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IEEE access personal contribution experience record

2022-07-05 07:49:00 Fall in love with wx

Record your own IEEE Access Contribution experience ~
Near graduation , The boss agreed to send an open source SCI, Time reason can only choose IEEE Access, The following is a record of the submission experience , Because it is still in the payment stage , Therefore, it will be updated to the publication stage from time to time .

First contribution
2020 year 12 month 10 Japan
Received the successfully uploaded email

2020 year 12 month 13 Japan ,
Received the email to start reviewing the manuscript ( Incidental Video Award Competition , Ignore )

2020 year 12 month 31 Japan ,
Received the reply from the reviewer : Reject and encourage re investment ( This journal can only accept 、 Reject and encourage re submission and refuse to accept the re submission of three review results , So even minor repairs , Also have to re cast )however, we do encourage you to address the concerns and criticisms of the reviewers detailed at the bottom of this letter and resubmit your article once you have updated it accordingly. Although refused , But there is still a chance to re throw , Look at the experience of netizens and classmates , Generally, this kind of hope is relatively large , So we choose to revise and re submit according to the reviewer's opinions .
There are four reviewers , The first three comments are : Refuse ( Re cast after modification )Reject (updates required before resubmission) All in all 13 Review comments
The fourth reviewer's opinion is : Accept ( Minor repairs )Accept (minor edits) I gave two comments on the manuscript
total 15 Review comments , All to the point , It has certain promotion value for articles , Think it over a little , After communicating with the teacher , Decide to revise it first , Then the little teacher checks .

Second submission
Personal application for doctor's degree delayed the revision time of the essay , So from 2 The comments of reviewers began to be replied in January .
All comments on the draft will be replied , There are not many supplementary experiments , Mainly investigated the level of English Writing , It's too hard , You must also reply politely , Pay attention to the use of vocabulary ~ Ha ha ha ha

2021 year 3 month 5 Japan ,
Received the successfully uploaded email

2021 year 3 month 10 Japan ,
Received the email to start reviewing the manuscript

2021 year 3 month 22 Japan ,
Received email : Become two reviewers , The reply is all : The author has solved all the problems . Explain that the review opinions are very important , We must reply bit by bit according to the opinions of the reviewer , Reviewers attach great importance to the author's reply .

Subsequent document processing
2021 year 3 month 22 Japan :
Copyright transfer :IEEE Copyright Transfer Confirmation for Article
It was transferred to DOI Number
Then I received the payment email ~( I didn't pay it at that time )

2021 year 3 month 26 Japan :
Congratulations! Your article has been published in the Early Access area on IEEE Xplore

2021 year 4 month 1 Japan :
IEEE Xplore Publication Alert

Later, I kept pressing for the payment of the layout fee , It has been delayed for some reasons 5 month 20 Day or so
But the follow-up payment email is the email of the boss , So I don't have email tips here
Specific use of VISA card , Simple operation ~

Because graduation and doctoral issues are no longer concerned , But after the little teacher reminded , stay 6 month 20 It's already around web of science Retrieved
No matter Access How about word of mouth , For a double non stocking graduate student , There is also a result ~


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