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Implementation of replacement function of shell script

2022-07-07 07:59:00 Wu_ Candy

Shell brief introduction

  1. Shell It's a use. C A program written in a language , It is used by users Linux The bridge .

  2. Shell It's a command language , Another programming language .

  3. Shell It's an application , This application provides an interface , Users access the services of the operating system kernel through this interface .

Shell Script run

Shell Script (shell script), It's for Shell Write the script .

function Shell There are two ways to script :

1、 As an executable

Step1: Save the code as test.sh file

Step2: and cd To test.sh File directory

Step3: chmod +x ./test.sh  # Give the script permission to execute

Step4: ./test.sh  # Execute the script

2、 As interpreter parameters

The way it works is , Run the interpreter directly , The parameter is shell The filename of the script , Execute the order as follows :

/bin/bash test.sh

Shell Implementation of script replacement function

The goal is : take jvm The setting at startup is 2048M The memory allocation of is adjusted to 1024M

The specific implementation script code is as follows :

#!/bin/bash  # Indicates that the shell The path to the script interpreter 
baseDir="/home/q/www"  # Defines a directory variable 
function replace() { # Defines a method , In the following for  Cyclic invocation 
  filename=$1  # Receive the first parameter 
  from=$2 # Receive the second parameter 
  to=$3 # Receive the third parameter 
  echo 'Processing '$filename  # Output the file name being processed 
  sudo sed -i "s/$from/$to/g" $filename  # Real replacement command sed
  c=`grep "$from" $filename | wc -l` # Count the number of times after replacement 
  if [[ $c != 0 ]]; then  # If the number of times after statistics is not 0 It means that the replacement fails 
    echo "replace $filename failed!"  # Output the prompt of replacement failure 
    exit 1 # sign out 
  fi #if The end of judgment 
  echo "Replace $filename success!"  # Output the prompt of successful replacement 
 for this in `find $baseDir -type f -name startenv.sh`;   # Find the file named startenv.sh  The file of , And implement for  loop 
do # Start execution 
    #  Replace jdk To configure 
    echo $this  # Output the found file name and full path 
    replace $this "2048" "1024" # Call the method defined above to perform the replacement operation 
done # End to perform 

above Shell Each line of the script has clear comments , It is recommended that you read .

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