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Hubei Mobile HG680-LV_S905L3B_wire brush firmware package
2022-08-04 16:32:00 【fatiaozhang9527】
Hubei Mobile HG680-LV_S905L3B_ first flash the firmware package
One double-headed data cable; one set-top box;
1. Run the flashing tool--select the file button in the upper left corner--select import burning package;
2. Select the file you downloaded with the suffix .img, and wait for it to load;
3. After the burning package is loaded, note: be sure to remove two checkmarks: erase flash and erase bootloader;
4. Click the start button to flash the machine;
5. Plug the box and the computer into the USB double male cable, plug the box into the power cable to power on, and automatically start to install the driver, open the device manager, if it is not recognized, it needs to be shorted;
6. The driver installation is complete If the box does not stop in the burning mode during the driver installation process, but continues to start normally, please remove all connections of the box, and perform step 7 again, no need to install the driver again;
Seven. Under normal circumstances, the device driver will automatically start to burn;
8. Usually it only takes a few minutes during the burning process;
When the progress bar reaches 100%, it means that the flashing is completed. At this time, unplug the data cable and the flashing is complete!
Firmware acquisition:
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/17klyZltstHqBVTOelAaf6w
Extraction code: v1js
Disclaimer: This Android firmware is only for internal testing and technical exchange. Any legal disputes arising from illegal commercial use and commercial conflicts of interest have nothing to do with me, and I am not responsible for it. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading, thank youCooperation!Flashing is both fun and risky, please choose carefully, all the consequences caused by flashing are at your own risk, and I am not responsible for it!
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