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What have I experienced when I won the offer of BAT and TMD technical experts?
2022-07-31 01:36:00 【Architectural Notes of Shiraki】
- 《真offer收割机 第一弹~大厂如何考察候选人?(附答案详解)》
- 《真offer收割机 第二弹~大厂如何考察候选人?(附答案详解)》
通过这两篇文章,We talked to you about medium and large Internet companies in China,在JavaSome high-frequency technical questions in interviews.
In this article, we pass a real first-line experience,Take everyone to experienceBATWaiting for the interview scene atmosphere of Internet companies!
PS:The interviewee is a former subordinate of the author,多年的好朋友.Here's him going out for an interview earlier this year,拿到BATMany a line of Internet companies such as technical expertsOffer的面试经历.
Let me tell you about this friend's personal experience:
- 本科毕业,接近10年工作经验.跳槽之前,Bring one in a large domestic Internet company8人左右的技术团队.
- Due to the relatively slow development of the company's business,So there is less opportunity for career advancement.
- Friends are already very familiar with the system architecture and technology they are responsible for,Difficulty in increasing wages,As for promotion to higher ranks,Not easy in the short term.
因此,after careful consideration,Decided to come out and see the opportunity,Can you lead the size of the team、A breakthrough in technology and payroll.
One side is a job that a headhunter recommends to a friend,BATA team in a large factory in China,I won't say which department it is..
Just went over there and had a face-to-face chat,probably from the afternoon2Talk till the afternoon4点多,时间很长,炮火相当猛烈.
One interviewer is also an expert,Let's talk about the project first,Ask carefully about various details in the project,Expand on the project,and great attention to detail.
下面的内容,It's based on my friend's recollection after the interview,Some problems sorted out.
The interview is also a favorite form of a man from Holland ask via the Internet company.such as during an interview,talk about cache.The chain cannons are as follows:
接着,The interviewer continued to deduct a lot of details
- Then please say,Which interfaces do these requests fall on??
- Which data is double written to the database and cache?
- 双写一致性如何保证?How to ensure high concurrency and performance while ensuring consistency?
- How the cache line is deployed?How much total memory is given?How high is the hit rate?
- How much is the cache resistantQPS?How much data flow back to the sourceQPS?
- whetherkeyCache cluster a hot cache that caused the high load of the machine?如何解决的?
- Does it appear oversizedvaluenetwork card problem?如何规避这个问题?
- Has there been a cache cluster accident online??If it happens, how do you solve it? What is the high availability guarantee plan??
- How to monitor the cache clusterQPS和容量?How to expand?Can you smooth expansion?Will capacity expansion cause system downtime??
- 聊聊Redis的集群原理?Will data be lost during expansion??keyKnow what addressing algorithm?
- you understand consistencyhash算法吗?draw a pictureRedisThreading Model and Memory Model?
Pen and paper fly,The brain is highly functioning,answer one by one...
如上所述,所有问题,All combined items,落地到生产中,At the same time pay attention to many details of chat technology,Include some principles of technology.
Chained questions like caching,The interviewer is to askMQ、MySQL分库分表、高可用、JVM、多线程并发,等各种问题.
- On the one hand, it actually pays attention to the breadth of technology,At the same time, combining with the project hard all sorts of details.
- Also take into account a certain technical depth,I will ask in depth about a technology..
总体来说,One side is fine,After all, it's all about the project.,Various details friends at ordinary times during architectural design,will carefully consider.
And friends have also done online high-concurrency systems,踩过很多坑,So these questions are basically answered well.
But here's a reminder,Usually a classmate goes out for an interview,When he came back, others asked him about his interview experience,一般都是问:any interview questions?what the interviewer asked?
说实话,You to look at the problem mentioned above,may feel that,哦,Actually, I can answer,没什么特别的.
但其实并不是这样,If only for senior positionsOffer,Your technology will take a big part.
But if you want to take an expert positionOffer,Do you have any real online high-load system architecture experience?,非常重要.
同样的问题,Ordinary people would answer very ordinary,But people who have experienced billions of real traffic requests will definitely give a lot of experience.、Lessons and pits.
And how does the entire complex large-scale system resist high concurrency?,will understand,Get to know all the details.
So on one side,The general is combined with the project,deep digging,see what level you have,Overcomplicated systems.
This is the truth,做过就是做过,没做过就是没做过,it's impossible to fake.
Many students may themselves usually also read many books and blogs,But reading books and blogging is just the basics,If there is no real online production experience,是肯定不够的.毕竟实践出真知!
Passed smoothly,A second round of interviews followed.
The second interviewer should be from this teamleader,P8级别的,如果进去,The future boss should be friends.
据朋友讲,The attitude of the second interviewer was very good,很和蔼,It seems that after feedback from an interviewer,这个teamTo a friend or more attention to.
The content of the two sides has changed from breadth to depth,The interviewer is technically strong,Must have ten years of experience.Dig a lot into related technologies.
同样,The second side also talked about cache-related issues.I asked my friends what caching technologies they know about,redis、memcached,还有阿里开源的tair,Who knows the kernel principle?
Some friends have ever seenredis的内核,就聊了聊redisSome data structures and implementation principles of the kernel.包括集群、Something persisted at the kernel level.
此外在MQ这块,friend is rightkafkadid in-depth research,就聊了聊Kafka的源码.
比如KafkaControllerThe source code in the failover block,日志存储、Some details of network communication.How to ensure high performance of disk read and write,Zero copy that piece of the underlying implementation,leader和followerHow data is synchronized between,It's all from the source code level.
At the same time, the second side attaches great importance to the inspection of system design capabilities、工程素养、带团队的能力.
Such as the interviewer is responsible for the department of a business,A related system design problem.
The topic details don't remember clearly,The general content is to give a specific amount of users、业务场景、并发量、数据量,Then let your overall responsible for the system architecture design.
Friends need to explain their overall design ideas,Which points to consider,What technical challenges exist,And draw a specific architectural design diagram on the spot.
engineering literacy,Let my friends talk about the technical design of how to do it normally、技术评审、编码规范、测试、上线、回滚、灰度、压测、监控等等.
带团队,let a friend talk,如何招人、面试标准、How to build a talent gradient for a team,等等.
此外,will also ask,How the whole system architecture evolves step by step.
从0到1What is the architecture?从1到10What is the architecture?从10到100What is the architecture?This is to look at your overall architectural capabilities,and technical planning capabilities.
说到这里,The author mentions,如果出去面试,尤其是去BATInterviews with large Internet companies,必须精心准备.
Include every detail of your project,Did you solve various online problem and pit,Does the technology in your resume reach a certain depth?,your usual other projects、设计能力,These must be carefully prepared.
Never go naked!Never go naked!Never go naked!
重要的事情说三遍!Naked face will fail,And if you ask three questions, you don't know,Then it gives a bad impression.
If you want to go to the big company you want,At the very least prepared1个月以上,Everyone must remember this,This is also an important experience of a friend this time.,准备充分了,才能有备无患.
二面之后,Waited another week or two...
because the higher the,higher leadership,usually busier,Sometimes people might go on a business trip for a meeting,But waiting for a week or two,There are finally about three sides..
Three sides are director level,Not quite sure is goingM线还是P线.如果是P线,那么一定是P9,But the observation interview style should beMline director.
这一面,Not much talk about technology,It is more about chatting with friends about past company experience and project experience,What are some of the more challenging large-scale systems that you have been responsible for?.
另外,All kinds of soft quality was investigated.such as responsibility、抗压能力、自我驱动,Ask a friend to give an example of something from his past,to demonstrate soft qualities.
Also talk about professional values,Are you willing to work overtime,等等吧.Finally, I also talked about the career expectations of my friends.,Including what the team does,future directions, etc..
Friends think the most important thing is the front two,In fact, this side,As long as you are of good character,Serious and responsible work at ordinary times,Generally no big problem.
Then after a couple of weeks,Because the second interviewer,That is, the future may become friendsleader的人,To a friend or more value,We also texted in private for a while.,I'm afraid my friend will go to another company.He told his friends that it was becauseHRtoo busy over there,So it's not finalized yet.
关于HR面,Friends are really impressed,为什么呢?因为HRwas a direct phone call,gone,In the past too,And we said hello to second interview the interviewer is to.
HRIt was night11click on the phone,People just finished working overtime,就打来了电话,I really have to admire his professionalism!
而且这位HRIs very professional,如果是普通的HRActually talk,但是这边的HR问了很多问题,大概聊了1个小时左右.
Mainly chatting with friends about some values,Such as feel done before one of the most difficult thing is what,怎么克服的,What was your mood at that time?.
And why are you leaving?,没有发展空间?I didn't think about the internals of the company at that time.transfer(转岗)吗?why nottransfer?how is your performance?How do you feel about your relationship with your colleagues??
final content,总结起来,In fact, it's a word,Your character is fine,Generally no problem,answer honestly.
后来HR面了过后,On the other side of the salary to reach the designated position,Friend's salary expectation.
But the plan given over there is the number of teams that can be brought in the future, that is,10人以内,and not allotment of group shares,is an option allotted to this rapidly growing team.
So my friend was confused,But still promised,于是offerIs sent to come over.
My friend thought,If there is no other better chance,Then this opportunity can also be considered,After all, the salary is alright.
but included**TMD(头条、美团、滴滴)**这边,There are also people who push friends to try it out.,So I also met several other first-line Internet companies at that time..
In fact, if you have experiencedBATSeveral rounds of technical interview baptism for this Internet company,Then there is no problem in going to any company in the country.,So the interview went well,驾轻就熟.
同样,My friends also got those first-tier Internet companies by accident.offer.
经过一番对比,The friend ended up not choosing to go to the one who originally interviewedBATOne of the giant,Instead, it went to one of those super unicorn companies mentioned above..
The reason is that this super unicorn company is paying more than expected,And leaders also attach great importance to friends,With a wealth of options,promise to be independent20+人的团队.
And friends more important is the super unicorn company's future potential.
- 第一,The company is growing fast,Rapid staff expansion,So the chances of to bring to the team very well,Can lead a bigger team,More than double the size of the team currently led by a friend.
- 第二,虽然BATThe big factory that also issued options,But the options future for this super unicorn could be even bigger.事实证明,的确如此.
- So after considering,Friends eventually chose unicorn companies based on their career development,never come backBAT行列中.
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