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Linear list --- circular linked list

2022-07-07 02:27:00 Programming a small program

Circular linked list : The characteristic of circular linked list is that the address of the head node can be found through the pointing of the tail node ;

The structure design is the same as that of the single linked list :

typedef int ELEM_TYPE;

typedef struct Clist
	ELEM_TYPE data;     // Data fields       
	struct Clist* next; // Pointer to the domain       

} Clist, * PClist;

The main functions are as follows :

1. Initialization operation

In the initialization operation of the circular list, the first node's next The domain points to its own address

void Init_clist(struct Clist* plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
	plist->next = plist;

2. Tail interpolation function

First apply for a new node pnewnode, And then take it. next The domain points to the address of the first node , Then apply for a temporary node p Point it to the address of the tail node , And then let p Of next Domain points to pnewnode The address of .

bool Insert_tail(PClist plist, ELEMTYPE val)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	//1. Buy new nodes 
	struct Clist *pnewnode = (struct Clist*)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct Clist));
	assert(pnewnode != NULL);
	pnewnode->data = val;// New nodes purchased    Finished processing 

	//2. Find the insertion location ( Through... With precursors for loop )
	struct Clist *p = plist;
	for(p; p->next!=plist; p=p->next);
	// here  for Loop execution ends    p Point to the tail node 

	//3. Insert 
	pnewnode->next = p->next;
	p->next = pnewnode;

	return true;

Circular linked list complete code


// Circular linked list structure design 
typedef int ELEMTYPE;
typedef struct Clist
	ELEMTYPE data; // Data fields     Storing data 
	struct Clist* next;// Pointer to the domain     The address of the next node ( At the end next Save the address of the header node )
}Clist, *PClist;

// Circular linked list owned   Executable function declaration :

// initialization 
void InitClist(struct Clist* plist);

// Head insertion 
bool Insert_head(PClist plist, ELEMTYPE val);

// Tail insertion 
bool Insert_tail(PClist plist, ELEMTYPE val);

// Insert by position 
bool Insert_pos(PClist plist, int pos, ELEMTYPE val);

// Head deletion 
bool Del_head(PClist plist);

// Deletion at the end 
bool Del_tail(PClist plist);

// Delete by location 
bool Del_pos(PClist plist, int pos);

// Delete... By value 
bool Del_val(PClist plist, ELEMTYPE val);

// lookup ( If I find , You need to return the address of the found node )
struct Clist* Search(struct Clist *plist, ELEMTYPE val);

// Sentenced to empty 
bool IsEmpty(PClist plist);
// Full sentence ( Circular linked list does not need this operation )

// To obtain the length of the 
int Get_length(PClist plist);

// Empty 
void Clear(PClist plist);

// The destruction 1
void Destroy1(PClist plist);

// The destruction 2
void Destroy2(PClist plist);

// Print 
void Show(struct Clist *plist);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "clist.h"

// There are few in the circular linked list NULL, nullptr

// initialization 
void InitClist(struct Clist* plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)

	//plist->data; //  Data fields do not handle 
	plist->next = plist;

// Head insertion 
bool Insert_head(PClist plist, ELEMTYPE val)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	//1. Buy new nodes 
	struct Clist *pnewnode = (struct Clist*)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct Clist));
	assert(pnewnode != NULL);
	pnewnode->data = val;// New nodes purchased    Finished processing 
	//2. Find the insertion location   ( Head insertion    Don't look for )

	//3. Insert 
	pnewnode->next = plist->next;
	plist->next = pnewnode;

	return true;

// Tail insertion 
bool Insert_tail(PClist plist, ELEMTYPE val)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	//1. Buy new nodes 
	struct Clist *pnewnode = (struct Clist*)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct Clist));
	assert(pnewnode != NULL);
	pnewnode->data = val;// New nodes purchased    Finished processing 

	//2. Find the insertion location ( Through... With precursors for loop )
	struct Clist *p = plist;
	for(p; p->next!=plist; p=p->next);
	// here  for Loop execution ends    p Point to the tail node 

	//3. Insert 
	pnewnode->next = p->next;
	p->next = pnewnode;

	return true;

// Insert by position 
bool Insert_pos(PClist plist, int pos, ELEMTYPE val)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	assert(pos>=0 && pos<=Get_length(plist));

	//1. Buy new nodes 
	struct Clist *pnewnode = (struct Clist*)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct Clist));
	assert(pnewnode != NULL);
	pnewnode->data = val;// New nodes purchased    Finished processing 

	//2. Find the insertion location ( Through... With precursors for loop )
	struct Clist *p = plist;
	for(int i=0; i<pos; i++)
		p = p->next;
	// here  for Loop execution ends    p Point to the appropriate location to be inserted 

	//3. Insert 
	pnewnode->next = p->next;
	p->next = pnewnode;

	return true;

// Head deletion 
bool Del_head(PClist plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	if(IsEmpty(plist))// Not empty    Then there is at least one valid value 
		return false;

	//1. The pointer p Point to the node to be deleted 
	struct Clist *p = plist->next;

	//2. The pointer q Point to the node before the node to be deleted 
	//q  Namely   Head node    There will be no additional processing here 

	//3. Crossing direction 
	plist->next = p->next;

	return true;


// Deletion at the end 
bool Del_tail(PClist plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	if(IsEmpty(plist))// Not empty    Then there is at least one valid value 
		return false;

	//1. The pointer p Point to the node to be deleted ( If the tail is deleted , This points to the tail node )
	struct Clist *p = plist;
	for(p; p->next!=plist; p=p->next);
	// here  for Point to the end    Represents the p Point to the tail node 

	//2. The pointer q Point to the penultimate node 
	struct Clist *q = plist;
	for(q; q->next!=p; q=q->next);
	// here  for Point to the end    Represents the q Point to p The previous node of 

	//3. Crossing direction 
	q->next = p->next;
	return true;

// Delete by location 
bool Del_pos(PClist plist, int pos)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
	      return false;
	assert(pos>=0 && pos<Get_length(plist));

		return false;

	//1. The pointer p Point to the node to be deleted 
	//2. The pointer q Point to the previous node of the node to be deleted 
	// Here we use the second scheme to find pq, Look for the q Look again p
	struct Clist *q = plist;
	for(int i=0; i<pos; i++)
		q = q->next;
	struct Clist *p = q->next;

	//3. Crossing direction 
	q->next = p->next;

	return true;


// Delete... By value 
bool Del_val(PClist plist, ELEMTYPE val)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	struct Clist* p = Search(plist, val);
	if(p == NULL)
		return false;

	struct Clist *q = plist;
	for(q; q->next!=p; q=q->next);

	q->next = p->next;

	return true;


// lookup ( If I find , You need to return the address of the found node )
struct Clist* Search(struct Clist *plist, ELEMTYPE val)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	for(struct Clist *p=plist->next; p!=plist; p=p->next)
		if(p->data == val)
			return p;

	return NULL;

// Sentenced to empty 
bool IsEmpty(PClist plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	return plist->next == plist;
// Full sentence ( Circular linked list does not need this operation )

// To obtain the length of the 
/* The pointer p Run backward from the next node of the head node , If p Encountered the header node again ,
 prove p I walked around and came back , This is a valid node. The traversal must have ended */
int Get_length(PClist plist)
	// Without precursors for loop   Just run once 
	int count = 0;

	for(struct Clist *p=plist->next; p!=plist; p=p->next)

	return count;

// Empty 
void Clear(PClist plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;

// The destruction 1( Infinite header deletion )
void Destroy1(PClist plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	while(plist->next != plist)
		struct Clist *p = plist->next;
		plist->next = p->next;

	plist->next = plist;

// The destruction 2( You need two pointer variables )
void Destroy2(PClist plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	struct Clist *p = plist->next;
	struct Clist *q = NULL;
	plist->next = plist;

	while (p!=plist)
		q = p->next;
		p = q;


// Print 
void Show(struct Clist *plist)
	assert(plist != NULL);
	if (plist == NULL)
		return false;
	for(struct Clist *p=plist->next; p!=plist; p=p->next)
		printf("%d ", p->data);



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