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SQL tuning notes

2022-07-06 17:12:00 Stray_ Lambs


SQL Optimize

SQL Statements to optimize

Negative queries cannot use indexes

Leading fuzzy query cannot use index

When the data distinction is not obvious , There should be no indexing

The default value of the field should not be null

Calculation on a field cannot hit the index

Leftmost prefix problem

Specify the number of returns

Don't let the database cast automatically

join The field types of the two tables should be the same


SQL performance optimization

Use Explain Conduct SQL analysis

Optimize data access

Refactoring query methods

SQL Optimize

When there is slow SQL when , First we need to check SQL Whether the statement can be optimized ( Write SQL We need to think about whether we can optimize ), then , Then consider performance optimization .

SQL Statements to optimize

Negative queries cannot use indexes

When we use not in When , Even if it is indexed , It is also equivalent to failure .

select name from user where id not in (1,3,4);
--  It should be changed to 
select name from user where id in (2,5,6);

Leading fuzzy query cannot use index

In the use of like When matching characters , if % in front , The index becomes invalid .

select name from user where name like '%zhangsan'
--  Try to change it to 
select name from user where name like 'zhangsan%'

It is suggested to consider using Lucene And other full-text indexing tools to replace frequent fuzzy queries .

When the data distinction is not obvious , There should be no indexing

If the data fields cannot be clearly distinguished , Should not be indexed , Because indexing consumes space , Like a book 50 Pages of books have 50 Contents of pages .

The default value of the field should not be null

null It may occur during data query , Implicit conversion of types , Cause index to fail , And it may cause the result of the query to be inconsistent with the expectation .

Calculation on a field cannot hit the index

Try not to calculate functions on fields , namely Do not convert field types or operate on fields ( Calculation 、 function 、 Type conversion ( Manual or Automatically )), Can cause indexes to fail , Turn to full scan .

select name from user where FROM_UNIXTIME(create_time) < CURDATE();
--  It should be changed to 
select name from user where create_time < FROM_UNIXTIME(CURDATE());

Leftmost prefix problem

-- If  user  In the table  username pwd  If the field creates a composite index, use the following SQL  Can hit the index :
select username from user where username='zhangsan' and pwd ='axsedf1sd'

select username from user where pwd ='axsedf1sd' and username='zhangsan'

select username from user where username='zhangsan'

--  But use the following , Index failed to hit 
select username from user where pwd ='axsedf1sd'

Specify the number of returns

If you explicitly return the number of entries , Then the quantity is constrained during query , Reduce the number of queries , Such as

select name from user where username='zhangsan' limit 1

Don't let the database cast automatically

If the types of left and right sides are inconsistent , Cast will be done , Then perform a full scan .

select name from user where telno=18722222222
-- It should be changed to 
select name from user where telno='18722222222'

join The field types of the two tables should be the same

Otherwise, the index will be invalid , Can't hit .


The occurrence of index failure

1、 Full value matching my favorite ;

2、 The best left prefix rule ;

3、 Do nothing on the index column ( Calculation 、 function 、 Type conversion ( Manual or Automatically )), Can cause indexes to fail , Turn to full scan ;

4、 The storage engine cannot use the column to the right of the range condition in the index ;

5、 Try to use overlay index ( Only access index columns ( The query column is consistent with the index column )), Reduce select *;

6、MySQL Using the not equal operator (!= or <>) when , Index not available , Causes a full table scan ;

7、is null and is not null, Index not available ;

8、like If it starts with a wildcard (’%aa’), The index becomes invalid , Full table scan ;***– resolvent :1、 Wildcards on the left 2、 Use overlay index ( see P40)***

9、 If the string is not quoted, the index will be invalid ( Equivalent to using implicit type conversion – See the first 3 strip );

10、 To use less or, When using it to connect conditions , Index failure .

Full value matching my favorite , The leftmost prefix should follow ;
Leading brother can't die , The middle brother can't break ;
Less computation on index columns , After the range, it all fails ;
LIKE 100% right , Overlay index without writing *;
I don't want empty values and or, Index failure should be used less .

SQL performance optimization

Use Explain Conduct SQL analysis

Explain Used for analysis SELECT Query statement , Developers can analyze Explain Results to optimize the query statements .

The more important fields are :

  • select_type : Query type , There is a simple query 、 The joint query 、 The subquery etc.
  • key : Index used
  • rows : Number of lines scanned

Optimize data access

Reduce the number of requested visits

  • Only necessary columns are returned : Better not to use SELECT * sentence .
  • Just go back to the necessary lines : Use LIMIT Statement to limit the data returned .
  • Cache data from repeated queries : Using caching can avoid queries in the database , Especially when the data to be queried is often repeatedly queried , The query performance improvement brought by cache will be very obvious .

Reduce the number of server-side scan lines

The most efficient way is to use indexes to override queries .

Refactoring query methods

Cut big query

If a big query is executed at one time , It's possible to lock up a lot of data at a time 、 Full transaction log 、 Drain system resources 、 Block a lot of small but important queries . Limit the number of strips per time , It can effectively reduce congestion .

--  It should be revised to 
rows_affected = 0
do {
    rows_affected = do_query(
    "DELETE FROM messages WHERE create  < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH) LIMIT 10000")
} while rows_affected > 0

Break down large connection queries

Decompose a large join query into a single table query for each table , Then correlate the results in the application , The benefits of this are :

  • Make caching more efficient . For connection queries , If one of the tables changes , Then the entire query cache cannot be used . And multiple queries after decomposition , Even if one of the tables changes , The query cache for other tables can still be used .
  • Split into multiple single table queries , The cache results of these single table queries are more likely to be used by other queries , So as to reduce the query of redundant records .
  • Reduce lock competition ;
  • Connect at the application layer , It's easier to split the database , This makes it easier to achieve high performance and scalability .
  • Query itself may also be more efficient . For example, in the following example , Use IN() Instead of a connection query , It can make MySQL according to ID Query in sequence , This may be more efficient than random connections .
JOIN tag_post ON tag_post.tag_id=tag.id
JOIN post ON tag_post.post_id=post.id
WHERE tag.tag='mysql';

It is amended as follows ( A little distributed )

SELECT * FROM tag WHERE tag='mysql';
SELECT * FROM tag_post WHERE tag_id=1234;
SELECT * FROM post WHERE post.id IN (123,456,567,9098,8904);


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