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Understanding the architecture type of mobile CPU

2022-07-05 12:02:00 Back end coder

mobile phone CPU Understand the architecture type

Android The equipment CPU type , Different Android The equipment uses different CPU, Different CPU Support for different instruction sets

CPU Architecture type explain
armeabi/mips / mips64 The first 5 generation 、 The first 6 Generation ARM processor , Early mobile phones used more ,NDK I used to support ARMv5 (armeabi) as well as 32 Bit and 64 position MIPS, but NDK r17 No longer support
armeabi-v7a The first 7 Generation and above ARM, this ABI Applicable to 32 position ARM Of CPU processor .
arm64-v8a this ABI Applicable to ARMv8-A Of CPU, The first 8 generation 、64 position ARM processor , The current mainstream version
x86 、x86_64intel CPU , Flat 、 Simulator 、64 A bit of a flat

How to adapt in the project

It only suits armeabi-v7a, If APP Installed on mobile phones with other architectures , Such as arm64-v8a On , Can you jump ?

Can't , But the opposite will happen

because armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a Will be downward compatible :

Fit only armeabi Of APP Can run in armeabi,x86,x86_64,armeabi-v7a,arm64-v8 Upper fitting only armeabi-v7a Can run in armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a Fit only arm64-v8a Can run in arm64-v8a On
So how do we fit ? The following schemes are given :

Scheme 1 : Fit only armeabi

advantage : Basically fits all CPU framework ( Except for eliminated mips and mips_64)
shortcoming : Low performance , It is equivalent to the need for assistance on most mobile phones ABI Or dynamic transcoding

Option two : Fit only armeabi-v7a

Similarly, scheme I , Just sifted out some old equipment , Balance performance and compatibility

Option three : Fit only arm64-v8

advantage : Best performance
shortcoming : It can only run on arm64-v8 On , Give up some old equipment users

All three options are OK , Big factories now APP In adaptation , All three , Mostly before 2 Kind of plan . Which one to choose depends on your own considerations , Performance for compatibility arm64-v8, Trade compatibility for performance armeabi, A little balance between the two is armeabi-v7a.

For the moment , Most big factories APP Using all of these armeabi or armeabi-v7a.


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