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Hackers can how bad to what degree?
2022-08-01 03:16:00 【Programmers _ to light】
In fact, the meaning of hacker in the initial stage of the computer is to represent the meaning of programmers,It is a hacker programmers,But with the development and change of the times,The meaning of hacking has evolved into the one in everyone's mind now“黑客”的意思.Now that hackers can bad to what degree?
Small coffee level
1、hack your computer:connected to public wifi Like Starbucks' computer mining for him.
2、hack your bank card:2013 Nian Haiyan 3 号专案,一个广西 17 岁的 “黑客” 获取了 160 Ten thousand pieces of personal information and bank card account numbers,One can directly online for unauthorized card information 19 万条,涉案金额 14.98 亿余元.
3、Black your camera:Use your computer's camera to Twitter 、PayPal 、Spotify Wait for the website to crash.
Big coffee level
1、黑苹果、Black SONY、黑三星
George Hotz George Hotz - Wikipedia
17 old crack iPhone,使 ios The system can be jailbroken;18 old crack 索尼 PS3 系统;25 岁 root samsung phone;26 岁,Made a self-driving car in his garage.
2、让 ATM crazy money:Barnaby Jack
Barnaby Jack - Wikipedia
He spent two years researching how to hack ATMs.2010 年 7 月 28 日,At the annual White Hat Hacker Conference in Las Vegas, USA,Jack will 2 台 ATM move to the venue,He just executed the cracking program,Atms have spit out money,a hill on the ground.这段 “ATM crack show” 堪称 2010 The most sensational show at the White Hat Hacking Conference of 2019. 2013 White Hat Hacker Conference,He showed an even more amazing “Hackers stunt”:在 9 Invasion of wireless medical devices such as implantable cardiac pacemakers from meters away,Then send it a series of 830V high voltage shock,从而令 “remote kill” 成为现实. 2013 年 7 月 25 日,在 “Expose an even more amazing technology” 前夕,Jack was dead when found by his girlfriend.
1、Remote control of the International Space Station:Jonathan James
Jonathan James - Wikipedia
1998 年,15 Aged James Invasion NASA,Stolen software could alter the physical environment of the International Space Station,Includes temperature and humidity control.After discovering this invasion,NASA Had to shut down the entire computer system immediately.16 岁被捕,Become the first minor in the world to be arrested for hacking.
2、Hack into the U.S. military:Kevin David Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick - Wikipedia
他是第一个在美国联邦调查局 “悬赏捉拿” 海报上露面的黑客.15 broke in “北美空中防务指挥系统” 的计算机主机内,他和另外一些朋友翻遍了美国指向前苏联及其盟国的所有核弹头的数据资料,然后又悄无声息地溜了出来. 这件事对美国军方来说已成为一大丑闻,五角大楼对此一直保持沉默.事后,美国著名的军事情报专家克赖顿曾说:“如果当时米特尼克将这些情报卖给克格勃,那么他至少可以得到 50 万美元的酬金.而美国则需花费数十亿美元来重新部署.” Mitnick in 1995 年被捕,03 年释放.Now the owner of a cybersecurity company.
The fairy level fight
1、I just wanted to see if there really was UFO:Gary Mckinnon
Gary McKinnon - Wikipedia
黑客组织 Anonymous Will Gary · 麦金农 Gary Mckinnon 评为The most dangerous hacker in history.
McKinnon once accused the US of hiding a space fleet in space.他还坚信,The U.S. government is interested in hiding UFO 的情报,So he planned to go to the US government computer system to find relevant information.短短 13 个月,He used his home desktop computer to successfully hack into thousands of miles away 97 U.S. military secret computer system,Not only are the U.S.、海、He has hacked all the computer systems of the Air Force.,even the Ministry of Defense、National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA His computer system was also hacked into.When you can't find what you need UFO top secret file,He angrily paralyzed the U.S. military's computer system.9·11 事件发生后 12 天,McKinnon breaches computer network at U.S. Naval Base Ille in New Jersey,Due to the base 300 Computer strike for a week,And that's where the U.S. Atlantic Fleet is armed and resupplied..
2、The era of cyber warfare x The hacker group
“control traffic too low 了,Let's play with a submarine carrier..” Please pay attention to military news for details.
hand of god
God's hands,never leave a mark.We still don't know him,But he's manipulating some subtle chain reactions,thus affecting the course of the world.
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