当前位置:网站首页>The base value is too large (the error is marked as "08") [duplicate] - value too great for base (error token is'08') [duplicate]
The base value is too large (the error is marked as "08") [duplicate] - value too great for base (error token is'08') [duplicate]
2022-07-03 02:51:00 【French red wine sweet】
problem :
Here my problem is to find the difference of using single bracket [ ] and double brackets [[ ]] in if statement. My problem here is to find out where if Use single parentheses in statements [ ] And double brackets [[ ]] The difference between .
#!/bin/bashvara=08;varb=10;## single bracket in if statment is working.if [ $vara -lt $varb ]; thenecho "yes";elseecho "no";fi## double brackets in if statment is not working; throwing an error like below.## [[: 08: value too great for base (error token is "08")if [[ $vara -lt $varb ]]; thenecho "yes";elseecho "no";fi
Solution :
Reference resources : https://stackoom.com/en/question/1fxmf边栏推荐
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