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Receive user input, height BMI, BMI detection small business entry case

2022-07-07 01:13:00 Jinan medical applet champion

  Can interact , Receive user input

 #region  Modify the height index small business item 
            //  Receive the height entered by the user , Weight information . Then do a process . Not like book equally , Dead program .must  Interact , Business processing .
            Console.WriteLine(" Please enter your height ?");
            //double height11 = DemoShenGao;
            string height1 =  Console.ReadLine();//  Receiving user   problem0.1   use double  type , Need to transform , How to switch !?
            // 0.2  String conversion to double type .  Conduct a business transformation process .  That way , The processed variables change , Need to deal with , The converted variable , Carry out logical processing at the business level .   by height11 The variable .
            double height11 = double.Parse(height1);

            Console.WriteLine(" Please enter your weight ?");
            //  Weight receives user input variables   Definition 
            string weight1 = Console.ReadLine();
            //  transformation double  The use of 
            double weight11 = double.Parse(weight1);

            //int weight1 = 75;// Weight variables , The unit is kilogram  , kg  
            //https://www.youlai.cn/video/article/1E87BAaaYF.html BMI Calculation principle reference  
            double ex

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