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数据库 | SQL查询进阶语法
2022-07-31 05:11:00 【Benni-King】
mysql> select * from students;
| id | name | age | height | gender | cls_id | is_delete |
| 15 | 小明 | 18 | 180.00 | 女 | 1 | |
| 16 | 小月月 | 18 | 180.00 | 女 | 2 | |
| 17 | 彭于晏 | 29 | 185.00 | 男 | 1 | |
| 18 | 刘德华 | 59 | 175.00 | 男 | 2 | |
| 19 | 黄蓉 | 38 | 160.00 | 女 | 1 | |
| 20 | 凤姐 | 28 | 150.00 | 保密 | 2 | |
| 21 | 王祖贤 | 18 | 172.00 | 女 | 1 | |
| 22 | 周杰伦 | 36 | NULL | 男 | 1 | |
| 23 | 程萧 | 27 | 181.00 | 男 | 2 | |
| 24 | 刘亦菲 | 25 | 166.00 | 女 | 2 | |
| 25 | 金星 | 33 | 162.00 | 中性 | 3 | |
| 26 | 静香 | 12 | 180.00 | 女 | 4 | |
| 27 | 郭靖 | 12 | 170.00 | 男 | 4 | |
| 28 | 周杰 | 34 | 176.00 | 女 | 5 | |
mysql> select * from classes;
| id | name |
| 1 | python01_times |
| 2 | python02_times |
| 3 | python03_times |
as 给表起表名或者给列起表名
select s.name s.age from students as s;
select name as 名字, age as 年龄 from students;
select distinct gender from students;
select * from students where age<18 and age<30;
select * from students where age>20 and gender="男";
select * from students where age>25 or height>170;
select * from students where not (age>20 and gender="男");
1.2 模糊查询
select name from students where name="小";
select name from studnets where name like "小%";
select name from students where name like "%小%";
select name from students where name like "__";
select name from students where name like "__%";
-- rlike 正则
-- 查询以 周开始的姓名
select name from students where name rlike "^周*";
select name from students where name rlike "周.*伦$";
1.3 范围查询,null
select name,age from students where age in (18, 29 ,59);
select name,age from students where age not between 19 and 30;
select * from students where height is null ;
1.4 升序降序
select * from students where (age not between 18 and 30 ) and gender = 1 order by age;
select * from students where (age not between 18 and 30 ) and gender = 1 order by age asc;
select * from students where (age not between 18 and 30 ) and gender = 1 order by age desc;
1.4.2 多列
就近原则,最靠近order by的条件优先级最高,先排序,若相同,再看第二个条件
select * from students where (age not between 18 and 30 ) and gender = 1 order by age asc , id desc;
1.5 聚合,分组
select count(*) as 性别 from students where gender=1;
select max(age) as 最大年龄 from students;
select round(sum(age)/count(*),2) from students;
select gender, avg(age) from students group by gender;
select gender, group_concat(name),avg(age) from students group by gender;
select gender, group_concat(name,"_",age,"_",id),avg(age) from students g
roup by gender;
select gender, group_concat(name) from students group by gender having count(*)>3;
select gender , group_concat(name) from students group by gender having avg(age)>30;
where 和 having的区别,
- where在group by 前面,having在group by 后面
- where是对原始数据进行限制
- having是对查询的结果进行限制
1.6 分页(limit)
select * from students limit 2;
select * from students limit 10,5;
select * from students where gender=2 order by age desc limit 2;
limit 写在order by后面
1.7 连接查询
select * from students inner join classes on students.cls_id=classes.id;
select students.name ,classes.name from students inner join classes on students.cls_id = classes.id;
外连接的就有 left join 和 right join两个,但一般用的是left join,right join很少用
原理:就是基于left join语句左边的的这张表查询右边这张表有无对应的条件,有显示数据,没有显示为null,right join 就是把表位置互换,所以一般用left join。
select students.name as 姓名 , classes.name as 班级 from students left join classes on students.cls_id=classes.id having classes.name is null
1.8 自关联
1.9 子查询
select * from students where height = (select max(height) from students);
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