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What are the building energy-saving software

2022-07-05 04:24:00 Figure 961

In today's situation of using less and less energy , Building energy conservation has become a very important part of energy conservation , According to the energy-saving data of these years , The energy saving rate is rising steadily .

Up to now , Those provinces and cities with a large proportion in the country , They are all in execution “65% Energy saving rate ” Building energy efficiency standards , Some even reached “75% Energy saving rate ”, Energy saving effect is still very considerable .
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It's just , If you want to achieve a higher energy-saving rate , It is absolutely inseparable from excellent building energy-saving software . With the development of society , Building energy conservation has also caught up with the Internet , The building energy-saving software independently developed by prawn network is a good example .

The software is a middle tier platform , On the one hand, connect the Internet of things device layer and the Internet of things gateway ( As well as data ) layer , On the other hand, docking applications , Therefore, it is also known as the Internet of things support platform / Hardware communication management platform . The platform can be faster , Cheaper , More standardized construction of Internet of things solutions , Realize building intelligent energy saving .
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The basic features of this building energy-saving software include device connection and network management , Equipment management , Data collection , Process analysis and visualization , Application support , Integration and storage . Energy saving algorithm can be realized 、 Equipment operation and maintenance 、 Intelligent lighting 、 Intelligent power supply 、 Air conditioning billing centralized control 、 Sensor data acquisition 、 Space personnel intelligent algorithm and other functions .
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With excellent energy-saving effect , We have cooperation with many well-known domestic enterprises , Such as Central South University 、 China Unicom 、 Yueyang military civilian Integration Research Institute 、 Shenzhen human resources and Social Security Bureau 、 Bank of Changsha 、 Shanxi railway locomotive depot .

Prawn network has been focusing on architecture these years 、 building 、 The hospital 、 School 、 The energy-saving transformation of these buildings in the factory , The intelligent system provided is called “ major 、 intelligence 、 Stable ” The pronoun of .
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In fact, besides prawn network, there are such building energy-saving software , Other companies also have , You can discuss it together , Common progress , Make more beautiful achievements for building energy conservation !


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