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【pytorch】yolov5 训练自己的数据集
2022-07-06 11:23:00 【.云哲.】
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import pickle
import os
from os import listdir, getcwd
from os.path import join
import shutil
classes = ["cellphone", "person"]
def convert(size, box):
dw = 1./(size[0])
dh = 1./(size[1])
x = (box[0] + box[1])/2.0 - 1
y = (box[2] + box[3])/2.0 - 1
w = box[1] - box[0]
h = box[3] - box[2]
x = x*dw
w = w*dw
y = y*dh
h = h*dh
return (x,y,w,h)
def convert_annotation(path, save, image_id):
in_file = open("{}/{}.xml".format(path, image_id), "r", encoding="utf-8")
out_file = open("{}/{}.txt".format(save, image_id), "w", encoding="utf-8")
tree = ET.parse(in_file)
root = tree.getroot()
size = root.find("size")
w = int(size.find("width").text)
h = int(size.find("height").text)
for obj in root.iter("object"):
difficult = obj.find("difficult").text
cls = obj.find("name").text
if cls not in classes or int(difficult) == 1:
cls_id = classes.index(cls)
xmlbox = obj.find("bndbox")
b = (float(xmlbox.find("xmin").text), float(xmlbox.find("xmax").text), float(xmlbox.find("ymin").text), float(xmlbox.find("ymax").text))
bb = convert((w, h), b)
out_file.write(str(cls_id) + " " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bb]) + '\n')
img_path = os.path.join(path, "{}.jpg".format(image_id))
save_path = os.path.join(save, "{}.jpg".format(image_id))
shutil.copy(img_path, save_path)
wd = getcwd()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# get image_ids
path = "val_voc"
save = "val"
txt_yolo = "val.txt"
image_ids = []
for file in listdir(path):
if file.endswith(".xml"):
image_id = file.replace(".xml", "")
# generate jpg and txt labels
for image_id in image_ids:
convert_annotation(path, save, image_id)
# write yolo
list_file = open(txt_yolo, "w", encoding="utf-8")
for image_id in image_ids:
txt_path = os.path.join(save, "{}.txt".format(image_id))
img_path = os.path.join(wd, save, "{}.jpg".format(image_id)) # 绝对路径
lines = open(txt_path, "r", encoding="utf-8")
write_line = "{} {}\n".format(img_path, " ".join([line.strip() for line in lines]))
── coco128
├── images
│ ├── train
│ └── val
└── labels
├── train
└── val
$ cat 00009.txt
45 0.479492 0.688771 0.955609 0.5955
50 0.637063 0.732938 0.494125 0.510583
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