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050_ object-oriented

2020-11-09 10:50:00 Cool wind (study steadfast)



Object oriented definition

  1. object-oriented programming OOP Object Oriented Programming
  2. The essence of object-oriented programming : Organize code as a class , Organize in the form of objects ( encapsulation ) data .
  3. abstract
  4. The three major characteristics
    1. encapsulation
    2. Inherit
    3. polymorphic

The relationship between classes and objects

  1. Class is an abstract data type , It is a general description of a certain kind of things / Definition , But it doesn't represent a specific thing .
  2. Objects are concrete instances of abstract concepts .

Create and initialize objects

Use new Keyword to create an object .

  1. Use new When the keyword creates an object , In addition to allocating memory space , It also initializes the created object by default and calls the constructor in the class .
  2. The constructor in a class also becomes a constructor , It must be called when creating an object . And the constructor has the following two characteristics .
    1. Must be the same as the class name .
    2. There must be no return type , You can't write void.
  3. Use new keyword , The essence is calling the constructor , Initialize the value of the object .
  4. By default, there will be an implicit parameterless constructor .
  5. Once the parameter constructor is written , The implicit constructor doesn't exist , Must also write a parameterless constructor , Otherwise, there is no reference new Will report a mistake .
  6. idea in Alt+insert, Build constructor .
package com.oop.demo01;

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
package com.oop.demo01;

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;

    public Person() {

Create memory analysis objects .

  1. Objects are manipulated by reference , Stack --> Pile up .


attribute : Field Field Member variables Default initialization

  1. Numbers : 0 0.0
  2. char:u0000
  3. boolean:false
  4. quote :null


  1. Static properties attribute
  2. Dynamic behavior Method


High cohesion and low coupling

  1. High cohesion means that the internal data operation details of a class are completed by themselves , External interference is not allowed .
  2. Low coupling is exposing only a few methods for external use .
  3. Property private get/set.

The significance of encapsulation

  1. Improve the security of the program , Protection data .
  2. Hide the implementation details of the code .
  3. Unified interface .
  4. Improve program maintainability .


  1. Java The middle class has only single inheritance , No more inheritance .
  2. Inheritance is a relationship between classes .
  3. Two classes of inheritance relationship , One is a subclass ( Derived class ), One is the parent class ( Base class ).
  4. Subclass inherits parent , Use keywords extends To express .
  5. Between the child and the parent , In a sense, it should have "is a" The relationship between .
package com.oop.demo01;

public class Student extends Person {
    private int grade;
package com.oop.demo01;

public class Student extends Person {
    private int grade;

    public Student() {


  1. stay Java in , All classes inherit from each other by default or indirectly Object.



  1. super Call the properties and methods of the parent class , Can only appear in subclass methods or constructors .
  2. super() Call the constructor of the parent class , Must be in the first line of the constructor .
  3. super() and this() Cannot call constructor at the same time .
  4. this, Reference to the object itself .
  5. super, Reference to parent object .
public class Student extends Person {
    private int grade;

    public Student() {}

    public Student(int grade) {
        this.grade = grade;

    public Student(String name, int age, int grade) {
        super(name, age);
        this.grade = grade;

Method rewriting

  1. There needs to be an inheritance relationship , Subclasses override methods of the parent class .
  2. An override cannot be a static method , Static methods are loaded with the class .
  3. The method name must be the same and the parameter list must be the same .
  4. Modifiers can expand , Can't shrink .public>protected>default>private
  5. The exception thrown can be narrowed down , Can't expand .
package com.oop.demo01;

public class A {

    public void test() {
package com.oop.demo01;

public class B extends A {
    public void test() {


  1. Polymorphism means that the same method can adopt many different behaviors according to different calling objects .
  2. The actual type of an object is certain , But there are many reference types that can point to objects ( In itself , Parent class , The parent of the parent ...).
  3. A reference to a parent class points to a child class .
  4. Objects can execute those methods , Look at the reference type of the object .
  5. After subclasses override methods , Both parent and child references execute subclass methods .
// Objects can execute those methods , Look at the reference type of the object .
// Parent class reference a Only the parent class can be called A Methods , Subclass reference b You can call the parent class A And subclasses B Methods , Subclass reference c You can call the parent class A And subclasses C Methods .
// If the subclass overrides the parent method , All execute subclass methods .
A a = new B();
B b = new B();
A c = new C();

The condition of polymorphism

  1. There is an inheritance relationship .
  2. Subclasses override methods of the parent class .
  3. The parent class reference points to the subclass object .

Methods that can't be polymorphic

  1. static Method , Belong to category , He doesn't belong to the example .
  2. final
  3. private Method .


  1. Judge object type .
  2. Whether an object is an instance of a class or an instance of a subclass of a class or a subclass of a subclass of a class ... Example .
public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Object > String
        //Object > Person > Student
        //Object > Person > Teacher
        Object object = new Student();

        System.out.println(object instanceof Student);//true
        System.out.println(object instanceof Person);//true
        System.out.println(object instanceof Object);//true
        System.out.println(object instanceof Teacher);//false
        System.out.println(object instanceof String);//false

        Person person = new Student();
        System.out.println(person instanceof Student);//true
        System.out.println(person instanceof Person);//true
        System.out.println(person instanceof Object);//true
        System.out.println(person instanceof Teacher);//false
//        System.out.println(person instanceof String);// Compiler error 

        Student student = new Student();
        System.out.println(student instanceof Student);//true
        System.out.println(student instanceof Person);//true
        System.out.println(student instanceof Object);//true
//        System.out.println(student instanceof Teacher);// Compiler error 
//        System.out.println(student instanceof String);// Compiler error 

Reference type conversion

  1. Conversion between reference types : Parent class Subclass
  2. Automatic conversion from subclass to parent class .Object object = person;
  3. Parent class rotor class cast .Student b = (Student) person;
  4. The subclass becomes the parent class , Can only call methods of the parent class .
Person person = new Student();
Object object = person;
Student b = (Student) person;


  1. Static variables :static Decorated variable , Also called class variables .
static int age;
// Static variable call 
  1. Static methods :static The method of decoration .
    1. Static methods cannot call non static methods , Because static methods load with the class , When static methods are loaded, non static methods are not loaded yet .
    2. Non static methods can call static methods .
    3. Static methods cannot call non static variables .
    4. Non static methods can call static variables .
public static void test(){}
  1. Static code block : Class is loaded once .
package com.oop.demo01;

public class Demo {
    // Execution order :2  It is usually used to assign initial values 
        System.out.println(" Anonymous code block ");
    // Execution order :1  Only once 
    static {
        System.out.println(" Static code block ");
    // Execution order :3
    public Demo() {
        System.out.println(" Nonparametric construction method ");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Demo demo1 = new Demo();
        Demo demo2 = new Demo();
 Static code block 
 Anonymous code block 
 Nonparametric construction method 
 Anonymous code block 
 Nonparametric construction method 
  1. Static import package
import static java.lang.Math.random;

abstract class

  1. abstract Modification methods , This method is an abstract method .
  2. abstract decorator , This class is an abstract class .
  3. There can be no abstract methods in an abstract class , But a class with an abstract method must be an abstract class .
  4. There can be ordinary methods in abstract classes .
  5. Abstract classes have default parameterless constructors .
  6. abstract class , Out of commission new Keyword to create the object , It is used to let subclasses inherit .
  7. Abstract method , Only method declaration , There is no way to achieve , It's used for subclasses to implement .
  8. Subclass inherits abstract class , You must implement abstract methods that the abstract class does not implement , Otherwise, the subclass should also be declared as an abstract class .
package com.oop.demo02;

// abstract class 
public abstract class Action {
    // Abstract method 
    public abstract void test();
package com.oop.demo02;

// Normal classes that inherit abstract classes , All non implemented abstract methods of abstract classes must be implemented 
// Abstract classes that inherit abstract classes , You can not implement abstract methods of abstract classes 
public class ActionA extends Action {
    public void test() {



  1. General class : Only concrete implementation .
  2. abstract class : Specific implementation and specification ( Abstract method ) There are .
  3. Interface : Only norms .
  4. Interface cannot be instantiated , Because there is no constructor in the interface .
  5. All properties in the interface are constants , Default public static final
  6. All the methods in the interface are abstract , Default public abstract
  7. Single inheritance , Multiple implementation : Multiple interfaces can be implemented , You can only inherit one parent class .
  8. The class that implements the interface , You have to override all methods in the interface .
package com.oop.demo03;

// Interface , Interfaces need to have implementation classes 
public interface UserService {
    // All properties in the interface are constants , Default  public static final
    int age = 9999;
    // All the methods in the interface are abstract , Default  public abstract
    void add(String name);
    void delete(String name);
    void update(String name);
    void query(String name);
package com.oop.demo03;

public interface TimerService {
package com.oop.demo03;

// Single inheritance , Multiple implementation 
// Multiple interfaces can be implemented , You can only inherit one parent class 
// The class that implements the interface , You have to override all methods in the interface 
// Implementation class 
public class UserServiceImpl implements UserService,TimerService{
    public void add(String name) {


    public void delete(String name) {


    public void update(String name) {


    public void query(String name) {


Inner class

Inner class is to define a class within a class , such as ,A Class is defining a B class , that B Class relative A Class is an inner class , and A Class relative B A class is an outer class .

Member inner class

  1. The member inner class can use all the non static properties and methods of the outer class , Including private .
package com.oop.demo04;

public class Outer {
    private int id = 10;
    private void out() {
        System.out.println(" This is the method of the outer class ");
    // Member inner class 
    public class Inner {
        public void in() {
            System.out.println(" This is the method of the inner class ");
        // Internal classes can use private properties and methods of external classes 
        public void getId() {
            System.out.println(" The inner class outputs the private properties of the outer class :" + id);
package com.oop;

import com.oop.demo04.Outer;

// There should be only one project main Method 
public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Outer outer = new Outer();
//        outer.out();
        // Instantiate the inner class through the outer class instance , The inner class must be public
        Outer.Inner inner = outer.new Inner();

Static inner class

  1. Static inner classes can use static properties and methods of external classes , You cannot use non static properties and methods .
package com.oop.demo04;

public class Outer {
    private static int id = 10;
    private static void out() {
        System.out.println(" This is the method of the outer class ");
    // Static inner class 
    public static class Inner {
        public void in() {
            System.out.println(" This is the method of the inner class ");
        // Internal classes can use private properties and methods of external classes 
        public void getId() {
            System.out.println(" The inner class outputs the private properties of the outer class :" + id);

Local inner classes

package com.oop.demo04;

public class Outer {
    public void out() {
        // Local inner classes 
        class Inner {
        System.out.println(" This is the method of the outer class ");

Anonymous inner class

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