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Replace Internet TV set-top box application through digital TV and broadband network

2022-07-06 21:13:00 Full stack programmer webmaster

Hello everyone , I meet you again , I'm the king of the whole stack .

The author : Zhu Jincan

resources :http://blog.csdn.net/clever101

Nowadays, general broadband network and digital TV have entered thousands of households .

Recently, I found that Internet TV set-top box can completely replace digital TV through broadband network .

Nowadays, most network TV set-top boxes use Android system , Receive network data through wired network or wireless network , Then convert the network data into TV signals , According to the current general network speed , Watching TV fluently is no problem ( A saying on the Internet is Unicom 2M The network speed can reach ).

Network TV set-top box can generally provide two interfaces : Corresponding to the old TV AV Composite video interface , For example, the following figure :

AV Reunite with (Composite) Video interface is currently the most widely used interface in audio-visual products , It belongs to analog interface , The interface consists of yellow 、 white 、 red 3 road RCA Joint composition . Yellow connector transmits video signal . The white connector transmits the left channel audio signal , The red connector transmits the right channel audio signal .

The picture below is AV Line :

And the corresponding high-definition TV and computer display HDMI Interface .

HDMI It is a new generation of multimedia interface standard , The full name is High-DefinitionMultimedia Interface, High definition multimedia interface . by 19 Pin digital interface , It can transmit video and audio signals at the same time . For example, the following figure :

The picture below is HDMI Line :

That is, the network set-top box can also pass HDMI Connect the cable to the computer monitor to watch TV programs .

Now let's analyze the cost : According to Beijing Gehua cable for one month 18 Block of digital TV fees (2014 Annual price ), One year is 216 element .

And the cheap network set-top box is about 200 yuan . A network set-top box can generally be used for at least two years .

without doubt . It's more cost-effective to set up a broadband network that can both surf the Internet and watch TV .

References :

1. Basic introduction to TV interface

Copyright notice : This article is the original article of the blogger , Blog , Do not reprint without permission .

Publisher : Full stack programmer stack length , Reprint please indicate the source :https://javaforall.cn/117100.html Link to the original text :https://javaforall.cn


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