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Seriously recommend several machine learning official account

2022-07-06 07:10:00 Xiaobai learns vision

“ company , I must learn from you ”, Learning is to learn good from others . Today, I specially recommend it to you 10 Official account of quality , At present, it is a very active official account. , covers python,AI And back-end technology stack , The point is that they also adhere to the front line of free technology sharing !

Visual algorithm

My good friend Hegu , Graduate student, Institute of software, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Successively in Ali 、 Huawei 、 The Chinese Academy of Sciences I stepped on the pit . Like to use comic speak High quality original articles on big data algorithms and other technologies . The official account focuses on big data 、 Artificial intelligence AI Popular science learning of and algorithm . A Guang monthly Send dozens of books free of charge Unequal , If you have any questions about technology , A wide attention is welcome WeChat official account Visual algorithm


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Drinking and chatting IC Programming

Jiujiucheng Electric Research Institute III is reading , Self learning algorithm leetcode Brush problem , Double repair IC verification , Capture Internet companies BAT offer As well as some IC Big factory offer:zeku、 Zhan Rui 、 Huawei 、 The Cambrian 、 Horizon program yuan and IC Yuan one , Share real job search experience and future work experience in large factories in official account , Welcome to learn with wine IT or IC ah .


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Python The way of data

「Python The way of data 」 Uphold “ Make data more valuable ” Idea , Master 985 College graduation , He is a lifelong learner in many fields . Act as not IT trained 、 Not IT Industry employees , But running a Python Data science and AI Official account number , And produced 《 Python Knowledge Manual 》, The manual can be obtained free of charge through the public account . Welcome to your attention , Open the way of common growth


Long press to identify the two-dimensional code

Machine learning algorithms

A Baidu person's way to improve technology , Provide you with a series of computer vision , High quality technical articles such as natural language processing and recommendation system , Maximize your fragmented time . At the same time, we will share excellent free videos and resources from time to time , Let your technology road no longer monotonous and boring .


Long press to identify the two-dimensional code

Xiaoxi learned the algorithm

stay BAT Cheng Xuyuan, a worker in a large factory , Beauty and wisdom in one , Use animation + Explain the high-frequency algorithm of Internet interview in detail , And share the real experience of Dachang in public official account. , I maintained it alone   Xiaoxi learned the algorithm   This public number , Pay attention , Learn the algorithm with Xiao Xi 、 Understand big factories


Long press to identify the two-dimensional code

Machine learning algorithm and Python actual combat

Machine learning algorithm and Python actual combat , Master of statistics of Huake , Now he is a data analyst of fintech company , Rich project experience . Number master 200 More than original articles , The content covers Statistics 、 Data analysis 、 machine learning 、 Deep learning 、Python actual combat ,《100 Good day machine learning 》 The column has been updated to 62 God , Organize relevant free learning resources regularly .


Long press to identify the two-dimensional code

Brother Tao talks Python

Brother Tao has done it PM, Technical director , Tool control , Efficiency worker . Mainly share Web Development , Reptiles , Data analysis ,DevOps, machine learning , In the workplace , Sideline earns money, etc . chat Python, On making money , Free to follow Python Paid eBooks , Individuals often learn , Taoge is highly recommended !


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Wheel factory

I've been watching this one for a long time , The blogger is currently a doctor in the computer department of Harbin Institute of technology , Usually like reading 、 Be good at thinking 、 Pair programming technology 、 Programmer's growth planning has unique insights . I have read every article of his , In addition to explaining technical knowledge to readers , He will also share some of his reading notes and his usual thoughts and feelings , In the eyes of many readers “ Official account of treasure ”.


Long press to identify the two-dimensional code

Data analysis 1480

published 《 Learn from scratch Python Data analysis and mining 》 and 《 Data analysis from entry to advanced 》, Regularly share data analysis and mining dry goods with you , Include R Language and Python Case practice of 、 Big data platform architecture and applications, as well as various benefits . Welcome your attention and communication , Really gain a little , Make a little progress !


Long press to identify the two-dimensional code

Xiaobai studies vision

Xiaobai Xue vision was founded by the doctor of Harbin Institute of Technology , Mainly share in the field of computer vision SLAM technology , Deep learning , Overview of visual algorithms 、 Climbing pit experience and harvest feeling . Bloggers publish works 《OpenCV4 Quick start 》 and 《 Learning from scratch OpenCV 4: be based on Python》 Bloggers open source 《opencv Visual combat project 71 speak 》《pytorch Common function manual 》 And other high-quality resources , Follow and download for free !


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