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PHP uses Alibaba cloud storage
2022-07-07 23:21:00 【Code is a bug】
Alibaba cloud object storage website
Alibaba cloud object storage website
Install alicloud sdk
Use composer Install or use other methods according to the official website
composer require aliyuncs/oss-sdk-php
Upload files
use OSS\OssClient;
use OSS\Core\OssException;
if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/../autoload.php')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php';
if (is_file(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
class OssUpload
public function upload($file)
// Alicloud account AccessKey Have all the API Access rights of , The risk is high . It is highly recommended that you create and use it RAM The user carries out API Visit or daily operations , Please log in RAM Console creation RAM user .
$accessKeyId = "yourAccessKeyId";
$accessKeySecret = "yourAccessKeySecret";
// yourEndpoint Fill in Bucket The region corresponding to Endpoint. East China 1( Hangzhou ) For example ,Endpoint Fill in for https://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com.
$endpoint = "yourEndpoint";
// Fill in Bucket name , for example examplebucket.
$bucket= "examplebucket";
// Fill in Object The full path , for example exampledir/exampleobject.txt.Object The full path cannot contain Bucket name .
$object = "uploads/".date('Y',time()).date('m',time()).date('d',time())."/".$file['name']; // Storage path of files in Alibaba cloud
// <yourLocalFile> By the local file path plus file name including suffixes , for example /users/local/myfile.txt.
// Fill in the full path of the local file , for example D:\\localpath\\examplefile.txt. If no local path is specified , By default, the file is uploaded from the local path corresponding to the project to which the sample program belongs .
$filePath =$file['tmp_name']; // File path
try {
$ossClient = new OssClient($accessKeyId, $accessKeySecret, $endpoint);
$ossClient->uploadFile($bucket, $object, $filePath);
} catch
(OssException $e) {
printf(__FUNCTION__ . ": FAILED\n");
printf($e->getMessage() . "\n");
// print(__FUNCTION__ . "OK" . "\n");
return $object; // Upload successful , Return file path
namespace app\app\controller;
use app\app\model\AppLandpoint;
use app\common\controller\Api;
use app\common\controller\OssUpload;
class LandPoint
/* * @description Photo upload */
public function ImgUpload() {
$upload=new OssUpload();
return json(['code','data'=>$data]);
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