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PMP practice once a day | don't get lost in the exam -7.6

2022-07-06 19:10:00 Greenrad

PMP The latest exam pass know  !

1. Tentatively on 2022 year 6 month 25 The morning of Hold the first batch of exams ( I have finished the exam ).

2. Tentatively on 2022 year 7 month 30 On the afternoon of Sunday Hold the second batch of exams .

The first batch of today's exam

Come on , Go ashore

distance 【 The second batch of 】 Exams and

25 God

everyday 5 Avenue PMP Exercises help you get ashore PMP!!! 

1. Add a new project member to the project , You are a disciplined project manager . This project staff comes from a project team with a high degree of freedom , There have been many cases of being unable to attend the regular meeting of the project on time , When you ask him , He said he was busy with the work of deliverables , He believes that deliverables are very important to the project , What should you do ?(  )

A. Dismiss this member , Because he affected the normal convening of the project meeting ; 

B. Understand the specific work content of this member ;

C. Agree with his style , Because deliverables , It is very important for the project ;

D. Reiterate the importance of project rules , And require all members to abide by

【 answer 】D

【 analysis 】 It has been many times that people don't attend regular meetings , It means that he didn't pay attention to the rules of the project , Need to use D Options to deal with .

2. The project manager is working on a project , In this project, the initiator is also the customer , Due to the smooth implementation of the project , Originator / The customer requires the project manager to send the status report only when the project encounters difficulties . What should the project manager do next ?(  )

A. Only send high-level status updates to interested parties ;

B. Track the project and continue to inform other interested parties of the progress of the project ;

C. Update communication management plan ;

D. Store project status reports in the repository , Instead of sending it to interested parties

【 answer 】C

【 analysis 】 guide 377 page , Communication management plan , The communication management plan is an integral part of the project management plan , Describe how it will be planned , structured 、 Implement and supervise project communication , To improve the effectiveness of communication . The information included is : Communication needs of interested parties . Sponsor of Title Stem / Customers' requirements are their communication needs . In the process of supervision and communication , Change requests will result in adjustments to the communication activities defined in the communication management plan 、 Take action and intervene : For example, it will correct the communication needs of interested parties , Including information release by interested parties 、 Content or form , As well as the requirements of release mode, etc .

3. The project sponsor informs the project manager that a product may be harmful to the health of customers , therefore , The initiator asked the project manager to replace the production materials , What should the project manager do ?

A. By following the overall change control process , And further investigate the matter ;

B. Stop working immediately , Make a change request ;

C. Implement the change immediately and make a change request ;

D. Reject the change , Because it's out of range

【 answer 】A

【 analysis 】 There are changes , Go through the process . Follow the overall change control process .

4. When the system is migrated to a platform , An important problem arises for another related system , What should the project manager do :(  )

A. Ask the relevant team to solve the problem ;

B. Inform interested parties of the problem ;

C. Update the problem log ;

D. Update project management plan , Make sure to include this question

【 answer 】C

【 analysis 】 Problems arise , Update the issue log first .

5. During the final closing activities of a project , The project manager finds that the project scope in the project charter is less costly than the final project scope , How should the project manager handle this information ?(  )

A. Record the original and final results of the project in the project report

B. Update the project charter , To include all changes since the creation of this document ;

C. Verify whether the project management plan is updated ;

D. Review change request , And if key information is not included , Update change request

【 answer 】A

【 analysis 】 The project has been completed , The current conclusions are all lessons learned , It should be recorded for future projects ,A Most right .

PMP Project management preparation icon-default.png?t=M5H6http://zhongchuangpmp.mikecrm.com/rwVMLiP

