当前位置:网站首页>【OBS】RTMPSockBuf_ Fill, remote host closed connection.

【OBS】RTMPSockBuf_ Fill, remote host closed connection.

2022-07-07 14:59:00 Better go against the wind than wait for the wind to come

  • CONNECT The server , Report errors
  • RTMPSockBuf_Fill, remote host closed connection
     Insert picture description here

RTMPSockBuf_Fill, remote host closed connection**

  • obs Officially, it's not a bug

This isn’t a bug, as the message says, the remote host closed the connection, because you have a poor connection or supplied an invalid stream key.

Replace with a new one key, Or turn off the firewall , Or check the upload rate

  • Steps to take to fix this issue:

Reset your stream key

Go to Da


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