2022-07-03 03:06:00 【AphilGuo】
import json
import os
def convert(img_size, box):
x1 = box[0]
y1 = box[1]
x2 = box[2]
y2 = box[3]
center_x = (x1 + x2) * 0.5 / img_size[0]
center_y = (y1 + y2) * 0.5 / img_size[1]
w = abs((x2 - x1)) * 1.0 / img_size[0]
h = abs((y2 - y1)) * 1.0 / img_size[1]
return (center_x, center_y, w, h)
def convert1(img_size, box):
x1 = box[0]
y1 = box[1]
center_x = x1 / img_size[0]
center_y = y1 / img_size[1]
return (center_x, center_y)
def decode_json(jsonfloder_path, json_name):
txt_name = '/yolov5_labels/' + json_name[0:-5] + '.txt'
# txt保存位置
txt_file = open(txt_name, 'w') # te files
json_path = os.path.join(json_folder_path, json_name)
data = json.load(open(json_path, 'r'))
img_w = data['imageWidth']
img_h = data['imageHeight']
for i in data['shapes']:
if (i['shape_type'] == 'rectangle'): # 仅适用矩形框标注
x1 = float(i['points'][0][0])
y1 = float(i['points'][0][1])
x2 = float(i['points'][1][0])
y2 = float(i['points'][1][1])
if x1 < 0 or x2 < 0 or y1 < 0 or y2 < 0:
bb = (x1, y1, x2, y2)
bbox = convert((img_w, img_h), bb)
if i['label'] == "jc_re":
txt_file.write("0 " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bbox])+" ")
# elif i['label'] == "jc_point":
# txt_file.write("1 " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bbox]) + '\n')
# elif i['label'] == "Computer":
# txt_file.write("2 " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bbox]) + '\n')
# else:
# txt_file.write("3 " + " ".join([str(a) for a in bbox]) + '\n')
elif (i['shape_type'] == 'point'): # 适用点标注
x1 = float(i['points'][0][0])
y1 = float(i['points'][0][1])
if x1 < 0 or y1 < 0:
bb = (x1, y1)
bbox = convert1((img_w, img_h), bb)
if i['label'] == "jc_point":
# txt_file.write(" ".join([str(a) for a in bbox]) + "\n")
txt_file.write(" ".join([str(a) for a in bbox])+" ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
json_folder_path = 'json_path' # json文件夹路径
json_names = os.listdir(json_folder_path) # file name
for json_name in json_names: # output all files
if json_name[-5:] == '.json': # just work for json files
decode_json(json_folder_path, json_name)
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