational database , Storage in document form
characteristic : The document database stores data in the form of documents ,BSON Format , similar JSON, It's a collection of data items . Each data item has a name and a corresponding value , Values can be simple data types , Such as a string / Numbers / Date, etc. . It can also be a complex type .
== advantage :== Data structure requirements are not strict , Variable table structure , You don't need to predefine the table structure like a relational database
== shortcoming :== Poor query performance , Lack of uniform query syntax
Application scenarios : journal ,web Application etc.
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Start command :

--dbpath:  Specify the directory where the data file is stored 
--logpath: Specify log files , Note that the specified file is not a directory 
--logappend: Log by appending 
--port: Designated port , The default is 27017
--bind_ip: Binding services IP, If bound, Can only be accessed locally , Default to local address 

mongod --dbpath D:\MongDB\data\db
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3. Safety certification

Create administrator account

# To set the administrator user name and password, you need to switch to admin library 
use admin
# Create administrator 
# View all user information 
show users
# Delete user 
# Log in with the user , Default to admin library 
mongo -ufox -pfox --authenticationDatabase=admin

4.MongoDB The document operation

1. Inserted into the document

2. Query the document

*query: Optional , Use the query operator to specify the query criteria
*projection: Optional , Use the projection operator to specify the returned key
Query cross reference table
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example :

example :

Check stock out users All data in


Conditions of the query , Inquire about user The value is root Of


Query a value greater than a certain number


Find the first


Sort & Pagination
stay MongoDB Use in sort() Method to sort the data

# Specify by collection (favCount) Return in descending order   -1 Representation of descending order     Expressing ascending order 
favCount  type All field names 

Paging query : adopt skip and limit To achieve ,skip Indicates the specified number of skipped records ,limit It means to limit the number of returned results
example :


3. Update the document

It can be used update Command to update the specified data , The command format is as follows :

db.collection.updateOne(query,update,options) // Update individual documents   amount to  multi The attribute is true
db.collection.updateMany(query,update,options) // Update multiple documents 
db.collection.replaceOne(query,update,options) // Replace a single document 
#  Attribute interpretation :
# query : Describe the updated query criteria 
# update: Describe the updated actions and new content 
# options: Describe the options for updating 
# - upsert: Optional , If it doesn't exist update The record of , Whether to insert a new record . Default false, Do not insert 
  - multi: Optional , Whether to update all the multiple records queried by criteria . Default false, Update only the first record found 
  - writeConcern: Optional , Determine how many nodes a write operation falls on before it is considered successful ( Similar to transaction operation )

update The operators are as follows :
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example :

    publishedDate:new Date()}},{

Be careful : If udate The update description in the command does not contain any operators , that MongoDB It will realize the of documents replace semantics

 example :
 Will find type by novel The data of , Then its contents are completely replaced , Only  age:1
findAndModify command :

Find and update , Only single documents can be operated , Cannot operate on multiple documents
Format :

 example : increase new :true, The updated value will be returned ,false Return the value before update 
    }},new :true)

findOneAndUpdate: Update a single document and return to the pre update ( Or after update ) Documents
findOneAndReplace: Replace a single document and return to the previous ( Or after replacement ) Documents

4. Delete the document

remove command
example :

 example :
    age:28}) // Delete age be equal to 28  The record of 
    $lt:25}})  // Delete age Less than 25 The record of 
    }) // Delete all records 

If there are more than one qualified , But only delete the first , You need to make justOne Parameters of , The format is as follows
example :

 example :

delete command :
Official recommendation deleteOne() and deleteMany() Method delete stable , The syntax is as follows :

 example :
    }) // Delete all documents under the collection 
    type:"novel"})  // Delete all data with specified conditions 
    type:"novel"})  // Specify the data of the condition , Delete only the first 

If you need to return the deleted document
command :findOneAndDelete

 example :
    type:"novel"}) // Delete all documents under the collection 

MongoDB Integrate SpringBoot

1 Introduce dependencies
2.yml File configuration
      uri: mongodb://fox:[email protected]:27017/user?authSource=admin
      #uri Equivalent to the following configuration 
# database: user
# host:
# port: 27017
# username: fox
# password: fox
# authentication-database: admin
3. Inject bean
    MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

4. Use

1. Add, delete and change the set

 // Operations on collections 
    public void ok(){
        // Determine whether a set exists 
        boolean flag = mongoTemplate.collectionExists("emp");
            // Delete the collection 
        // Create set 
        MongoCollection<Document> emp1 = mongoTemplate.createCollection("emp");

    // Querying documents 
    public void test2(){
        //============= Common query ====================
        // Find all documents 
        List<User> list = mongoTemplate.findAll(User.class);
        // according to ID Inquire about 
        User us = mongoTemplate.findById(1, User.class);
        // The query result is multiple , Return to the first one 
        User u = mongoTemplate.findOne(new Query(), User.class);

        //============= Conditions of the query =====================
        // Build query criteria 
        Query query1 = new Query(Criteria.where("salary").gte(8000));
        Query query2 = new Query(Criteria.where("salary").gte(8000).lt(10000));
        Query query3 = new Query(Criteria.where("name").regex(" Zhang ")); // Fuzzy matching 

        //============== Multiconditional query ===================
        Criteria criteria1 = new Criteria();
        Criteria criteria2 = new Criteria();
        //and Conditions 
        //or Conditions 

        Query query = new Query(criteria1);

        //sort Sort 
        // Pagination 
        // Find all documents , The third parameter is the set name 
        List<User> list = mongoTemplate.findAll(query, TestUser.class, "test2");

    // Document update operation 
    public void test3(){
        // First, find out what you want to modify 
        Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("salary").gte(8000));
        User u = mongoTemplate.findOne(query, User.class);
        Update update = new Update();
        update.set("name"," Zhang San ");
        //UpdateFirst() Update the first record that meets the condition 
        //UpdateMulti() Update all records that meet the conditions 
        //upsert()  If there are no qualified records, insert data 
        UpdateResult updateResult = mongoTemplate.upsert(query, update, User.class);

        // Return the number of modified records 

2. Inquire about
Use bson Query as query criteria

//1. Construct query conditions 
	 Bson filters = Filters.and(
                Filters.eq("deviceId", warningEvent.getDeviceId()),
                Filters.gte("date", strTime.getTime()),
                Filters.lte("date", endTime.getTime()),
                Filters.eq("lastUpdateTime", DateUtil.format(updateDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"))
    //2. Specify field sort , Ascending or descending 
     Bson sort = Sorts.ascending("name");
     // Bson sort = Sorts.descending("name");
     //3. Specify the return field 
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
        // Inclusion  Contains the specified fields and ( implicit )_id Field 
        // Exclusion  Contains the specified fields and ( implicit )_id Field 
       Bson fields = Projections.fields(Projections.include(list));
    //4. To query in the specified set 
	MongoCursor<Document> mongoCursor = mongoTemplate.getCollection("weatherall").find(filters).projection(fields).sort(sort).iterator();
            while (mongoCursor.hasNext()) {
                Document document = mongoCursor.next();
                //3. Get data according to the field name 
                lstDate.add(DateUtil.format(new Date(document.getLong("date")), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"));
