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Roguelike game into crack the hardest hit areas, how to break the bureau?

2022-07-06 08:34:00 Fairguard mobile game reinforcement

If there is a game , It will let players experience it again and again , What would that be ?

In the 1980s , One is called 《Rogue》 The game was born , Its unique random playing method has led many games to follow , By authoritative magazines “PC WORLD” named “ One of the ten greatest games in history ”.

  The ancestor of meat pigeon game 《Rogue》

Now ,Roguelike It has developed into the most commonly used theme of independent games , The randomness and surprise in the game are amazing , Every start is a new experience , The rich playability makes the majority of players willing to play again and again .

Roguelike With its unique game charm , It has countless fans all over the world . so to speak ,Roguelike The tag is the traffic password of the game party , Just stick it , Attention is guaranteed .

from TapTap We can see on the popular list of games , Many of the top 100 games have Roguelike Elements , Such as 《 From the knight 》、《 Regenerating cell 》、《 Gunfire rebirth 》、《 The full moon night 》 etc. .

Roguelike Games are also popular because of their high popularity , It's easier to be targeted by hackers . Some cracking websites even set up corresponding cracking game zones .

We search on Baidu “ Vitality Knight cracked version ”, You can search for 2180 Ten thousand pieces of relevant information , A cracking website even updated its 84 A version , Including internal purchase cracking 、 Unlimited resources 、 Full role 、 Infinite Blue infinite skill CD Wait for the player to crack 、 Modify the content .

  Published by a website 《 From the knight 》 Cracked versions

except 《 From the knight 》 This old popular game , New games are also hard to escape .2022 year 3 month , Owned by a big game factory Roguelike Game online test , With novel game role setting and pigeon playing , stay TapTap Got it. 40 More than 10000 attention , stay Roguelike The game is among the best under the track .

The game was targeted by hackers soon after it was launched , Posted a detailed strategy and steps on a cracking Forum , The cracker uses the simulator to install and export the game package for decompression , Then use dnspy decompile , Extract relevant functions and modify them , Attack the game 、 After the blood volume and other values are tampered , Realize the second monster function .

  Some of the modification ideas posted by the cracker

  After the game is cracked , Achieved second kill BOSS

For a game , The impact of cracking and modification is undoubtedly devastating . Cracking the game will lead to a sharp decline in the charging capacity of the game , And modify the provided “ metamorphosis ” The function will lead to the loss of genuine and paid players , If you don't take precautions , It has a great impact on the life cycle of the game .

In view of the proliferation of cracking and modification ,FairGuard The team concentrates on the underlying technology , We have developed a number of protection functions that are unique in the industry , The product has been FunPlus、 Notoginseng and entertainment 、BillBill And many other head companies adopt , And verified FairGuard Outstanding security 、 stability 、 Ease of use .

 FairGuard Introduction to some functions of the product


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