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Metaforce force meta universe development and construction - fossage 2.0 system development

2022-07-07 02:11:00 InfoQ

Three minutes will take you to understand fossage correctly 2.0 edition :(134-1633-5319)
The force matrix sector is not an investment , There is no fixed static , There is no promise , No bubble , Only the consensus reached by global preachers , We
Help more people understand smart contracts , Together, we will increase the market value of cryptocurrencies ! Let's go through the matrix 100% Set aside a fair way to split more consensuses to participate in our MetaForce In the ecological ,
Build the world's top meta universe ecosystem .
Matrix definition :
When there is no promotion , Every matrix you buy is not an investment , It's a lottery that doesn't need to be bought repeatedly and will draw prizes for you forever p, No expiration time . What you bought
The number of matrices is equivalent to the color you buy p Number , The color p The amount of winning depends on the amount of matrix you purchase to activate , Every award of winning the prize is USDT, Go directly to your decentralization
wallet , It's equivalent to reaching your safe , When you keep your mnemonic and private key safely, no one can take away your funds . The winning rate depends on your superiors and subordinates
The average activity of , The more active it is , The higher your winning rate , On the contrary, the lower .
When you promote , The matrix you buy is a set of dollars ?? print chao machine , The number of matrices you buy is equivalent to your printing chao Number of machines , print chao The denomination of depends on you
Matrix quota purchased and activated , print chao The speed depends on the number of partners you directly recommend and the speed of team development .
ad locum , What you earn is not air money , But the world's largest stable currency —USDT It is a digital dollar recognized by the block encryption world .
Meta Force Ten highlights
ad locum , All your personal information is secure , decentralized DAPP To create an account, you only need a mnemonic word or a private key , Your wallet address is your account entry , No need to post
The box doesn't need a phone number KYC, Always anonymous and safe . Every sum you earn is real gold and silver, directly into your wallet , It's no longer a string of numbers in the background of the project party . You won't suffer
In case of system change and the risk of closing the network and running away , The smart contract written on the chain makes the project sustainable , No one can change the rules , And no one can turn it off .
ad locum , Your income has no ceiling , The stronger your ability , The more income you can get , The income earned is BUSD, No matter how much I can bear, you can realize it . Matrix infinite loop , Revenue is not capped .
ad locum , The speed at which you earn wealth and the team fission speed are viral , Use the same time and energy to do the same performance , The results you get are dozens or even hundreds of times faster than any project .
ad locum , The team you build at one time can work for you in boost Matrix and metacosmic ecology 、nft Artwork 、 Our own token 、Gamefi、 Diversified ecosystems such as dealer clubs continue to earn income . We can get 100% Revenue , The whole metacosmic ecosystem in the future will bring pipeline income again and again .
ad locum , On the speed of earning wealth , Security , Permanence , We are all first , Not one of them. , No competitors , Not afraid of imitators . There is only one thinking pattern of the founder . There is no pyramid model of fairness , Income can exceed . Your income is more work, more gain , The more you give , The bigger the proceeds. . It solves the problem of set number in the multi number layout of the team , The more you set, the less you get .
ad locum , No matter how big your team is , There will never be a risk of collapse , Because there is no revenue commitment to anyone , Foam is 0, Your income depends on your efforts and contributions
Value and a little luck .
Everyone can participate
Low threshold ,10U To participate , It can be small and broad , Give ordinary people more opportunities to get rich .
Good luck makes you
stay S6 Type matrix model , Cyclic position 360 Degrees slide , The team can better borrow . Wealth is inseparable from effort and a little luck , If your character explodes , Luck exploded , Have a chance to get
The help of the global market .

