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Clickpaas low code platform

2022-07-05 03:59:00 Jiang Junze

Abstract :ClickPaaS Implement model driven low code practices

2022 year 6 month 28 Japan , stay CSDN Cloud native series online Summit 11 period " Low code summit " On , Ma Jun from Shanghai aipaisi Technology Co., Ltd , I'd like to introduce a product called ClickPaaS Low code development platform , This paper introduces how the platform uses model driven enterprise low code technology to help enterprise customers build complex digital applications , Support enterprises to carry out digital transformation .


Future development , from IT From a practitioner's point of view , The code will be written less and less . Low code is the general trend and direction of the whole software development industry . From the perspective of the demands of enterprise digital transformation , Low code also relieves the pain point of talent and cost for enterprises , Low code platform in AI、 In the process of popularization and application of cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet of things , There will also be more pan Automation 、 Intelligent change . such as AI Ability can provide OCR、NLP Tools such as , Assist low code platform users to make business decisions , Realize the ability to provide integrated services for users .

ClickPaaS Platform profile

ClickPaaS Low code PaaS provider , Include model driven applications PaaS And integration aaS, Focus on government enterprises 、 Consultancy, 、 Startups and professional partners provide technology platforms , Relying on the platform of independent research and development , Provide users with system measures 、 Data integration 、 System performance and other services , Help enterprises quickly build business systems , Provide solutions , Realize the digital transformation of enterprises .

ClickPaaS Product concept introduction

ClickPaaS Build models based on data , Make its business model present the abstraction of data , And then drive the implementation of business scenarios through models . The concept of model driven ,
Its core idea is to build enterprise applications , It starts from the design of the conceptual model . Build a data model based on the conceptual model 、 Page model 、 The process model 、 Report model , Finally, a scene display is formed .

Using the development and design of this model , The system can be used to build customer management 、 Rating Management 、 Some scenarios of risk management or more and more complex businesses in various industries , See figure below .

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At present, when building such a complex application scenario , At present, there are two technologies :
One is model driven , Such a low code product , Another way is to build by form driven

The advantages of model driven over form driven :

Form driven is more suitable for a better understanding of business , But business users who have relatively weak technical understanding
And model driven can realize the construction of application scenarios through pages , The threshold for getting started is relatively low , Most of them have some knowledge , Users of computer knowledge can learn , And the construction speed is also relatively fast

ClickPaaS Product methodology

ClickPaaS It is essentially a model designer , The designer designs the conceptual model through user stories to form a visual presentation , Next, the different models are described in detail , As shown in the figure below .

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Data model

Data model , Data sheets , View graphically , Support 30 More than field types , Support single object maintenance .
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Page model

The page model design includes web page end and mobile end , There are templates suitable for different scenarios in the page , Freely designed , Quick components .
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The process model

Process design includes business flow and data flow ,
The business flow supports the business process processing of various business scenarios , Such as : Referral 、 CC 、 Endorsement and other approval methods .
On the data stream , Support internal 、 Data operation by external system , Message push and other operations .
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Integrated model

Integrated design , Including the platform itself , And back-end capability expansion , increase API Gateway , Third party interaction
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Report model

The report model provides more than 20 report types with various styles , And support on the web side 、 Mobile terminal display , Users can also adjust
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Iterative Publishing

Through sandbox mechanism, applications can be copied quickly , Iterative testing in sandbox , Re release , Rollback application, etc

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ClickPaaS Model driven low code products can help enterprise level applications and enterprise level users to build these particularly complex key applications .
But low code is just a way of development , It lowers the threshold of learning and developing business systems , But the whole implementation process and mode have not changed , Therefore, we still need to further study and improve our ability in the future , Need good design thinking , Design scheme to assist , To be at the forefront of the times .


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