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Mathematics in machine learning -- common probability distribution (XIII): Logistic Distribution

2022-07-06 18:39:00 von Neumann

Catalogues :《 Mathematics in machine learning 》 General catalogue
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· Common probability distribution ( Two ): Category distribution (Multinoulli Distribution )
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· Common probability distribution ( Twelve ): Structured probability model / Graph model
· Common probability distribution ( 13、 ... and ): Logistic distribution (Logistic Distribution )

set up X X X It's a continuous random variable , X X X Obey the logistic distribution (Logistic Distribution ) Refer to X X X It has the following distribution function and density function :
F ( x ) = P ( X ≤ x ) = 1 1 + e − ( x − μ ) γ F(x)=P(X\leq x)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)}{\gamma}}} F(x)=P(Xx)=1+eγ(xμ)1

f ( x ) = F ′ ( x ) = e − ( x − μ ) γ γ ( 1 + e − ( x − μ ) γ ) 2 f(x)=F'(x)=\frac{e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)}{\gamma}}}{\gamma(1+e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)}{\gamma}})^2} f(x)=F(x)=γ(1+eγ(xμ))2eγ(xμ)

among , μ \mu μ For position parameters , γ > 0 \gamma>0 γ>0 For shape parameters .

Density function of logistic distribution f ( x ) f(x) f(x) And distribution function F ( x ) F(x) F(x) The figure of is shown in the figure below . The distribution function belongs to the logical tearing function , The graph is a S Shape curve (sigmoid curve). The curve is in point ( μ , 1 2 ) (\mu,\frac{1}{2}) (μ,21) It's central symmetry , The meet
F ( − x + μ ) − 1 2 = − F ( x − μ ) + 1 2 F(-x+\mu)-\frac{1}{2}=-F(x-\mu)+\frac{1}{2} F(x+μ)21=F(xμ)+21
 Logistic distribution

The curve grows faster near the center , Slow growth at both ends . shape parameter γ \gamma γ The smaller the value of , The faster the curve grows near the center .


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