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[groovy] closure (closure parameter binding | curry function | rcurry function | ncurry function | code example)

2022-07-05 04:40:00 Programmer community

List of articles

  • One 、 Closure parameter binding
    • 1、 Closure parameter binding curry function
    • 2、 Closure parameter binding rcurry function
    • 3、 Closure parameter binding ncurry function
  • Two 、 Complete code example

One 、 Closure parameter binding

Closure Closure Provides curry , ncurry , rcurry Method , this



3 There are two ways to Closure Conduct Parameter binding ;

  • curry function : From left to right binding Closure parameters ;
  • rcurry function : From right to left binding Closure parameters ;
  • ncurry function : Specify from



    n Start binding with two parameters Closure parameters ;




3 Both methods will Create a new closure , Need to use The new variable receives the newly created closure , The original closure variable remains unchanged ;

1、 Closure parameter binding curry function

Binding parameters from left to right ;

Closure parameter binding curry The function prototype :

    /** *  Bind parameters from left to right  * <p> *  characteristic use : * <pre class="groovyTestCase"> * def multiply = { a, b {@code ->} a * b } * def doubler = multiply.curry(2) * assert doubler(4) == 8 * </pre> *  notes : Pair closure  vararg  Types of functions are specially handled . *  If you use vararg Parameters , The whole... Will not be used vararg Array , *  But use vararg The first parameter of the array , *  As shown in the following example : * <pre class="groovyTestCase"> * def a = { one, two, Object[] others {@code ->} one + two + others.sum() } * assert a.parameterTypes.name == ['java.lang.Object', 'java.lang.Object', '[Ljava.lang.Object;'] * assert a(1,2,3,4) == 10 * def b = a.curry(1) * assert b.parameterTypes.name == ['java.lang.Object', '[Ljava.lang.Object;'] * assert b(2,3,4) == 10 * def c = b.curry(2) * assert c.parameterTypes.name == ['[Ljava.lang.Object;'] * assert c(3,4) == 10 * def d = c.curry(3) * assert d.parameterTypes.name == ['[Ljava.lang.Object;'] * assert d(4) == 10 * def e = d.curry(4) * assert e.parameterTypes.name == ['[Ljava.lang.Object;'] * assert e() == 10 * assert e(5) == 15 * </pre> * * * @param arguments  Closure parameters to bind  * @return  Return a new closure with bound parameters  */    public Closure<V> curry(final Object... arguments) { 
            return new CurriedClosure<V>(this, arguments);    }

Code example :

        //  Define closure variables  ,  Declare two parameters  a, b        //  And specify the default value for the closure         def closure5 = { 
     a = 0, b = "Groovy" ->            println "${a} : ${b}"        }        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure5()        //  Bind from left to right   Closure parameters         def closure6 = closure5.curry(1, "Gradle")        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure6()

Execution results :

0 : Groovy1 : Gradle

2、 Closure parameter binding rcurry function

Closure parameter binding rcurry The function binds parameters from right to left , however The order of parameters is from left to right , This is something to be aware of ;

Closure parameter binding rcurry The function prototype :

    /** *  Bind closure parameters from right to left  *  According to ordinary  curry() Method , Parameters are provided on the right instead of the left . *  characteristic use : * <pre class="groovyTestCase"> * def divide = { a, b {@code ->} a / b } * def halver = divide.rcurry(2) * assert halver(8) == 4 * </pre> * * curried The position of the parameter will be delayed , *  for example , If there are two overloaded doCall Method available , *  Add... To the parameters provided curried Parameters will be connected , The results will be used for method selection . * * @param arguments  Binding parameters  * @return  New closure after binding parameters  * @see #curry(Object...) */    public Closure<V> rcurry(final Object... arguments) { 
            return new CurriedClosure<V>(-arguments.length, this, arguments);    }

Code example :

        //  Define closure variables  ,  Declare two parameters  a, b        //  And specify the default value for the closure         def closure5 = { 
     a = 0, b = "Groovy" ->            println "${a} : ${b}"        }        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure5()        //  Bind from right to left   Closure parameters         def closure7 =closure5.rcurry(2, "Java")        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure7()

Execution results :

0 : Groovy2 : Java

3、 Closure parameter binding ncurry function




n Start binding the parameters in the closure with two parameters ;

Notice that curry / ncurry / rcurry After the method , All default values are overwritten and cleared , If From



2 Start binding closure parameters with parameters , Then the first parameter has no default value , Invocation time , The first parameter must be passed in before you can only , Otherwise, the runtime will report an error ;

Closure parameter binding ncurry The function prototype :

    /** *  Bind closure parameters from the given index  * * @param argument  The closure of the parameter to be bound  * @return the  The newly created closure after binding parameters  * @see #ncurry(int, Object...) */    public Closure<V> ncurry(int n, final Object argument) { 
            return ncurry(n, new Object[]{ 
    argument});    }

Code example :

        //  Define closure variables  ,  Declare two parameters  a, b        //  And specify the default value for the closure         def closure5 = { 
     a = 0, b = "Groovy" ->            println "${a} : ${b}"        }        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure5()        //  From  n  Start binding closure parameters with parameters  ,        //  Notice that  curry / ncurry / rcurry  After the method  ,  The previous default value overrides         //  At this time, the first parameter has no value         //  Invocation time  ,  The first parameter must be passed in before you can only         def closure8 =closure5.ncurry(1, "Kotlin")        //  The first default value of the closure is cancelled  ,  At this point, the value of the first parameter must be passed in to execute the closure         //  Otherwise, the report will be wrong         closure8(3)

Execution results :

0 : Groovy3 : Kotlin

Two 、 Complete code example

Complete code example :

import org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyclass Test { 
        static void main(args) { 
            // I.  Receive the thinning of a default parameter         //  Define closure variables         def closure = { 
                println "Accept One Arguments : ${it}"        }        //  Call closure         closure.call("Hello");        closure("Hello");        // II.  A closure that does not accept any parameters         //  Define closure variables  ,  Parameters are not allowed to be passed in         def closure2 = { 
     ->            println "Not Accept Arguments"        }        //  An error will be reported when the parameter is passed in         //closure2("Hello")        //  Call closure  ,  Cannot pass in parameters         closure2.call();        closure2();        // III.  Receive a closure of a custom parameter         //  Define closure variables  ,  Declare a parameter  a        def closure3 = { 
     a ->            println "${a}"        }        //  Call closure  ,  Cannot pass in parameters         closure3.call(1);        closure3(2);        // IV.  Receive the closure of two custom parameters         //  Define closure variables  ,  Declare two parameters  a, b        //  Print these two parameters in the closure         def closure4 = { 
     a, b ->            println "${a} : ${b}"        }        //  Call closure  ,  Cannot pass in parameters         closure4.call(1, 2);        closure4(3, 4);        // V.  Specify default values for closure parameters         //  Define closure variables  ,  Declare two parameters  a, b        //  And specify the default value for the closure         def closure5 = { 
     a = 0, b = "Groovy" ->            println "${a} : ${b}"        }        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure5()        //  Bind from left to right   Closure parameters         def closure6 = closure5.curry(1, "Gradle")        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure6()        //  Bind from right to left   Closure parameters         def closure7 =closure5.rcurry(2, "Java")        //  Closures have default values  ,  You can call without passing in parameters         closure7()        //  From  n  Start binding closure parameters with parameters  ,        //  Notice that  curry / ncurry / rcurry  After the method  ,  The previous default value overrides         //  At this time, the first parameter has no value         //  Invocation time  ,  The first parameter must be passed in before you can only         def closure8 =closure5.ncurry(1, "Kotlin")        //  The first default value of the closure is cancelled  ,  At this point, the value of the first parameter must be passed in to execute the closure         //  Otherwise, the report will be wrong         closure8(3)    }}

Execution results :

Accept One Arguments : HelloAccept One Arguments : HelloNot Accept ArgumentsNot Accept Arguments121 : 23 : 40 : Groovy1 : Gradle2 : Java3 : Kotlin

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