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What about SSL certificate errors? Solutions to common SSL certificate errors in browsers

2022-07-05 14:22:00 Wotong wotrus

adopt SSL To ensure the encryption and transmission of website data communication , Certificate is one of the important means to solve Internet information security . However , stay SSL After certificate installation , It doesn't mean that the website is safe . When we visit the website , We may encounter all kinds of mistakes , So how to solve these problems , To ensure the normal operation of the website ?


reason :SSL Certificate expired

Solution : Certificate expired and deleted , Re applying for a new certificate and installing it correctly can solve the error .


reason : The certificate used by the website does not match the domain name

Solution : The domain name supported by the certificate is inconsistent with the website domain name . let me put it another way , The website uses the wrong certificate . The solution is to reinstall Website SSL certificate .


reason : The website uses a certificate issued by an invalid Certification Authority

Solution : This error indicates that the root certificate of the certificate used by the website is not trusted by the browser , It may be that the user uses a self signed certificate , It may also be that the root certificate of the certificate is revoked . The solution is to reapply for a certificate issued by a certification authority trusted by the browser .

Report errors :NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED

reason : The certificate used by the website has been revoked

Solution : The certification authority revoked the certificate due to changes in enterprise information or violations of website content , The certificate enters the certificate revocation list CRL. We need to reapply for the certificate and deploy it correctly .


reason : The website uses certificates and website built-in certificates HTTP Public key fixation mismatch

Solution : The website may be hijacked , We need to check the website DNS Analysis returns to normal HTTPS visit ; May also be HPKP Google browser reports an error because there is no correct setting .


reason : Websites use insecure signature algorithms

Solution : Digital signature algorithm is used for authentication of both sides of communication , If it is not safe to use SHA-1 The signature algorithm browser will report an error . We should use SHA-256 Signature algorithm .


reason : The website uses an encryption protocol version or encryption suite that the browser does not support

Solution : Error reporting is more common in lower versions of operating systems or browsers .

If it is the encryption protocol version , There are two solutions : One is to upgrade the browser to the latest version , Make the browser support more encryption protocols ; The other is to use all SSL/TLS Protocol version , To ensure that the encryption protocol version supported by the browser is open .

If it is an encryption suite , You need to set the priority before using FS Series encryption suite .


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