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Judge the position of the monster in the role under unity3d

2022-07-05 04:54:00 yaohuiyaoo

1.AudioSource Used to obtain audio components
2.AudioClip Audio path
3.Resources.Load() Dynamically load audio
3.aduio.PlayOneShot(clip) Play the audio once
4.audio.play() Play the audio
5.Invoke(“ Method name ”, Time ) How many times will it be called
6.InvokeRepeating(“ Method name ”, Time , Time ) How often is it called , After a call , How many seconds does it take to call
7.Vector3.Dot( In front of the player , Enemy coordinates - Player coordinates );// Multiply two points
Be careful : After multiplication, the enemy is greater than zero in front of the player , Less than zero enemies are behind the player
8.Vector3.Cross( Enemy coordinates , Player coordinates )// Return to coordinates
notes :Vector3 pos=Vector3.Cross(enemy.position,transform.position)
If pos.y Less than 0, The enemy is on the left of the player

