当前位置:网站首页>About the prompt loading after appscan is opened: guilogic, it keeps loading and gets stuck. My personal solution. (it may be the first solution available in the whole network at present)

About the prompt loading after appscan is opened: guilogic, it keeps loading and gets stuck. My personal solution. (it may be the first solution available in the whole network at present)

2022-07-05 04:13:00 hanzhen668

Directly above

Let me first introduce my installation environment

I bought a new notebook (r9000p) Default by oneself win11 Home Edition , Install in the environment again appscan Normal use , There is no problem .

Later, due to work reasons, I needed to change Win10, The system was redone at the weekend ( It uses the same system as the desktop , Desktops have always been win10, Installation and use appscan All normal .).

Then the above situation appeared , Try various solutions after finding this problem , The registry has also been deleted , Even redo it N Sub system , This problem still occurs after reinstallation , I checked all kinds of information on the Internet , The group also asked a lot of people can not solve , I feel that many people have never encountered this problem . More desperate is , It cannot be used after installation in the virtual machine , This problem also occurs , Total despair !

It's all nonsense , If you don't want to read it, just read the following .

Here is my personal solution , Anyway, it can be used at present .

Do not install after redoing the system , Get a packed one from someone else , Usable appscan To this machine , Direct decompression , You can use it ....

This is how I use it now , I'm waiting for the new version to come out and try it out , If not , You can only continue to use this method , I'm afraid this method won't work and will be over , Now other environments , The software has been installed , I dare not redo the system ,

It's too much trouble !

