当前位置:网站首页>[leetcode question brushing day 34] 540 Unique element in array, 384 Disrupt array, 202 Happy number, 149 Maximum number of points on a line
[leetcode question brushing day 34] 540 Unique element in array, 384 Disrupt array, 202 Happy number, 149 Maximum number of points on a line
2022-07-03 03:21:00 【tomly2020】
Day 34
540 A single element in an ordered array
Give you an ordered array of integers only , Each of these elements will appear twice , Only one number will appear once .
Please find and return the number that only appears once .
The solution you design must meet O(log n)
Time complexity and O(1)
Spatial complexity .
Because all the elements in the array appear twice , Only one element appears once , If we don't consider the element that appears only once , Then according to the subscript of the array , Elements in even positions always repeat the first element of the element , And the element in odd position always repeats the second element of the element . When we introduce this element that appears only once , After this element , The law becomes The odd position is the first element of the repeating element , The element at the even position is the second element of the repeating element . Take advantage of this feature , We can use binary search to deal with this problem , When mid
When it's even , Let's compare mid
and mid+1
Whether it is equal or not , If equal , It shows that the only element that appears once is mid
Back , Otherwise, it will be mid
front ; In the same way mid
When it's an odd number , We compare mid
and mid-1
that will do , If mid
and mid-1
The elements in position are equal , It indicates that the only element that appears once is mid
Back , Otherwise, in the mid
front .
class Solution {
public int singleNonDuplicate(int[] nums) {
int l = 0, r = nums.length - 1;
while (l <= r){
int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
if ((mid & 1) == 1){
if (nums[mid - 1] == nums[mid]) l = mid + 1;
else r = mid - 1;
if (mid + 1 < nums.length && nums[mid] == nums[mid + 1]) l = mid + 1;
else r = mid - 1;
return nums[l];
384 Scramble the array
Give you an array of integers nums
, Design algorithms to scramble an array without repeating elements . After the disruption , All permutations of the array should be And so on Of .
Realization Solution
Solution(int[] nums)
Using integer arraysnums
Initialize objectint[] reset()
Reset the array to its initial state and returnint[] shuffle()
Returns the result of randomly scrambling the array
For each position on the number , We generate a 0
To length - 1
The random number , Then let it exchange with the number in that position , Do this for each number in the array .
class Solution {
private int[] nums;
private int length;
private Random rand;
public Solution(int[] nums) {
this.nums = nums;
rand = new Random(2333);
public int[] reset() {
return nums;
public int[] shuffle() {
int[] res = nums.clone();
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i){
int exchange = rand.nextInt(res.length);
int temp = 0;
temp = res[i];res[i] = res[exchange];res[exchange] = temp;
return res;
202 Happy number
Write an algorithm to judge a number n
Is it a happy number .
「 Happy number 」 Defined as :
For a positive integer , Replace the number with the sum of the squares of the numbers in each of its positions .
Then repeat the process until the number becomes 1, It could be Infinite loop But it doesn't change 1.
If this process The result is 1, So this number is the happy number .
If n
yes Happy number Just go back to true
; No , Then return to false
Simulation operation 6
Time , If it's not happy numbers , return false
, Otherwise return to true
class Solution {
public boolean isHappy(int n) {
int res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i){
res = 0;
while (n > 0){
res += (n % 10) * (n % 10);
n /= 10;
n = res;
if (n == 1) return true;
return false;
149 The most points on the line
Give you an array points
, among points[i] = [xi, yi]
Express X-Y A point on the plane . Find out how many points are in the same line at most .
Just use the most direct method , We maintain a Line->int
Of map
, Used to record the number of points on each line , return map
The maximum value in the .
class Solution {
public int maxPoints(int[][] points) {
if (points.length == 1) return 1;
Map<Line, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < points.length - 1; ++i){
for (int j = i + 1; j < points.length; ++j){
int deltaA = points[i][0] - points[j][0];
int deltaB = points[i][1] - points[j][1];
if (deltaA == 0) {
Line k = new Line(0,Integer.MAX_VALUE, 0, points[i]);
map.put(k, map.getOrDefault(k, 1) + 1);
if (deltaB == 0){
Line k = new Line(0,0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, points[i]);
map.put(k, map.getOrDefault(k, 1) + 1);
int flag = getSign(deltaA, deltaB);
int common = GCD(Math.abs(deltaA), Math.abs(deltaB));
Line k = new Line(flag,Math.abs(deltaB) / common, Math.abs(deltaA) / common, points[i]);
map.put(k, map.getOrDefault(k, 1) + 1);
int res = 0;
for (int i : map.values()) res = Math.max(res, i);
return res;
public int GCD(int m, int n){
if (m % n == 0) return n;
return GCD(n, m % n);
public int getSign(int a, int b){
if (a * b < 0) return -1;
return 1;
class Point{
int x;int y;
Point(int[] a){
x = a[0]; y = a[1];}
@Override public boolean equals(Object p){
Point cmp = (Point) p;
return cmp.x == x && cmp.y == y;
@Override public int hashCode(){
return x | y;}
class Line{
Point startPoint;
int a;
int b;
int flag;
public Line(int f, int _a, int _b, int[] s){
flag = f;a = _a;b = _b;startPoint = new Point(s);}
public boolean equals(Object k){
Line cmp = (Line)k;
return flag == cmp.flag && cmp.a == a && cmp.b == b && startPoint.equals(cmp.startPoint);
public int hashCode(){
return flag | a | b | startPoint.hashCode();
public String toString(){
return flag + startPoint.x + " " + startPoint.y + " " + a + "/" + b;
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