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English essential vocabulary 3400

2022-07-05 03:38:00 Sneak~

Where to recite words

  1. abandan
    He abandan a hign-paying job

  2. alility
    He has strong programming ability

  3. able
    she is a able singer

  4. aboard On board
    You’ve been aboard that boat three months, the usual tour is two years . You've only been on the boat for three months , The general term is two years
    They have taken aboard new cargo and jettisoned some outmoded gear . They loaded new goods , And throw away some outdated equipment

  5. about About ; Around ; about
    My mother often spoke to me about you. My mother often talks to me about you
    She sat up and looked about her. She sat up , Look around
    It happened about 5 o’clock in the morning. It happened at about five o'clock in the morning

  6. above stay … above ; on top ; above ;
    The mountain rises 6,000 feet above sea-level .
    The mountain is 6000 feet above sea level .

  7. abroad Go abroad , Beyond seas
    More comrades will be sent to study abroad .
    More comrades will be sent abroad for further study .

  8. absent absent , be not in
    She was absent because of a recent bereavement . She was absent because of her recent bereavement .
    He was never long absent from my side . He never left me for a long time

  9. absolute Absolute , complete
    Men don’t aspire after the absolute right .
    People are unwilling to pursue absolute truth .

  10. absorb absorption ; attract … Attention , Concentrate on
    **Can your brain absorb all this information? Can your brain absorb all this information ? **
    She had been too absorbed in her happiness .
    She was completely immersed in happiness

  11. abstract In the abstract ; Abstract
    Please write an abstract of this article .
    Please write a summary of this article

    Do n’t speak in such abstract terms .
    Don't talk about problems in such an abstract way .

  1. abundant
    We have abundant oil seeds to sell . We have plenty of oilseeds for sale .
    Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources . Our land is vast , Abundant resources .

  2. accent
    She spoke with a strong Australian accent.
    She speaks with a strong Australian accent .

  3. accept Accept ; agree! , recognition ;
    Please accept our thanks to mr. jones and yourself . Thank you and Jones .
    He could not immediately accept the post . He can't accept the position immediately .

  4. access near , Get into ; passageway
    Students must have access to good resources.( Students must have the opportunity to use good resources )

  5. accident Something unexpected ; thing
    It’s difficult to see accident in a sentence. use accident It's hard to make sentences
    The accident left a scar on her leg . Her leg was scarred after the accident .

  6. accommodation accommodation
    We can provide accommodation for six people at a push.( We can barely accommodate six people .)

  7. accompany company ; by … Accompaniment ;
    Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa. Ken agreed to accompany me on a trip to Africa
    If she sang, he would accompany her on the piano. If she sings , He will accompany her on the piano

  8. accomplish complete , Realization
    Only establishing confidence can we accomplish our goal. Nevertheless, many people especially teenagers suffer from a lack of confidence.
    Only by building confidence , We can achieve our goals . However , Many people , Especially teenagers lack confidence

  9. according according to , basis
    Sort these cards according by their colours . Separate these cards by color .

  10. account explain ; Account ;
    Your money would earn more in a high-interest account.( You can make more profits by putting your money in a high interest account .)
    How do you account for the show’s success?( Why do you think this performance is successful ?)
    What follows is an eye-witness account.( Next is the witness statement .)

  11. accumulate The accumulation of
    It is difficult to remove overnight all the grievances accumulated over the years .
    There's a lot of resentment , It's hard to eliminate at once .

  1. accurate accurate
    **The calculations made by computers are perfectly accurate . The calculation of the computer is not bad at all .

  2. accuse accuse
    He sailed into the witness , accusing him of lying . He accused the witness of lying

  3. accustomed conventional
    Martin became accustomed to a life of great austerity . Martin is used to the simple life .

  4. ahce Pain
    The ache was subsiding into a dull throb . The pain gradually subsided , It became a faint beat .

  5. achieve complete ; achieve
    The exchequer early achieved independence . The Ministry of Finance became independent very early

  6. achievement achievement
    Overwhelmed by his achievements , he lost his reason . His achievements made him ecstatic .

  7. acknowledge admit ; thank ;
    He acknowledged all, and was mighty humble indeed . He admitted everything , Attitude is indeed very modest .
    She acknowledged a security guard’s friendly salute . She gave a friendly salute to a bodyguard in charge of security .

  8. acquire get ; Acquire ;
    You must acquire great finesse of perception . You must learn the superb skill of perceiving things .

  9. across Through the ; stay … On the opposite side of ;
    A wisp of hair straggled across her ear . A bunch of hair fell on her ears .

  10. act action ; Work ; perform ;
    His last act must be a deed of impiety . His last act is this kind of unfilial .
    These four vitamins act in coenzymes . These four vitamins work in coenzymes
    The pickpocket was caught in the act . The pickpocket was caught on the spot while stealing .

  11. afterward later
    If you were to take up professional dancing, i might have to cut you afterward . If you want to dance professionally , I may have to break up with you in the future

  1. again Once again,
    Could you spell that word out for me again ? Will you spell that word again ?
  2. against Lean on ; In violation of the , against ; and … contrast ;
    He leant against the post and it broke . He leaned on the pole , The pole broke
    Some are in favour of it , some are against it . Some agree , Some are against
  3. age Age ; Time ; Grow old ;
    The average age of the boys here is ten . The average age of these children is ten .
    That is the age of political chaos It was an era of political chaos .
  4. agency Agency
    He found a job through an employment agency . He got a job through an employment agency
  5. agenda The business of the meeting ; agenda ;
    She did five copies of the agenda . She made five copies of the agenda .
    Let’s draw up an agenda for our discussion, shall we ? Let's draw up a discussion agenda , How about ?
  6. agent The agent
    Corcoran takes the book to his agent . Corcoran took his manuscript to the agent .
  7. ago
    The cream rose to the top some time ago . Talented people have already climbed to the top
    The house was completed five months ago . This house is 5 Completed months ago .
  8. agree
    she agrees to any of my requests She agreed to any of my requests
  9. agressment agree! ; agreement
    The two countries signed a cultural agreement . The two countries signed a cultural agreement .
  10. agriculture Agriculture
    The returns to agriculture have generally been low . Agricultural profits are usually low .
    Animal agriculture was on the defensive . Animal husbandry is in a bad situation .
  11. ahead forward
    There would be some very bad days ahead . The next few days will be very difficult .
    Ahead there was a ditch running into the river . There is a ditch leading to the river ahead .
