当前位置:网站首页>[thingsboard] how to replace the homepage logo

[thingsboard] how to replace the homepage logo

2022-07-05 04:12:00 Rabbit Xiaoyun

Reference tutorial :https://my.oschina.net/sukf/blog/3108354

One 、 Design a new... According to the following dimensions LOGO
a. logo.png ----- 128x128,
b. thingsboard.ico ----- 320x320
c. logo_title_white.svg ----- 1536x318 SVG 32-bit
( After the personal test of this proportion, it is found that there is a problem , Later changed to 153*36, But exist logo The case of offset , Additional modifications are required scss The contents of the document , There are supplementary notes at the end of the article )
d. logo_white.svg ----- 320x320 SVG 32-bit

Replace them with the following paths
a. thingsboard-2.4\img\logo.png
b. thingsboard-2.4\ui\src\thingsboard.ico
c. thingsboard-2.4\ui\src\svg\logo_title_white.svg
d. thingsboard-2.4\ui\src\svg\logo_white.svg

Two 、 Modify the content

1. Modify the file separately thingsboard-2.4\ui\webpack.config.prod.js and webpack.config.dev.js Two documents
Search for HtmlWebpackPlugin Find the location in the figure below
for example :
The original title :Thingsboard >>> Change it to >>> new title :XXX
 Insert picture description here
2. Modify file thingsboard-2.4\ui\src\app\app.run.js
Search element keywords pageTitle Find the location in the figure below
 Insert picture description here
for example :
The original title :Thingsboard >>> Change it to >>> new title :XXXX
 Insert picture description here
3. rename thingsboard.ico ( The original file name can also be used to save trouble Just overwrite the picture file )

original file name :thingsboard.ico >>> Change it to >>> New file name :hsiot.ico

1) Rename file thingsboard.ico >>> hsiot.ico


2) Modify file content thingsboard.ico >>> hsiot.ico
 Insert picture description here

3、 ... and 、 REPACK

mvn clean package

( It's a slow process , If you want to try again and again , Can be replaced by UI Hot compilation , For details, refer to the article on hot compilation configuration

Supplementary information :
1. Step 6 of the original tutorial replaces thingsboard.jar
thingsboard\lib\thingsboard.jar( I didn't understand this step , Not doing it will not affect the effect , You can ignore )
2. Because it is found that logo_title_white.svg Press 1536x318 The scale cannot be displayed normally , Change it to 153*36, But exist logo The case of offset , Therefore, the style modification is attached scss Steps for .
(1) Global search tb-logo-title
Find these three files ( You can just modify ui\src\app\layout\home.scss But you need to recompile and clean up the cache, otherwise there may be problems , It's best to manually modify three files directly ):
 Insert picture description here
(2) Modify as needed logo Offset style .( If the following reference css The display effect of the code does not meet the actual needs , It can be found in the browser F12, Pre adjust the style to get the right css Modify the code again ) Insert picture description here
I successfully adjusted the offset code as follows ( On the left is before modification and on the right is after modification ):
 Insert picture description here

Finally recommend svg Online editing web pages :

http://tools.jb51.net/static/api/svg/index.html( The most standardized , Best compatibility )


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