当前位置:网站首页>[pyGame practice] do you think it's magical? Pac Man + cutting fruit combine to create a new game you haven't played! (source code attached)
[pyGame practice] do you think it's magical? Pac Man + cutting fruit combine to create a new game you haven't played! (source code attached)
2022-07-01 15:39:00 【Gu Muzi acridine】
Hey ! Mumuzi flashed today —— I have written a lot for you ~
AI involved 、 beginner 、 Reptiles 、 Data analysis ( This aspect is generally just an audit ) game ........
Through the reading volume of so many articles, there is still more reading volume of AI and games !
SO The recent content has just begun to be updated, or is it ready to start with the game , After all, many friends must have been unable to wait ~
Follow up slowly update the content of artificial intelligence ~ To tell you the truth, I don't know what to update , But we will continue to work hard
Learning new knowledge is more civilized !FigthingFigthingFigthing、
Complete material for all articles + The source code is in
Public at the end of the article hao Take it yourself
I have written about pac man
I have written about cutting fruit
Today the two come together , Make a new game , Ha ha ha , The name is called 《 insane 🤪 Eat fruit 》 Little games , Actually, it sounds very
Of , But the effect is not as tall as expected !( Give you a vaccination )
This paper is based on Pygame Write a game ha !
One 、 In preparation
1) How to play the game
Random drop : Watermelon plus points 、 Grape minus points 、 The initial health of a bomb is two . Move the right mouse button . Add and subtract more
Less specific, just wait for you to play , It's not fun to be spoiled ! Every game code is reserved for you
At the end of , Hee hee , Feel for yourself ~
2) Environmental installation
The environment used by Xiaobian :Python3、Pycharm Community Edition 、tkinter、Pygame modular , Partly from No expansion with modules
in .( It won't be installed : Xiaobian will give you a novice gift bag , Including installation package 、 video 、 answer You can ask me if you have any questions
At the end of the article )
Module installation :pip install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/+ Module name
3) Material preparation
The background music is more exciting ! Remember seven This song , It's very pleasant .
Prepared materials, pictures, objects falling from the background, etc .
Two 、 Code display
There are so many codes ! Just show the part , Take it for free at the end of the article !
1) The main program
import tkinter
import random
import time
import Param
import Image
import Bonus
import Deduction
import Bean
import Bomb
import pygame
# Define the list of substances ( Including plus watermelon and minus grapes and bombs )
bonusth = []
deductionth = []
bigbombs = []
# Definition bean Variable , Save Doudou object
bean = ""
# Define the initial score of the current user
score = 0
life = 2
# Define the game state
game_state = Param.GAME_START
# Create a form
game_window = tkinter.Tk()
# Window text settings
game_window.title('I LOVE FRUIT')
# Window position processing
screenwidth = game_window.winfo_screenwidth()
screenheight = game_window.winfo_screenheight()
size = '%dx%d+%d+%d' % (Param.GAME_WIDTH, Param.GAME_HEIGHT, (screenwidth-Param.GAME_WIDTH)/2, 50)
# Load all the pictures used in the game
background_image,bean_image,Bonus_image,Bomb_image,Deduction_image= Image.load_image(tkinter)
Start,Stop = Image.load_state_image(tkinter)
# Get canvas
window_canvas = tkinter.Canvas(game_window)
# Canvas packaging
window_canvas.pack(expand=tkinter.YES, fill=tkinter.BOTH)
# Time stamp
count = 0
num = 30
def create_fruit():# Produce fruit
global count
global num
global score
if score % 10 ==1:
if num >= 8:
num -= 8
count += 1
if count % num == 0:
c = random.randint(1,10)
if c <= 5:
# Bonus fruit generation
bonus = Bonus.Bonus(Bonus_image)
bonusth.append(bonus) # Substances added to the list
window_canvas.create_image(bonus.x,bonus.y,anchor = tkinter.NW,image=bonus.image,tag=bonus.tag)
elif c<=8:
# Distribution of fruit production
deduction = Deduction.Deduction(Deduction_image)
window_canvas.create_image(deduction.x,deduction.y,anchor = tkinter.NW,image=deduction.image,tag=deduction.tag)
# Bomb generation
bigbomb = Bomb.BigBomb(Bomb_image)
window_canvas.create_image(bigbomb.x,bigbomb.y,anchor = tkinter.NW,image=bigbomb.image,tag=bigbomb.tag)
def step_fruit():
# Traverse all matter , Call the move method
for bonus in bonusth:
for deduction in deductionth:
for bigbomb in bigbombs:
def judge_state(event):
global game_state
if game_state == Param.GAME_START:
game_state = Param.GAME_RUNNING
# Draw points
window_canvas.create_text(20, 20, text=" fraction :%d" % (score), anchor=tkinter.NW, fill="white",\
font="time 12 bold",tag="SCORE")
# Painting life
window_canvas.create_text(20, 50, text=" life :%d" % (life), anchor=tkinter.NW, fill="white",\
font="time 12 bold",tag="LIFE")
# Delete startup picture
elif game_state == Param.GAME_STOP:
game_state = Param.GAME_START
def bean_move(event):
if game_state == Param.GAME_RUNNING:
now_x = bean.x
now_y = bean.y
bean.x = event.x - bean.w/2
bean.y = event.y - bean.h/2
window_canvas.move("bean", bean.x-now_x, bean.y-now_y)
def out_of_bounds():
# Get all the substances , Judge whether you crossed the line
for deduction in deductionth:
if deduction.out_of_bounds():
for bonus in bonusth:
global outnum
if bonus.out_of_bounds():
outnum += 1
if outnum >= 5:
game_state = Param.GAME_STOP
# Draw the end of the game
for bigbomb in bigbombs:
if bigbomb.out_of_bounds():
def bomb_action():
global score
global life
global bean
global game_state
# Bonus points
for bonus in bonusth:
if bonus.bomb(bean):
score += 3
# points
for deduction in deductionth:
if deduction.bomb(bean):
if score - 5 < 0:
score = 0
game_state = Param.GAME_STOP
# Draw the end of the game
score -= 5
for bigbomb in bigbombs:
if bigbomb.bomb(bean):
# If the score or life is less than 0 Game over
if life - 1 <= 0:
life = 0
game_state = Param.GAME_STOP
# Draw the end of the game
life -= 1
def draw_action():
# Draw points
# Painting life
window_canvas.create_text(20,20,text=" fraction :%d"%(score),anchor=tkinter.NW,fill="white",font="time 12 bold",tag="SCORE")
window_canvas.create_text(20,50,text=" life :%d"%(life),anchor=tkinter.NW,fill="white",font="time 12 bold",tag="LIFE")
def game_over():
global game_state
game_state = Param.GAME_STOP
for deduction in deductionth:
for bonus in bonusth:
for bigbomb in bigbombs:
if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy() == True:
pygame.mixer.music.stop()# Stop playing
def game_start():
global score
global life
global num
global outnum
num = 30
score = 0
life = 2
outnum = 0
# Draw game background
window_canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=tkinter.NW, image=background_image, tag="background")
# Create a Doudou object
global bean
bean = Bean.Bean(bean_image)
window_canvas.create_image(bean.x, bean.y, anchor=tkinter.NW, image=bean.image, tag="bean")
window_canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=tkinter.NW, image=Start, tag="Start")
pygame.mixer.music.load('Seve( Piano version ).mp3') # Load background music
if pygame.mixer.music.get_busy() == False:
pygame.mixer.music.play(300,0)# repeat 300 Time , Play from the first second
def game():
if game_state == Param.GAME_START:
# Mouse monitor
while True:
if game_state == Param.GAME_RUNNING:
# Material entry
# Matter moves
# Delete substances that cross the boundary
# Detect collision
if score >= 0:
# Painting and life
# Update display
if __name__ == "__main__":
3、 ... and 、 Effect display
1) Game interface
2) Random screenshot
3) Consumption ends
Uh huh ~ This crazy fruit eating game is officially over here , The public at the end of the old rule source code hao I went to get it myself !
It's all free , Welcome to learn and make progress ~
Complete free source code collection office : Find me ! At the end of the article, you can get it by yourself , Didi, I can also !
Some previous articles recommend ——
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A summary of the article ——
project 1.0 Python—2021 | Summary of existing articles | Continuous updating , Just read this article directly
( More + The source code is summarized in the article !! Welcome to ~)
A summary of the article ——
( There are more cases waiting for you to learn ~ You can find me for free !)
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