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Camel case with Hungarian notation

2022-07-06 18:56:00 Life needs depth

1. Hump naming rules

Hump nomenclature (camel-case) Once from Perl A mixed case format commonly used in languages , and Larry wall The best seller by et al 《program Perl》(o'Relly published ) The cover picture of is a camel , Hence the name . Hump method at C++ And other high-level languages , The underline method occupies the existing C Language system . The Hungarian method is win It is widely used among the old users of , However, the Hungarian method is less and less used in the current naming system . perhaps , To be exact, with the progress of Technology , This nomenclature gradually combined with the hump method to form a kind of suitable for today C++ And other high-level languages .  

Hump type nomenclature is divided into big hump (big camel-case) And the small hump (little camel-case) Two kinds of . among , The big hump is characterized by capital letters at the beginning and at the back , Often used for class names 、 Function name 、 Properties and namespaces . Comparison , The small hump is characterized by the fact that the first letter of the first word is lowercase and the next letter is capital , Commonly used for local variables .

## Summary General  

If you want to manage a slightly more complex system , A uniform set of foods 、 With hierarchy 、 Clear naming rules are essential and very useful tools .  

Active in Biology 、 chemical 、 army 、 prison 、 underworld 、 A large number of knowledgeable predecessors in various fields such as terrorist organizations have proved the correctness of the above axiom with practical actions for countless times . Except God ( Suppose he could change the order of all things in the world ) outside , No one has the strength to disdain pictograms . In the highly abstract and complex activity of software development , The importance of naming rules is particularly prominent . A well-defined and complete set of 、 The naming conventions used throughout the project will greatly improve the readability of the source code and the maintainability of the software . Before introducing the details , Let's first explain the overall principles of naming conventions :  

standard       explain                                                      
Unity When writing a sub module live derived class , Follow the naming convention style of its base class or overall module , Keep the naming convention style consistent throughout the module
The identification consists of The identifier shall be an English word or a combination thereof , It should be managed and leveled , You know what you mean , Use words appropriately and accurately
The principle of minimizing the length and maximizing the amount of information While keeping the meaning of an identifier clear , Try to shorten the length . The method is to use English accurately , Use word abbreviations at the same time
Avoid being too similar Do not appear similar identifiers that are only case sensitive , for example “i” And “I”,“function” And “Function” wait .
Avoid duplicate names in different levels of scope The program should not have local variables and global variables with identical names , Although the two functions are different, there will be no grammatical errors , But it's easy to misunderstand
Correctly name mutually exclusive identifiers Name mutually exclusive identifiers with correct antonyms , Such as :“nMinValue” and “nMaxValue”,“GetName()” and “SetName()”
Avoid numeric numbers in names Try to include numbers in your name , Such as value1,value2 etc. , Unless there is a logical need for numbering . This is to prevent programmers from being lazy , Refusing to name Dong Daojing leads to meaningless names ( Because number numbering is the easiest ).

## class / structure class  

Except for exceptional cases ( You do not want users to treat this class as a normal class ) Outside ,C++ class / The naming of structures should follow the following guidelines :

type Naming method
C++ class / Naming of structures Class names are in uppercase letters “C" start , Followed by one or more words . For convenience of definition , The first letter of each word should be capitalized
Recommended composition It is recommended to use nouns or adjectives for the naming of classes + The form of a noun , for example :“CAnalyzer”,“CFastVector” wait
Tradition C Structure naming Tradition C The names of structures are all composed of capital letters , Underline between words , for example :SERVICE_STATUS

differ C++ The concept of class , Conventional C A structure is just a way to tie a set of data together . Tradition C Naming rules for structures :

## function Function  

type explain
Function name The name of a function consists of one or more words , For convenience of definition , The first letter of each word should be capitalized
Recommended composition Function names should use verbs or verbs + Noun ( The verb object phrase ) In the form of . for example :“GetName()", "SetValue()","Reserve()"
Protect member functions Protected member functions should begin with an underscore “-” In order to show the difference between , for example :“————SetState()”
Private member functions Similarly , Private member functions should start with two underscores “__”, for example :“__DestoryImp()”
Virtual functions Virtual functions are used to Do start , for example :“DoRefresh()","_DoEncryption()”
Callbacks and event handlers Callbacks and time handlers are used to using words “On” start , for example :“_OnTimer()"

## Variable  

Variables should be the most used identifiers in the program , The naming convention for variables may be a set of C++ The most important part of the standard specification , The specific naming rules are as follows :

Variable name   Variables have a scope prefix + Type prefix + One or more words make up . In order to define , The first letter of each word should be capitalized . For some simple and clear local variables , You can also use simplified methods , for example :i,j,k....

Scope prefix           The scope prefix mainly indicates the visible range of a variable . Scopes can be as follows :

Prefix                 explain

nothing                   local variable

m_                   Member variables of class (member)

sm_                 Static member variable of class (static member)

s_                   Static variables (static)

g_                   External global variables (global)

sg_                 Static global variables (static glboal)

gg_                 Shared data segment global variables shared by processes (global global)

Unless you have to , Otherwise, you should use as few global variables as possible  

Type prefix             The type prefix indicates the type of a variable

Prefix                 explain

n                   Shaping and bit field variables (number)

e                   Enumerative variable (enumeration)

c                   Character variables (char)

b                   Boolean variables (bool)

f                   Floating point variables (float)

p                   Pointer variables and iterators (pointer)

pfn                 Especially for pointer variables of linear functions and function object pointers (pointer of function)

g                   Array (grid)

i                   Class (instance)

                    You can also define some special prefixes for frequently used classes , For example std::vector The intrinsic constraint variables of this container type , have access to v etc.

                    Type prefixes can be combined , for example “gc” Represents an array of characters ,“ppn” A pointer that represents a pointer that only wants to be shaped

char*/wchar_t* -> psz

char[]/wchar_t[] ->sz

sz Express string end of zero

S                   Structure SAddress







8 Bit character


str string   Character strName



If _UNICODE Definition , Then for 16 Bit character




Boolean value


n ,i


integer ( Its size depends on the operating system )



short int   Short siSequ



Unsigned value ( Its size depends on the operating system )




16 Bit unsigned value



float   floating-point fRadius


double   Double precision type    dArea



Long integer



long double Long double precision   ldRate



32 Bit unsigned integer




The pointer




Far pointer




32 Bit string pointer




32 Bit constant string pointer




If _UNICODE Definition , Then for 32 Bit constant string pointer




Windows Object handle




Point to CALLBACK Far pointer to function



Input file stream   ifDataFile


Output file stream   ofStuFile


With "\0" Ending string szAppName


Recommended composition       Variable names should use nouns or adjectives + Noun . for example :“nCode”,“m_nState”,“nMaxWidth”

## Constant

Constants are named with a type prefix + All capital letters , Underline between words , Such as :cMAX_BUFFER. The definition of type prefix is the same as that of variable naming rules .

## enumeration 、 union 、typedef

enumeration 、 Joint and typedef Statement generation is tiring. Your name consists of all capital letters , Underline between words , Such as :FAR_PROC

## macro 、 Enumerated values  

Macro and enumeration values consist of all uppercase letters , Words are defined by underlining , Such as :ERROR_UNKNOWN,OP_STOP...

## Property  

g_                  Global variable/function  

c_                  Const variable

C                   class  

m_                  Member of struct/class  

s_                  Static variable  

S                   Struct  

## Componnet

Button              btn

Label               lbl

TextBox             txt

## varibal  

pointer             p  


2. Underline naming rules

stay Linux The operating system is used C In the code written in language , Continue to use the underline coding specification according to the previous coding style . The difference between this coding standard and hump method lies in the semantic segmentation of words that form meaning between words , Underline use “_” Distinguish . In other variables, it is convenient to define and distinguish rules , There is no difference between the two .


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