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6-6 vulnerability exploitation SSH security defense

2022-07-07 02:33:00 Mountain Rabbit 1

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SSH Modify the default port

By default ,SSH Use 22 port . For the sake of safety , Generally, the default port will be modified .

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modify 22 For other port numbers , Thus, our listening port is modified

Be careful : You must restart after modification SSH service , Only in this way can our configuration file , In the process of restarting , Reload , Thus effective .

Turn on ubuntu Of ssh service function , stay kali Detect in the middle

nc 22

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stay ubuntu among , Modify port number

cd /etc/ssh/
sudo gedit sshd_config
service ssh restart
service ssh status

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netstat -pantu

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nc 22
nc 192,168.0.104 2222

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Modify the function of the default port , So we can't use it directly 22 Port number connection , Further detection is needed , Detection ssh Listening port , To make the corresponding connection

SSH Set up PGP Sign in

By default ,SSH Use user name and password for remote login , Will cause violent cracking , Keep trying user names and passwords , So as to log in to the system , In order to prevent this process , adopt putty This software , To generate the corresponding private key , Configure the private key , Authentication , So that we can log in without user password , More secure , Prevent violent cracking

Generate SSH Key pair , Use puttygen.

 Download link :https://www.chiark.greenend.org/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html

Click on Generate Generate the private key

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Click on save private key, It will be generated on the desktop .ppk, This name can also be named by yourself

SSH Set up PGP Sign in

Use ssh-keygen Command in Linux Generate .ssh Catalog , stay .ssh Create a new key storage file authorized_keys, And copy the private key file to .ssh Under the table of contents . Use command puttygen -L “ Copy the private key file ”, Copy content to authorized_keys In file .


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This time will be in /home/liuxiaoyang/ Generate hidden directory under .ssh, Switch to .ssh, new directory authorized_keys

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SSH Set up PGP Sign in

Use Putty The client loads the private key file to connect .

Click on auth

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After loading , We are connecting , You don't need to enter the corresponding connection password , Only need Data Enter the user name in

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cd ~
ls -alh

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cd .ssh/
puttygen -L private.ppk

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gedit authorized_keys

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Paste the content here , Preservation , After saving , We have one aythorized_keys file

This is the time , We can do that windows Next , Or installed under other systems ppy, Under the client software , Connect ssh, It uses PGP Connect

SSH Defend against brute force cracking user accounts

Set up pgp To prevent violent cracking , But we can still log in with account and password

stay linux You can configure that you cannot log in with user name and password , Use only SSH PGP How to verify login . Evaded SSH Brute force .

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Problems arise : Cannot log in with user password , There are complex operations to a large extent .

for instance , There are many administrators in our current system , Cannot log in with user name and password , Everyone needs PPT file , To log in , It will be a lot of work and operation

cd /etc/ssh/
sudo gedit sshd_config
service ssh restart
service ssh status

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below , We are kali Login with user name and password , To verify that

ssh [email protected]
ssh [email protected] -p 2222

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Because we can't log in , So brute force software , Is failure

iptables Set threshold to prevent brute force cracking

use iptables Firewall to prevent brute force cracking , We can set the corresponding threshold , After we try to login three times , Just lock the login , Makes it impossible for him to log in

utilize Iptables Error validating multiple connections , Lock the account 120 second .

sudo iptables -l INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set
sudo iptables -l INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -i eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 120 --hitcount 3 -j DROP

After setting , Reboot required SSH service .

service ssh restart

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We can set a longer time , You can only try three combinations in a day , You can only try 1000 combinations a year , When our password setting is complex , Brute force cracking is also a very slow situation , Brute force cracking cannot take effect , Or say , It takes a lot of energy , several tens of years , It may be tens of thousands of years , Can the current dictionary , Guess and solve


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