

2022-07-05 07:51:00 西木Qi


1.1 查找consul镜像

使用docker search consul查看仓库中的consul镜像。

[[email protected] ~]# docker search consul
NAME                                    DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
consul                                  Consul is a datacenter runtime that provides…   1323      [OK]
progrium/consul                                                                         356                  [OK]
hashicorp/consul                        Automatic build of consul based on the curre…   33                   [OK]
hashicorp/consul-template               Consul Template is a template renderer, noti…   28
gliderlabs/consul-agent                                                                 14                   [OK]
jhipster/consul-config-loader           A small docker based tool to load Spring Boo…   9                    [OK]
hashicorp/consul-k8s                    First-class integrations between Consul and …   9                    [OK]
prom/consul-exporter                                                                    9                    [OK]
bitnami/consul                          Bitnami Docker Image for Consul                 7                    [OK]
edgexfoundry/docker-core-consul         ARCHIVED! The legacy Consul service for olde…   5
consultent/azure-pipelines-vsts-agent   Containerized agent for Azure Pipelines Self…   5
hashicorp/consul-enterprise             Consul is a datacenter runtime that provides…   4
wdijkerman/consul                       Consul 1.8.2 running on Alpine 3.11             3                    [OK]
myena/consul-backinator                 Command line Consul KV backup and restore ut…   3                    [OK]
unifio/consul                           HashiCorp Consul                                1
consult2016/ascdso-aws-hello-world                                                      0
layer5/meshery-consul                   Meshery adapter for HashiCorp Consul            0
newrelic/k8s-nri-consul                 New Relic Infrastructure Consul Integration     0
ibmcom/consul-amd64                                                                     0
ibmcom/consul                                                                           0
ibmcom/consul-s390x                     Docker image for consul-s390x                   0
ibmcom/consul-ppc64le                   Consul is a datacenter runtime that provides…   0
hashicorp/consul-k8s-control-plane      First-class integrations between Consul and …   0
bitnami/consul-exporter                                                                 0
pdffiller/consul                        consul version - 0.8.1                          0

1.2 拉取consul镜像

使用docker pull consul拉取consul镜像。

[[email protected] ~]# docker pull consul
Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/consul
df9b9388f04a: Downloading
7aa48d4bd8bb: Download complete
fa3ef9b012a5: Download complete
d239fc798a4c: Download complete
199124be58be: Download complete
5c3ccfe93b8b: Download complete
latest: Pulling from library/consul
df9b9388f04a: Pull complete
7aa48d4bd8bb: Pull complete
fa3ef9b012a5: Pull complete
d239fc798a4c: Pull complete
199124be58be: Pull complete
5c3ccfe93b8b: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ee0735e34f80030c46002f71bc594f25e3f586202da8784b43b4050993ef2445
Status: Downloaded newer image for consul:latest

1.3 启动Consul容器

1.3.1 创建一个consul网络

docker network create consul

1.3.2 启动Consul容器

docker run --network consul --name consul -p 8500:8500 -p 8300:8300 -p 8301:8301 -p 8302:8302 -p 8600:8600 consul agent -server -bootstrap-expect 1 -ui -bind= -client=

1.4 端口说明

8500: http 端口,用于 http 接口和 web ui访问;

8300: server rpc 端口,同一数据中心 consul server 之间通过该端口通信;

8301: serf lan 端口,同一数据中心 consul client 通过该端口通信; 用于处理当前datacenter中LAN的gossip通信;

8302: serf wan 端口,不同数据中心 consul server 通过该端口通信; agent Server使用,处理与其他datacenter的gossip通信;

8600: dns 端口,用于已注册的服务发现;

1.5 开放相关端口


firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8500/tcp --permanent


firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8300/tcp --permanent


firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8301/tcp --permanent


firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8302/tcp --permanent


firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8600/tcp --permanent


firewall-cmd --reload


firewall-cmd --list-port

1.6 验证



2.1 下载 consul

这里选择 consul_1.12.2 版本的下载:
将下载的consul_1.12.2_linux_amd64.zip上传到 /tmp/consul/下。

2.2 解压


unzip consul_1.12.2_linux_amd64.zip

如果报:-bash: unzip: 未找到命令,则需要安装unzip,然后重试。

yum -y install unzip

2.3 检查 Consul



[[email protected] consul]# ./consul
Usage: consul [--version] [--help] <command> [<args>]

Available commands are:
    acl            Interact with Consul's ACLs agent Runs a Consul agent catalog Interact with the catalog config Interact with Consul's Centralized Configurations
    connect        Interact with Consul Connect
    debug          Records a debugging archive for operators
    event          Fire a new event
    exec           Executes a command on Consul nodes
    force-leave    Forces a member of the cluster to enter the "left" state
    info           Provides debugging information for operators.
    intention      Interact with Connect service intentions
    join           Tell Consul agent to join cluster
    keygen         Generates a new encryption key
    keyring        Manages gossip layer encryption keys
    kv             Interact with the key-value store
    leave          Gracefully leaves the Consul cluster and shuts down
    lock           Execute a command holding a lock
    login          Login to Consul using an auth method
    logout         Destroy a Consul token created with login
    maint          Controls node or service maintenance mode
    members        Lists the members of a Consul cluster
    monitor        Stream logs from a Consul agent
    operator       Provides cluster-level tools for Consul operators
    reload         Triggers the agent to reload configuration files
    rtt            Estimates network round trip time between nodes
    services       Interact with services
    snapshot       Saves, restores and inspects snapshots of Consul server state
    tls            Builtin helpers for creating CAs and certificates
    validate       Validate config files/directories
    version        Prints the Consul version
    watch          Watch for changes in Consul

2.4 启动 Consul

我的linux Ip地址192.168.1.222

./consul agent -dev -ui -node=consul-dev -client=
nohup ./consul agent -dev -ui -node=consul-dev -client=

2.5 验证


