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Makefile application

2022-07-05 07:54:00 Soy sauce;

1.Makefile The concept of

Use keil, mdk, avr When the tool develops the program, you can compile it with a little mouse
What is its internal mechanism ? How it organizes the management process ? How to decide which file to compile ?

gcc -o test a.c b.c
// Simple ,
// But all the files will be processed once ,
// When there are many files, if only one of them is modified, it will lead to low efficiency

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 Insert picture description here  Insert picture description here

stay linux In the system make Is a very important compilation command , Whether it's project development or application software installation , We all use it a lot make or makeinstall. utilize make Tools , We can decompose large-scale development projects into more manageable modules , The source files in a project are not counted , By type 、 function 、 Modules are placed in several directories ,makefile A series of rules are defined to specify , Which files need to be compiled first , Which files need to be post compiled , Which files need to be recompiled , Even more complex functional operations , because makefile Like a Shell The script is the same , It can also execute operating system commands .makefile The benefit is “ Automated compilation ”, Once it's written , Just one make command , The whole project compiles completely automatically , Greatly improve the efficiency of software development .

2.Makefile Rules and usage

When " Target file " non-existent ,
A dependent file is larger than the target file " new ",
be : perform " command "

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The rules

One rule :
The goal is : rely on 1 rely on 2 …
[TAB] command
From top to bottom , Break down the task
perform :make

Two rules :
The pseudo target does not judge whether the target file exists or has been updated
Unconditionally execute the command

Fake target
clean:( no need tab)
rm -rf $(OBJS) $(TARGET)
perform :make clean

Makefile Three elements of the basic rule :

The goal is : rely on 1 rely on 2 …
[TAB] command

notes : Take the names of these two documents casually , The purpose is to link

1) Target file :
Usually the name of the file to be generated , The target can be an executable or something else obj file , It can also be the name of an action ( There has to be )
Only one
2) Dependency file :
The file used to input and generate the target
A target usually has several dependent files ( There can be no )
One or more

3) command :
make The action performed , A rule can contain several commands ( There can be no )
When there are multiple commands , Every command takes a line
grammar :
make [ Fake target ]
If there is no false target , Default to the first target  Insert picture description here

Execute... In the current directory make command , I'll find it myself Makefile And execute

explain : When it is detected that no dependency needs to be updated, the following error will be reported
 Insert picture description here

3.Makefile Advanced Grammar

a. wildcard : %.o
[email protected] It means a goal
$< It means the first one 1 A dependency file
$^ Represents all dependent files

4.Makefile Variables in use

similar C Macro definition in language
stay Makefile It is a little similar to the variable in use C Macro definition in language , Using this variable is equivalent to replacing , Using variables can make Makefile Easy to maintain , The modification content becomes simple, variable definition and use .

7.1 Custom variable

1) Define variable methods :

Variable name = A variable's value

2) How to reference variables :

( change The amount name ) or ( Variable name ) or ( Variable name ) or { Variable name }

3)makefile Variable name :

makefile Variable names can start with numbers
Variables are case sensitive
Variables are generally in makefile The head definition of
Variables can be found almost in makefile Anywhere

4) Variable type
Real time variables 、 Delay variable , export
Simple variable ( Real time variables ) :
A := xxx # A The value of is determined immediately , It is determined at the time of definition
B = xxx # B The value of is determined only when it is used
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 Insert picture description here

:= # Real time variables
= # Delay variable
?= # Delay variable , If it's No 1 The second definition works , If the variable has been defined before, ignore this sentence
+= # additional , Whether it's a real-time variable or a delay variable depends on the previous definition

5.Makefile function

a. $(foreach var,list,text)
b. $(filter pattern…,text) # stay text In accordance with patten Value of format
$(filter-out pattern…,text) # stay text It doesn't conform to patten Value of format

c. $(wildcard pattern) # pattern Defines the format of the file name ,
# wildcard Take out the existing files
d. ( p a t s u b s t p a t t e r n , r e p l a c e m e n t , (patsubst pattern,replacement, (patsubstpattern,replacement,(var)) # Take each value from the list
# If meet pattern


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