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Box stretch and pull (left-right mode)

2022-07-07 01:40:00 Idle fish_ JavaScript

The box stretches and pulls Left right mode ( Up and down mode to be continued ):

Here we use vue To operate , Then the code is encapsulated into mixin Inside , When quoting, just mix it directly into the required page , Please refer to the code for specific operation .

a key : Must be flex Pattern (display: flex;)

1. establish mixin file : drag.js( Look where you created it yourself , Mine is here : src/mixin/drag.js ),

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      defaultDragArr: [{
        //  At present, only  LR  Pattern ; That is to say left right;  Left right pull mode 
        type: 'LR',
        domClass: {
          //  The name of the middle divider 
          resize: 'line-line',
          //  The name of the box on the left 
          left: 'box-left',
          //  The name of the box on the right 
          right: 'box-right',
          //  Name of parent 
          box: 'box-father',
        otherInfo: {
          //  Limit the minimum width of the left column 
          leftWidth: 324
  methods: {
    //  Processing parameters   Conduct dom Node selection 
    handleBoxInfo(boxInfo) {
      for (const key in boxInfo)
        if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(boxInfo, key))
          boxInfo[key] = document.getElementsByClassName(boxInfo[key])
      return boxInfo
    //  Left and right stretching box processing function 
    dragControllerDiv(boxInfo, otherInfo, cb) {
      const {
        leftWidth: oLeftWidth
      } = otherInfo;
      const {
      } = this.handleBoxInfo(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(boxInfo)))
      const getOffsetLeftAndClientWidth = arr => arr.map(dom => [
        dom[0].offsetLeft || 0,
        dom[0].clientWidth || 0
      for (let i = 0; i < resize.length; i++) {
        resize[i].onmousedown = (e) => {
          const [
            [, resizeWidth],
            [rightLeftOffset, rightLeftWidth],
          ] = getOffsetLeftAndClientWidth([left, resize, right, box])
          //  The parent box is... From the right screen margin Width 
          const rightAllMargin = window.innerWidth - rightLeftWidth - rightLeftOffset

          const startX = e.clientX;
          //  Here you can set the selected   The offset   The amount 
          resize[i].left = resize[i].offsetLeft;
          const boxWidth = window.innerWidth - box[i].clientWidth;
          document.onmousemove = (e) => {
            const endX = e.clientX;
            //  The distance from the dividing line to the left  +  How much did the mouse move  -  The result of subtracting the width of the parent box from the screen width  -  The length from the left box to the left side of the screen ( It will not be calculated at this moment margin attribute ) +  Divide the length of the line and center it exactly 1.5 times ( But I calculated the right margin It becomes 0.25 times )( Confirm that the mouse aligns the split line when stretching ) +  The parent box is... Away from the left screen margin Width  +  The parent box is... From the right screen margin Width 
            let leftWidth = resize[i].left + (endX - startX) - boxWidth - leftOffset + (resizeWidth * 0.25) + boxLeftOffset + rightAllMargin;
            const maxT = box[i].clientWidth - (resize[i].offsetWidth - boxWidth);
            if (leftWidth < oLeftWidth) leftWidth = oLeftWidth;
            if (leftWidth > maxT - 50) leftWidth = maxT;

            // resize[i].style.flex = leftWidth;
            for (let j = 0; j < left.length; j++) {
              left[j].style.flex = `0 0 ${
              right[j].style.flex = `1`;
          this.eventOnmouseup(resize, i, cb)
          return false;
    eventOnmouseup(resize, i, cb) {
      document.onmouseup = () => {
        document.onmousemove = null;
        document.onmouseup = null;
        resize[i].releaseCapture && resize[i].releaseCapture();
        cb && cb()
      resize[i].setCapture && resize[i].setCapture();
    initDrag(dragArr = this.defaultDragArr) {
      /* dragArr: [{ domClass, otherInfo, fn }] type: LR //  Pull left and right (flex Layout can succeed ) */
      const fn = item => ({
        'LR': this.dragControllerDiv
      } [item.type] || (() => {
      this.$nextTick(() => dragArr.forEach((item) => fn(item)(item.domClass, item.otherInfo)))

2. Use : introduce , Then we call the initialization function. ;

import dragMixin from "@/mixins/drag.js";

export default {
  name: "Home",
  mixins: [dragMixin],
  created() {
 	//  The first way : Just initialize directly , Here is your left box 、 Right box , The parent box , The pull line is set separately class name (box-left, box-right, box-father, line-line), Then call directly  this.initDrag() That's it .
  	// this.initDrag();
  	//  The second way : Custom name . Just copy, paste and change .
        type: "LR",
        domClass: {
          //  The name of the middle divider 
          resize: "line-line",
          //  The name of the box on the left 
          left: "box-left",
          //  The name of the box on the right 
          right: "box-right",
          //  Name of parent 
          box: "box-father",
        otherInfo: {
          //  Limit the minimum width of the left column 
          leftWidth: 324,

3. The last step : Change the box to flex Pattern

//  The parent box 
.box-father {
  display: flex;
//  Left box 
.box-left {
	//  Here set the width of your box 
	flex: 0 0 400px;
//  Right side box 
.box-right {
	flex: 1;

Example :( Create a vue Just throw the following code into the file )

Introduction to the interface after the project starts :
 Insert picture description here
Code :

  <div class="home">
    <!-- <img alt="Vue logo" src="../assets/logo.png" /> -->
    <!-- <Map name="3" /> -->
    <div class="grand flex">
      <!--  Remember not to make it on the box padding, I'm not compatible padding、margin The situation of . If you want to add it to the parent, add , If the parent also wants to pull , Then create a parent ( The original parent becomes a master ) -->
      <!--  Red is the line that can be dragged  -->
      <div class="left-laowang" style="flex: 0 0 700px">
        <div class="box-father flex">
          <div class="box-postion"></div>
          <div class="box-left"></div>
          <div class="line line-line"></div>
          <div class="box-right"></div>
      <div class="line line-second"></div>
      <div style="width: 200px;flex: 1;background: green;" class="box-second-father"></div>

// import Map from "@/components/map/second.vue";
import dragMixin from "@/mixins/drag.js";

export default {
  name: "Home",
  components: {
    // Map,
  mixins: [dragMixin],
  created() {
        type: "LR",
        domClass: {
          //  The name of the middle divider 
          resize: "line-line",
          //  The name of the box on the left 
          left: "box-left",
          //  The name of the box on the right 
          right: "box-right",
          //  Name of parent 
          box: "box-father",
        otherInfo: {
          //  Limit the minimum width of the left column 
          leftWidth: 324,
        type: "LR",
        domClass: {
          //  The name of the middle divider 
          resize: "line-second",
          //  The name of the box on the left 
          left: "left-laowang",
          //  The name of the box on the right 
          right: "box-second-father",
          //  Name of parent 
          box: "grand",
        otherInfo: {
          //  Limit the minimum width of the left column 
          leftWidth: 324,

<style scoped>
.line {
  width: 30px;
  height: 500px;
  background: red;
  cursor: w-resize;
.box-father {
  border: 8px solid #000;
.line-second {
  width: 10px;
  background: red;
.flex {
  display: flex;
.box-left {
  flex: 0 0 400px;
  height: 600px;
  background: blue;
.box-right {
  height: 600px;
  background: green;
  flex: 1;
.box-postion {
  width: 200px;
  height: 400px;
  background: #ccc;
  1. Stretch up and down to see what happens , Follow up needs will be added to this article .
  2. You can change it to stretch up and down according to your left and right , Add a function , Add another compatible type That's it .
  3. Not flex Patterns can also be made , Set up flex Change the attribute to width That's all .

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