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VIM super practical guide collection of this one is enough
2022-07-02 12:51:00 【ICER Xiaoshi tablet】
vim It's a Unix Text editor , It is famous for being fast and efficient , It is a small application running in the terminal ( Of course, there is also a graphical interface ), Its main feature is that it can be controlled by keyboard , You don't need a menu bar or mouse .
for example , Insert text into the file , Press i Key and enter . Browse the text or enter a command , Press on the keyboard Esc, Then press any corresponding key or key combination . For most people , Is a very unusual way of text editing , But it's based on Linux Developers working in the environment edit configuration files 、 Change the script 、 The mainstream way of writing code and other operations .
This article will introduce some necessary basic commands , So that we can quickly and easily grasp vim Editor . It is suggested that beginners learn while using , Instead of just looking at nothing . Non actual operation , Then you may soon forget these orders .
Use vim After opening the file , Three modes are generally used : Command mode (command mode)、 The input mode (insert mode) And the bottom line command mode (last line mode). Just started vim when , Enter command mode by default . Now , The letters we type on the keyboard will be recognized as different commands . Such as Direction key h、j、k、l; Input key i、a、o, Switch to input mode ; Colon keys :, Switch to the bottom line command mode .
Enter input mode , You can code in letters at will 、 Symbol , Press esc key Exit to command mode . In the bottom line command mode , You can enter a single or multiple commands , Press enter key End operation .
1、vim The entry and exit of :vi、vim、:q、:q!、:wq stay terminal Directly knock vi or vim Open text
:q Exit file
:q! Force exit file , Discard any changes you make
:wq Save changes , Then exit the file
2、 Move the cursor :h、j、k、l key h Move left 、l Move right 、j Move down 、k Move upward , Skillfully use hjkl key , After getting used to it, we can quickly move the cursor around the screen .
3、 Insert 、 Delete and undo :i、A、x、u key 、ctrl+r
stay command In mode : Press down i key Can enter the insert Pattern , Insert text after the cursor , When the input is complete, press esc key (A key , Move the cursor to the end of the line and enter ); Press down x key You can delete the character where the cursor is located ; Press down u key You can undo the operation , Go back to the previous step .ctrl+r Undo the undo order . Press down esc Key will return to command Mode or undo a command that you don't want to enter or partially complete .
4、 Delete class Command :dw、d$、dd
dw Delete from the cursor to the end of a word
d$ Delete from the cursor to the end of the line
dd Deletes the line where the cursor is located
5、 Entering a number before the action will make the operation repeat so many times 3dd Execute the cursor line three times , That is, delete the next three lines
2w Move the cursor forward two words
0 Move to the beginning of the line of the cursor
6、 About location and file status gg Skip to the first line of the file G / shift+g Skip to the last line of the file ctrl+g Displays the name of the currently edited file and the cursor position in the file gf Enter the file where the cursor is located
7、 About search commands / Adding a string can be used to find the string in the current file ? For reverse lookup
for example :/error < enter > You can find it in the file errorn key Continue searching down ,N Key or shift+n key Keep searching up (shift+ A lowercase letter = Capitalization )
8、 Replace the command :s/old/new/g g It is necessary to learn and apply more to match multiple operations globally
9、 stay vim Internal execution of external orders Input :! Then enter an external command to execute all of the external commands : All orders must be given by knocking Enter key end
10、 Using operators y Copy text , Use p Paste text
Using multi line operation with visual mode is often used , Bear in mind !
11、set Set some options :set xxx You can set xxx Options . Some useful options are as follows :'ic' 'ignorecase' Ignore letter case when searching 'is' 'incsearch' Show partial matches when looking for phrases 'hls' 'hlsearch' Highlight all matching phrases
12、 Get online system help
There are three ways :- Press down <HELP> key ( If there is one on the keyboard )- Press down <F1> key ( If there is one on the keyboard )- Input :help < enter >
13、 Enable more vim Characteristics of Vim It's more functional than Vi A lot more , But most of them are not enabled by default . In order to use more features , You need to create a vimrc file .
1. Start editing vimrc file , The specific command depends on the operating system used ::edit ~/.vimrc This is a Unix Commands used by the system :edit $VIM/_vimrc This is a MS-Windows Commands used by the system
2. Then read vimrc The contents of the sample file ::r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim
3. Save the file , The order is ::write
Next start Vim when , The editor will have the function of syntax highlighting . You can add your favorite settings to this vimrc In file . To learn more, type :help vimrc-intro
14、 Use <tab> Key to complete the command line
Completion works for many orders , When the input : On command ,tab key Can match and complete .
15、vim It comes with a tutorial description , We can type in vimtutor, Open the tutorial and do the corresponding exercises .
overall situation
- :h[elp] keyword - Open keyword help
- :sav[eas] file name - Save as
- :clo[se] - Close the current window
- :ter[minal] - Open one shell window
- K - Open the word where the cursor is located man page
Move the cursor
- h - Move the cursor left
- j - Move cursor down
- k - Move the cursor up
- l - Move the cursor right
- H - Move to the top of the current page
- M - Move to the middle of the current page
- L - Move to the bottom of the current page
- w - Move to the beginning of the next word
- W - Move to the beginning of the next word ( Words with punctuation )
- e - Move to the end of the next word
- E - Move to the end of the next word ( Words with punctuation )
- b - Move to the beginning of the previous word
- B - Move to the beginning of the previous word ( Words with punctuation )
- ge - Move to the end of the previous word
- gE - Move to the end of the previous word ( Words with punctuation )
- % - Jump to the paired symbol ( Pairing symbol group supported by default :: '()', '{}', '[]' - stay vim Use in :h matchpairs Get more information )
- 0 - Move to beginning of line
- ^ - Non blank character moved to the beginning of the line
- $ - Move to end of line
- g_ - Move to the last non blank character in the line
- gg - Move to the first line of the file
- G - Move to the last line of the file
- 5gg or 5G - Move to line 5
- gd - Jump to local definition
- gD - Jump to the global definition
- fx - Move to character x Next place
- tx - Move to character x The previous character of the next occurrence position
- Fx - Move to character x Where it last appeared
- Tx - Move to character x The last character of the last occurrence
- ; - Repeat previous f、t、F、T operation
- , - Reverse repeat the previous f、t、F、T operation
- } - Move to the next paragraph ( When editing code, it is a function / Code block )
- { - Move to the previous paragraph ( When editing code, it is a function / Code block )
- zz - Move the screen to center the cursor
- Ctrl + e - Move the screen down one line ( Keep the cursor still )
- Ctrl + y - Move the screen up one line ( Keep the cursor still )
- Ctrl + b - Scroll up one screen
- Ctrl + f - Scroll down one screen
- Ctrl + d - Scroll down half screen
- Ctrl + u - Scroll up half screen
Insertion mode - Insert / Add text
- i - Insert characters from the front of the cursor
- I - Insert characters from the beginning of the line
- a - Insert characters from behind the cursor
- A - Insert characters from the end of the line
- o - Start another line below the current line , Start inserting characters
- O - Start another line above the current line , Start inserting characters
- ea - Insert from the end of the current word
- Ctrl + h - In insert mode , Delete the character before the cursor
- Ctrl + w - In insert mode , Delete the word before the cursor
- Ctrl + j - In insert mode , Another line
- Ctrl + t - In insert mode , Indent right , Width by shiftwidth control
- Ctrl + d - In insert mode , Indent left , Width by shiftwidth control
- Ctrl + n - In insert mode , Insert the next match of automatic completion before the cursor
- Ctrl + p - In insert mode , Insert the last match of automatic completion before the cursor
- Ctrl + rx - Insert register x The content of
- Ctrl + ox - Temporarily enter normal mode to issue a normal mode command x.
- Esc - Exit insertion mode
Edit text
- r - Replace the current character
- R - stay ESC Before pressing , Replace multiple characters
- J - Merge the next line into the current line , And insert a space between the two parts of the text
- gJ - Merge the next line into the current line , There is no space between the two parts of text
- gwip - Readjust the paragraph
- g~ - switch case up to motion
- gu - Lowercase operation modifier
- gU - Upper case operation modifier
- cc - Delete the line where the cursor is located , Then enter insertion mode
- C - Delete from the cursor to the end of the line , Then enter insertion mode
- c$ - Delete from the cursor to the end of the line , Then enter insertion mode
- ciw - Delete the word where the cursor is located , Then enter insertion mode
- cw or ce - Start at cursor position , Modify the word
- s - Delete the current character , Then enter insertion mode
- S - Clear the current line , Then enter insertion mode ( Same as cc)
- xp - Move the current character back
- u - revoke
- U - Undo the last operation of changing the line
- Ctrl + r - redo ( Cancel cancellation )
- . - Execute the last command again
Select text ( Visualization mode )
- v - Enter visualization mode , Move the cursor to highlight the selection , You can then execute commands on the selected text
- V - Enter visualization mode ( Row granularity selection )
- o - Switch the cursor to the beginning of the selection area / ending
- Ctrl + v - Enter visualization mode ( Matrix selection )
- O - Switch the cursor to the corner of the selection area
- aw - Choose the current word
- ab - Choose to be () The area of the package ( Bracketed )
- aB - Choose to be {} The area of the package ( With curly brackets )
- at - Choose to be <> Label the area of the package ( contain <> label )
- ib - Choose to be () The area of the package ( Without brackets )
- iB - Choose to be {} The area of the package ( No curly braces )
- it - Choose to be <> Label the area of the package ( Not included <> label )
- Esc - Exit visualization mode
Visualization mode command
- > - Indent right
- < - Indent left
- y - Copy
- d - shear
- ~ - Case Toggle
- u - Convert the selected text to lowercase
- U - Convert the selected text to uppercase
shear , Copy , Paste
- yy - Copy the current row
- 2yy - Copy 2 That's ok
- yw - Copy the current word
- yiw - Copy the word at the cursor
- yaw - Copy the word at the cursor and the space before and after it
- y$ - Copy , From the cursor position to the end of the line
- p - Paste after the cursor
- P - Paste in front of the cursor
- dd - Cut the current line
- 2dd - shear 2 That's ok
- dw - Cut the current word
- diw - Delete the word at the cursor
- daw - Delete the word at the cursor and the space before and after it
- D - shear , From the cursor position to the end of the line
- d$ - shear , From the cursor position to the end of the line ( Same as <kbd>D</kbd>)
- x - Cut the current character
Indent words
- >> - Indent the current line to the right , Width by shiftwidth control
- << - Indent the current line to the left , Width by shiftwidth control
- >% - Indent right () or {} The area within ( The cursor should be placed in brackets )
- >ib - Indent right () The area within
- >at - Indent right <> The area within the label
- 3== - Automatic indentation 3 That's ok
- =% - Automatic indentation () or {} The area within ( The cursor should be placed in brackets )
- =iB - Automatic indentation {} The area within ( The cursor should be placed in brackets )
- gg=G - Automatically indent the entire buffer
- ]p - Paste and adjust indent to current line
sign out
- :w - preservation
- :w !sudo tee % - Use sudo Save the current file
- :wq or :x or ZZ - Save and exit
- :q - sign out ( Warning if modifications are not saved )
- :q! or ZQ - Force exit without saving
- :wqa - Save all tabs and exit all
lookup / Replace
- /pattern - lookup <kbd>pattern</kbd>
- ?pattern - Upward search <kbd>pattern</kbd>
- n - Find the next one
- N - Find the last one
- :%s/old/new/g - Replace all
- :%s/old/new/gc - ( one by one ) Replace
- :noh[lsearch] - Remove highlighting from search results
multifile search
- :vim[grep] /pattern/{`{file}`} - Search multiple files <kbd>pattern</kbd>
- :cn[ext] - Move to the next
- :cp[revious] - Move to the previous
- :cope[n] - Open the search results list
- :tabnew or :tabnew {page.words.file} - Open the file in the new tab
- Ctrl + wT - Turn the window into a label
- gt or :tabn[ext] - Switch to the next tab
- gT or :tabp[revious] - Switch to the previous tab
- #gt - Switch to <kbd>#</kbd> A label
- :tabm[ove] # - Move the tag to <kbd>#</kbd> position ( Subscript from 0 Start )
- :tabc[lose] - Close current label
- :tabo[nly] - Close other tabs
- :tabdo command - Execute commands in all tags
Multi file editing
- :e[dit] file name - New buffer open filename
- :bn[ext] - Switch to the next buffer
- :bp[revious] - Switch to the previous buffer
- :bd[elete] - Close buffer
- :ls or :buffers - List all open buffers
- :sp[lit] file name - New buffer open filename And split the window horizontally
- :vs[plit] file name - New buffer open filename And split the window vertically
- :vert[ical] ba[ll] - edit all buffers as vertical windows
- :tab ba[ll] - edit all buffers as tabs
- Ctrl + ws - Split the window horizontally
- Ctrl + wv - Split the window vertically
- Ctrl + ww - Switch between windows
- Ctrl + wq - close window
- Ctrl + wx - Switch the window to the next window
- Ctrl + w= - Make all windows equal in height and width
- Ctrl + wh - Switch to the left window
- Ctrl + wl - Switch to the right window
- Ctrl + wj - Switch to the lower window
- Ctrl + wk - Switch to the upper window
- Ctrl + wH - Make the window where the cursor is located full height and move to the leftmost ( Leftmost vertical window )
- Ctrl + wL - Make the window where the cursor is located full height and move to the rightmost ( Rightmost vertical window )
- Ctrl + wJ - Make the full width of the window where the cursor is located and move to the bottom ( Bottom horizontal window )
- Ctrl + wK - Make the full width of the window where the cursor is located and move it to the top ( Top horizontal window )
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