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Coco2017 dataset usage (brief introduction)
2022-07-06 18:14:00 【Mufeng 8023】
I use training pictures for target tracking as data set expansion , So I only checked train Of json file .
The introduction
COCO The full name is Common Objects in Context, It's a data set provided by Microsoft team that can be used for image recognition .MS COCO The images in the dataset are divided into training 、 Verification and test sets . The paper 、 Official website of dataset
CoCo2017 The dataset includes train(118287 Zhang )、val(5000 Zhang )、test(40670 Zhang )
CoCo There are also official API, I extract the category pictures I want according to my own ideas to train .
Folder and name of data set
Dataset annotation json File directory
object detection / Instance segmentation data annotation file parsing
train Annotation file of pictures
Mark the file :instances_train2017.json
This article takes COCO2017\annotations_train2017\annotations\instances_train2017.json
As an example .
This json The information in the document is as follows 5 Key values refer to .
The basic structure is as follows :
“info”: {…},
“licenses”: […],
“images”: […],
“categories”: […],
“annotations”: […]
among info、images、licenses Three key It is shared by different types of annotation files , final annotations and categories It varies according to different tasks .
The dictionary contains metadata about the dataset , For the official COCO Data sets , as follows :
“description”: “COCO 2017 Dataset”,
“url”: “http://cocodataset.org”,
“version”: “1.0”,
“year”: 2017,
“contributor”: “COCO Consortium”,
“date_created”: “2017/09/01”
As we can see , It contains only basic information ,"url" The value points to the official website of the dataset ( for example UCI Repository pages or in separate domains ), This is a common thing in machine learning data sets , Point to their website for more information , For example, how and when to obtain data .
The following is a link to image licensing in the dataset , For example, knowledge sharing License , It has the following structure :
“url”: “http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/”,
“id”: 1,
“name”: “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License”
“url”: “http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/”,
“id”: 2,
“name”: “Attribution-NonCommercial License”
The important thing to note here is "id" Field ——"images" Each image in the dictionary should be assigned its license “id”.
When using images , Please make sure not to violate its permission —— Can be in URL Find the full text under .
If we decide to create our own dataset , Please assign the appropriate license to each image —— If we're not sure , It is best not to use this image .
This dictionary also contains the names of all pictures But there is no information about the target in the picture
Contains metadata about images :
“license”: 3,
“file_name”: “000000391895.jpg”,
“coco_url”: “http://images.cocodataset.org/train2017/000000391895.jpg”,
“height”: 360,
“width”: 640,
“date_captured”: “2013–11–14 11:18:45”,
“flickr_url”: “http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8186/8119368305_4e622c8349_z.jpg”,
“id”: 391895
Let's take a closer look at :
“license”: From this "licenses" Part of the image license ID
“file_name”: File name in image directory
“coco_url”, “flickr_url”: Hosting image copies online URL
“height”, “width”: The size of the image , In image C It is very convenient in such a low-level language , It is very difficult to obtain the size of matrix in this language
“date_captured”: Time to take pictures
"id" Domain is the most important domain , This is for "annotations" Identify the number of the image , So if we want to recognize the comments of a given image file , Must be in " Images " Check the corresponding image document “id”, And then in “ notes ” Cross reference it .
In the official COCO Data set "id" And "file_name" identical . It should be noted that , Customize COCO This may not be the case with datasets ! This is not a mandatory rule , For example, a dataset made of private photos may have the name of the original photo that has nothing in common with "id".
Category information
Object detection / Object segmentation :
{“supercategory”: “person”, “id”: 1, “name”: “person”},
{“supercategory”: “vehicle”, “id”: 2, “name”: “bicycle”},
{“supercategory”: “vehicle”, “id”: 3, “name”: “car”},
{“supercategory”: “indoor”, “id”: 90, “name”: “toothbrush”}
These are the object categories that can be detected on the image ("categories" stay COCO Is another name of the category , We can learn from supervised machine learning ).
Each category has a unique "id", They should be [1,number of categories] Within the scope of . Categories are also divided into “ Supercategory ”, We can use them in programs , for example , When we don't care about bicycles 、 When the car is still a truck , Generally detect vehicles .
This is the most important part of the data set , It is an introduction to all target information in the data set .
“segmentation”: Split mask pixel list ; This is a flat list of pairs , So we should use the first and second values ( In the picture x and y), Then there are the third and fourth values , To get the coordinates ; It should be noted that , These are not image indexes , Because they are floating point numbers —— They are made up of COCO-annotator And other tools to create and compress from the original pixel coordinates
“area”: Number of pixels in the segmentation mask
“iscrowd”: Annotations are for individual objects ( The value is 0), Or for multiple objects close to each other ( The value is 1); For instance segmentation , This field is always 0 And be ignored
“image_id”: ‘images’ In the dictionary ‘id’ Field ; It is the name of the picture without the suffix
“bbox”: Bounding box , That is, the coordinates of the rectangle around the object ( Top left x, Top left y, wide , high );
“category_id”: The class of the object , Corresponding " Category " Medium "id" Field
“id”: Unique identifier of the comment ; Warning : This is just a comment ID, This does not point to specific images in other dictionaries !
Finally, when using data sets , To use image_id To get the picture of the target , Use bbox Get the bounding box of the target ,category_id To get the category of goals , These are the three main parameters
import json
import os
# Progress bar ,[ Program links ](https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_50727642/article/details/119965701)
from Tools import progressDialog
""" instances = { 'info':a dict [ It saves some meta information of the data set , Not used in use , You can ignore ], 'licenses':a list [ Some shared knowledge , Some license links for images ], 'images':a list [ All the training is saved train Picture information , For example, the name of the picture , The source URL of the picture , The width and height of the image ], 'categories': a list [ All categories are saved ,, Each list holds a category information , There are superclasses , Category id, The name of the category , These three messages ], 'annotations': a list [ What is saved is the information of all targets , Each element in the list is a dictionary , There is information needed for segmentation in the dictionary , And the information needed for detection ,] } Let's focus on images、annotations The information in these two lists , It's all a list , The element of each list is a dictionary 'images' = [{'license' : 3(a int), 'file_name' : '000000391895.jpg'(a str), 'coco_url' : website (a str), 'height' : 360(a int), 'width' : 640(a int), 'date_captured" : Time (a str), 'flickr_url' : website (a str), 'id' : 8(a int)}, {}, ....] 'annotations' = [{'segmentation' : [[float, ....]](a list), 'area' : (a float), 'iscrowd' : 0(a int), 'image_id' : 558840(a int), 'bbox' : [float, float, float, float](a list), 'category_id' : 58(a int), 'id' : 156(a, int)}, {}, ....] """
class AnalysisCoCo:
""" Saved data format {'000000000025' : {'path' : r'Z:\\Datasets\\COCO2017\\train2017\\000000000025.jpg', 'objects':[{'bbox' : [float, float, float, float], 'category_id':str, 'category_name':str}, {}, ...]}, '000000000026' : {'path' : r'Z:\\Datasets\\COCO2017\\train2017\\000000000026.jpg', 'objects':[{'bbox' : [float, float, float, float], 'category_id':str, 'category_name':str}, {}, ...]}, .... } """
def __init__(self, root, save, name="CoCo", is_train=True, bbox_area_thresh=500., cls=()):
""" :param root: The root directory of the dataset :param save: The directory where the generated files are saved :param name: Dataset name :param is_train: Training data set or validation data set :param bbox_area_thresh: The area threshold of the selected bounding box :param cls: Retained categories """
self.name = name
self.bbox_area_thresh = float(bbox_area_thresh)
self.cls = cls
self.flag = False if len(cls) == 0 else True # When cls This condition is enabled only when tuples have elements ,
self.root = root # ...\Datasets\COCO2017
self.save = self._check_dir(os.path.join(save, name)) # .../datasets_txt/CoCo
if is_train:
self.instances_path = 'instances_train2017.json'
self.sub_dir = 'train2017'
self.instances_path = 'instances_val2017.json'
self.sub_dir = 'val2017'
def analysis_coco(self):
instances = self._read_json(os.path.join(self.root, 'annotations_train2017',
'annotations', self.instances_path))
# First, get the category information , It's a list
categories = instances['categories']
# Save category information ,classes={int:str, ...}
classes = {
for step, category in enumerate(categories):
# category:{'supercategory':(str), 'name':(str), 'id':(int)}
progressDialog(len(categories), step, information=' Category information extraction ...')
name = category['name'] # str
# super_name = category['supercategory']
id_ = category['id'] # int
classes[str(id_)] = name # [ class , Superclass ]
annotations = instances['annotations']
information = {
} # Save the final information
image_name = [] # The name of the picture
for step, annotation in enumerate(annotations):
progressDialog(len(annotations), step, information=" Targeted information is being extracted ...")
image_id = annotation['image_id'] # Image name ,int
bbox = annotation['bbox'] # list
category_id = annotation['category_id'] # Category No int
iscrowd = annotation['iscrowd'] # int 0: Easy to detect ;1: It's not easy to detect
# print('bbox:%f*%f=%f ' % (bbox[2], bbox[3], bbox[2] * bbox[3]), 'area:', annotation['area'])
if self.flag and classes[str(category_id)] not in self.cls: # Choose a new target instead of the category you want to use
# Only when the area of the target is greater than the threshold, the information of the target will be saved
if bbox[2] * bbox[3] >= self.bbox_area_thresh:
# The name of the picture is not in the message information Saved in the dictionary
if image_id not in image_name:
# Create a new key value pair
information['%012d' % image_id] = {
'path': os.path.join(self.root,
'%012d.jpg' % image_id),
'objects': [{
'bbox': bbox,
'category_id': str(category_id),
'category_name': classes[str(category_id)],
'iscrowd': iscrowd}]}
# The name of the picture is already in the message information Saved in the dictionary
# Add a dictionary to the list to save the information of each target
information['%012d' % image_id]['objects'].append({
'bbox': bbox,
'category_id': str(category_id),
'category_name': classes[str(category_id)],
'iscrowd': iscrowd})
else: # The area of the target does not meet the conditions , Just skip this goal
# Save information to json In file
self._save_json(os.path.join(self.save, 'classes.json'), classes)
self._save_json(os.path.join(self.save, 'CoCo.json'), self.sorted_dict(information))
def sorted_dict(_dict: dict):
_tuple = sorted(_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])
_dict = {
k: v for k, v in _tuple}
return _dict
def _read_json(_path):
with open(_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
information = json.load(file)
return information
def _save_json(_path, lines: dict):
print("Saving file to %s" % _path)
with open(_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
json.dump(lines, file, indent=4)
def _check_dir(_path):
if not os.path.exists(_path):
return _path
if __name__ == '__main__':
project_path = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
print("Analysis CoCo ...")
coco = AnalysisCoCo(root=os.path.join(r'Z:\Datasets', 'COCO2017'),
save=os.path.join(project_path, 'datasets_txt'),
cls=("person", "car", "airplane", "motorcycle",
"truck", "boat", "cat", "dog", "horse", "sheep",
"cow", "elephant", "bear", "zebra", "giraffe",))
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