Qt Medium mix Python Development , Callable Python Commands and scripts .
Python Is a cross platform computer programming language . It's a high-level combination of explanatory 、 Compilability 、 Interactive and object-oriented scripting language . Originally designed to write automated scripts (shell), With the continuous update of the version and the addition of new language features , The more it's used for independent 、 Development of large projects .
Python It's an interpreted scripting language , It can be applied to the following fields :
- Web and Internet Development
- Scientific calculation and Statistics
- Artificial intelligence
- Desktop interface development
- software development
- The backend development
- Web crawler
3.x Version of the restrictions on some functions ,2.x Support , So use 2.x, Chose one python Bring their own pip Of , Version is Python2.7.13.
Official website download address :https://www.python.org/downloads/
After downloading , Can be installed .
Python Learning notes will be released in succession , Only practical, not nonsense , The fastest way to start Python.
According to Modularity , take python Of libs and include Copy the directory to the path of the module ( reference “ modularization ”), modular pri The documents are as follows :
# python2.7.13
LIBS += -L$$PWD/python2.7.13/libs
LIBS += -lpython27
Project deployment after the introduction of modules :
Test code :
The test of python Script and output :