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Uni app common functions /api

2022-07-05 03:56:00 Chu Junjun

(1)@tap="": Event triggered by finger click  

(2)setTimeout: Set a timer , Execute the registered callback function after the timer expires

(3)uni.showToast: When we need to pop up the prompt box , You can use this function

methods: {
			toshow() {
				 title: ' Jump out prompt ',
				  icon: "error"

effect :

(4)uni.showModal: Show modal pop ups , There can be only one OK button , You can also have both OK and Cancel buttons

	methods: {
					title:' Warning ',
					content:' I am a bullet box ',
					success: function (res) {
						if(res.confirm) {
							console.log(' I clicked the OK button ');
						} else if (res.cancel) {
							console.log(' I clicked the Cancel button ')

effect :


(5)uni.showActionSheet: Pop up the operation menu from the bottom


(6)setTimer: When you need to perform something at regular intervals, you need to use SetTimer function

(7)setInterval:setInterval() It's a function that can be called regularly , According to the specified period ( In milliseconds ) To call a function or evaluate an expression . Methods will call functions all the time , until clearInterval Called or window closed .

				let holdTime = 60; // Define variables and assign values 
				this.getCodeText = " Recapture (60)"
				//setInterval() It's a function that can be called regularly , According to the specified period ( In milliseconds ) To call a function or evaluate an expression .
				//setInterval Methods will call functions all the time , until  clearInterval Called or window closed .
				this.Timer = setInterval(()=>{
						this.getCodeisWaiting = false;
						this.getCodeBtnColor = "#ffffff";
						this.getCodeText = " Get verification code " 
						clearInterval(this.Timer);// Clear this function 
						return ; // Back to front 
					this.getCodeText = " Recapture ("+holdTime+")"

(8)clearInterval: Cancel from setInterval Set the timer .

(9)uni.hideKeyboard:() Hide the soft keyboard

(10)uni.showLoading: Show loading Prompt box , It is necessary to call  uni.hideLoading  To close the prompt box .


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