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ES6 promise object

2022-07-06 11:24:00 imxlw00

Promise Is a solution to asynchronous programming :

Promise It's an object , Through it, we can get the message of asynchronous operation ;

promise There are three states :pending( Waiting state ),fulfilled( Success state ),rejected( Failure state );

Once the status changes , It won't change .

create promise After the instance , It will execute immediately .**

Basic usage

        const promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
            let p = {
                code: 200,
                data: {
                    name: " Zhang San ",
                    age: 20,
                    sex: ' male '
            setTimeout(function () {
                if (p.code == 200) {
                } else {
            }, 2000);

        promise.then(function (value) {
            console.log("sucess name=" + value.name);
        }, function (error) {
            console.log("error==" + error);


Promise State and value of

Promise Objects have three states

  • Pending( The initial state , It's not a state of success or failure .)
  • Fulfilled( Have succeeded )
  • Rejected( Failed )

The state can only be determined by Pending Turn into Fulfilled Or by the Pending Turn into Rejected , And the state will not change after it changes , It's going to stay that way .

Promise establish

var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    //  Asynchronous processing 
    //  After processing 、 call resolve  or  reject

Promise The constructor takes a function as an argument , The two parameters of this function are resolve and reject.

resolve The delta function is going to be , take Promise Object state from Untreated become Handle a successful (unresolved => resolved), Called when the asynchronous operation succeeds , The result of the asynchronous operation is passed as a parameter .

reject The delta function is going to be , take Promise Object state from Untreated become Processing failed (unresolved => rejected), Called when an asynchronous operation fails , Error reported by asynchronous operation , Passed as a parameter .

Promise After instance generation , It can be used then Methods and catch Methods specify resolved State and rejected Callback function for state .

then Method

var p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
    // When the asynchronous code executes successfully , We will call resolve(...),  Called when asynchronous code fails reject(...)
    // In this case , We use setTimeout(...) To simulate asynchronous code , The actual encoding might be XHR Request or request HTML5 Some of API Method .
        resolve(" success !"); // Code execution is normal !
    }, 250);
    //successMessage The value of is called above resolve(...) Method .
    //successMessage Parameters don't have to be string types , Here's just an example 
    document.write("Yay! " + successMessage);

For the instantiated promise Object can call promise.then() Method , Pass on resolve and reject Method as callback .

promise.then() yes promise The most commonly used method .

catch usage

catch The execution is and reject Same , That is to say if Promise The state of becomes reject when , Will be catch Catch .
If... Is set before reject Callback function for method , be catch You won't catch the state changing to reject The situation of .
If in resolve perhaps reject When something goes wrong , Will be catch Catch .


catch(err=>{}) Method is equivalent to then(null,err=>{})

all() Method

all() Methods provide the ability to perform asynchronous operations in parallel , And the callback is executed after all asynchronous operations are executed .

var p = Promise.all([p1,p2,p3]);

In the above code ,Promise.all Method takes an array as an argument ,p1、p2、p3 All are Promise Instance of object .(Promise.all Method arguments are not necessarily arrays , But it must have iterator Interface , And every member returned is Promise example .)

p The status of the p1、p2、p3 decision , There are two cases .

(1) Only p1、p2、p3 The state of fulfilled,p The state of fulfilled, here p1、p2、p3 The return value of consists of an array , Pass to p Callback function for .

(2) as long as p1、p2、p3 One of them was rejected,p The state of rejected, At this time, the first was reject The return value of the instance of , Will pass to p Callback function for .

let meInfoPro = new Promise( (resolve, reject)=> {
    setTimeout(resolve, 500, 'P1');
let youInfoPro = new Promise( (resolve, reject)=> {
    setTimeout(resolve, 600, 'P2');
//  At the same time p1 and p2, And when they're all done then:
Promise.all([meInfoPro, youInfoPro]).then( (results)=> {
    console.log(results); //  To obtain a Array: ['P1', 'P2']


stay all Callback function in , Wait until all Promise It's all done , Then execute the callback function ,race It will not wait until the first Promise Change the state and start executing the callback function .

var p = Promise.race([p1,p2,p3]);

In the above code , as long as p1、p2、p3 One of the examples is the first to change the State ,p The state of . The first to change Promise The return value of the instance , It is passed to the p The return value of .

let meInfoPro1 = new Promise( (resolve, reject)=> {
    setTimeout(resolve, 500, 'P1');
let meInfoPro2 = new Promise( (resolve, reject)=> {
    setTimeout(resolve, 600, 'P2');
Promise.race([meInfoPro1, meInfoPro2]).then((result)=> {
    console.log(result); // P1

When we request a picture resource , It will take too long , Give feedback to users

use race Set timeout for an asynchronous request , And execute corresponding operation after timeout

function requestImg(imgSrc) {
   return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var img = new Image();
        img.onload = function () {
        img.src = imgSrc;
// The time delay function , Used to time requests 
function timeout() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            reject(' Picture request timeout ');
        }, 5000);
Promise.race([requestImg('images/2.png'), timeout()]).then((data) => {
}).catch((err) => {

resolve Method 、reject Method

resolve() Method to convert an existing object to Promise object , The state of the instance is fulfilled
reject() Method returns a new one Promise example , The state of the instance is rejected

let p = Promise.resolve('foo');
// Equivalent to  new Promise(resolve=>resolve('foo'));

let p2 = Promise.reject(new Error(' Something went wrong '));
// Equivalent to  let p2 = new Promise((resolve,reject)=>reject(new Error(' Something went wrong )));
p2.catch(err => {

The above code generates a new Promise Instance of object p, Its state is fulfilled, So the callback function will execute immediately ,Promise.resolve The parameter of the method is the parameter of the callback function .

If Promise.resolve The parameter of the method is a Promise Instance of object , Will be returned intact .

Promise.reject(reason) Method also returns a new Promise example , The state of the instance is rejected.Promise.reject Method parameters reason, Will be passed to the instance's callback function .

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