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Skimage learning (3) -- adapt the gray filter to RGB images, separate colors by immunohistochemical staining, and filter the maximum value of the region
2022-07-07 17:02:00 【Original knowledge】
1、 Adapt the grayscale filter RGB Images
There are many filters for gray images rather than color images . In order to simplify the creation, it can adapt RGB The process of image function ,scikit-image Provides adapt_rgb Decorator .
To actually use adapt_rgb Decorator , You must decide how to adjust RGB Images , For use with grayscale filters . There are two predefined handlers :
each_channel: Each one RGB The channels are passed to the filter one by one , Then sew the result back RGB Image .
hsv_value: take RGB Image to HSV, And pass the value channel to the filter . The filtered results are inserted into HSV Image , And convert back to RGB.
import skimage
from skimage.color.adapt_rgb import adapt_rgb, each_channel, hsv_value
from skimage import filters
''' General filters are for gray-scale images ,scikit-image Library provides for color image filtering decorator: adapt_rgb,adapt_rgb Two forms of filtering are provided , One is right rgb The three channels are processed separately , Another way is to rgb To hsv Color model , And then for v Channel processing , Finally, turn back to rgb Color model . https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_30244681/article/details/95619723 '''
def sobel_each(image):
return filters.sobel(image)# Use Sobel The filter finds edges in the image .
def sobel_hsv(image):
return filters.sobel(image)
# We can use these functions as usual , But now they can process gray-scale images and color images at the same time . Let's draw the results with color images :
from skimage import data
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#image = data.astronaut()
fig, (ax_each, ax_hsv) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(14, 7))
# We use 1 - sobel_each(image), But if the image is not standardized , It will not work
ax_each.imshow(rescale_intensity(1 - sobel_each(image)))# The meaning of this sentence ?, I guess it is to adjust the right rgb Filtering of three channels , And show pictures
''' rescale_intensity: Return to the image after stretching or reducing its intensity level . Strength range required for input and output ,in_range and out_range Used to stretch or narrow the intensity range of the input image . See the example below . '''
ax_each.set_xticks([]), ax_each.set_yticks([])# Set... With scale list x、y scale
ax_each.set_title("Sobel filter computed\n on individual RGB channels")
''' Adjust the intensity function :skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(image, in_range='image', out_range='dtype') in_range: Indicates the intensity range of the input picture , The default is 'image', Represents the maximum size of the image / The minimum pixel value is used as the range out_range: Indicates the intensity range of the output picture , The default is 'dype', Represents the maximum of the type of image used / The minimum value is used as the range By default , Enter the name of the picture [min,max] The range is stretched to [dtype.min, dtype.max], If dtype=uint8, that dtype.min=0, dtype.max=255 '''
''' matplotlib Library axiss Module Axes.set_xticks() The function is used to set x scale . usage : Axes.set_xticks(self, ticks, minor=False) Parameters : This method accepts the following parameters . ticks: This parameter is x List of axis scale positions . minor: This parameter is used to set the primary or secondary tick marks Return value : This method does not return any value . '''
# We use 1 - sobel_hsv(image) but this won't work if image is not normalized
ax_hsv.imshow(rescale_intensity(1 - sobel_hsv(image)))
ax_hsv.set_xticks([]), ax_hsv.set_yticks([])
ax_hsv.set_title("Sobel filter computed\n on (V)alue converted image (HSV)")
''' Be careful , The result of the value filtered image retains the color of the original image , But the images filtered by the channel are combined in a more surprising way . In other common cases , For example, smooth , The channel filtered image will produce better results than the filtered image . You can also for adapt_rgb Create your own handler function . So , Just create a function with the following signature '''
def handler(image_filter, image, *args, **kwargs):
# Manipulate RGB image here...
image = image_filter(image, *args, **kwargs)
# Manipulate filtered image here...
return image
''' Be careful ,adapt_rgb The handler is written for the filter whose image is the first parameter . As a very simple example , We can take any RGB The image is converted to grayscale , Then return the filtered results : '''
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
def as_gray(image_filter, image, *args, **kwargs):
gray_image = rgb2gray(image)# take RGB The image is converted to grayscale
return image_filter(gray_image, *args, **kwargs)
''' Create a use *args and **kwargs It is important to pass the signature of the parameter to the filter , In this way, the modified function can have any number of position and keyword parameters . Last , We can be as right as before adapt_rgb Use this handler : '''
# Gray filtering
def sobel_gray(image):
return filters.sobel(image)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=1, nrows=1, figsize=(7, 7))
# We use 1 - sobel_gray(image) but this won't work if image is not normalized
ax.imshow(rescale_intensity(1 - sobel_gray(image)), cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax.set_xticks([]), ax.set_yticks([])
ax.set_title("Sobel filter computed\n on the converted grayscale image")
2、 Immunohistochemical staining separates colors
Color deconvolution refers to the color separation of features .
In this case , We will immunohistochemical staining (IHC) Anti staining separation with hematoxylin . Separation is used 1 The method described in , be called “ Color deconvolution ”.
Immunohistochemical staining showed , Diaminobenzidine (DAB) Show FHL2 The expression of protein is brown .
Color space 、hed Color channel concept :https://www.cnblogs.com/fydeblog/p/9737261.html
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage import data
from skimage.color import rgb2hed, hed2rgb
# Get photo
ihc_rgb = data.immunohistochemistry()
# Separate stains from immunohistochemical images
#RGB To Haematoxylin-Eosin-DAB (HED) Color space conversion .
ihc_hed = rgb2hed(ihc_rgb)
# Create one for each stain RGB Images
#np.zeros_like(a) The purpose of is to build a relationship with a Arrays of the same dimension , And initialize all variables to zero .
null = np.zeros_like(ihc_hed[:, :, 0])# Is to take all the data of the first dimension in the three-dimensional matrix , And the assignment is 0
ihc_h = hed2rgb(np.stack((ihc_hed[:, :, 0], null, null), axis=-1))# Su Mu is exquisite RGB Color space conversion ,axis=-1: In the last dimension , And convert to rgb
hed2rgb(np.stack((null, ihc_hed[:, :, 1], null), axis=-1))# Yi Hong arrives RGB Color space conversion
ihc_d = hed2rgb(np.stack((null, null, ihc_hed[:, :, 2]), axis=-1))#DAB (HED) To RGB The transformation of color space
# Exhibition
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(7, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True)
ax = axes.ravel()
# Original picture
ax[0].set_title("Original image")
# Hematoxylin
# Yi Hong
ax[2].set_title("Eosin") # Note that there is no Eosin stain in this image
#D passageway
for a in ax.ravel():
# Now we can easily operate hematoxylin and DAB passageway :
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
# take h and d Brightness level of the channel rescale To (0,1)
# Re measure hematoxylin and DAB Channels and give them fluorescence observation , Adjust the image intensity according to a certain proportion
h = rescale_intensity(ihc_hed[:, :, 0], out_range=(0, 1),
in_range=(0, np.percentile(ihc_hed[:, :, 0], 99)))
d = rescale_intensity(ihc_hed[:, :, 2], out_range=(0, 1),
in_range=(0, np.percentile(ihc_hed[:, :, 2], 99)))
''' Adjust the intensity function :skimage.exposure.rescale_intensity(image, in_range='image', out_range='dtype') in_range: Indicates the intensity range of the input picture , The default is 'image', Represents the maximum size of the image / The minimum pixel value is used as the range out_range: Indicates the intensity range of the output picture , The default is 'dype', Represents the maximum of the type of image used / The minimum value is used as the range By default , Enter the name of the picture [min,max] The range is stretched to [dtype.min, dtype.max], If dtype=uint8, that dtype.min=0, dtype.max=255 '''
# Render the two channels as RGB Images , Blue and green channels
# Add the two channels
zdh = np.dstack((null, d, h))# Why do you do this
#np.dstack Detailed explanation :https://www.cjavapy.com/article/894/
fig = plt.figure()
axis = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1, sharex=ax[0], sharey=ax[0])
axis.set_title('Stain-separated image (rescaled)')
3、 Maximum value of filter area
ad locum , We use morphological reconstruction to create a background image , We can subtract it from the original image to separate bright features ( Area maximum ).
First , We start from the edge of the image , Try to rebuild through expansion . We initialize the seed image to the minimum intensity of the image ,
And set its boundary to the pixel value in the original image . These largest pixels will be enlarged to reconstruct the background image .
import skimage
''' Create a background image by morphological reconstruction , Subtract the background image from the original image to enhance the foreground . Morphological reconstruction involves two images and a structural element , An image is a mark ( That is what we will use next seed), It contains the starting point of the transformation , Another image is a template (mask), It is used to constrain the transformation . '''
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from skimage import data
from skimage import img_as_float
from skimage.morphology import reconstruction
# Convert to floating point : This is important for the following subtraction , But not for uint8
#image = img_as_float(data.coins())# Transformation format
image = gaussian_filter(image, 1)# Gauss filter is a linear smoothing filter , Gaussian noise can be removed , Its effect is to reduce sharp changes in image gray , That is, the image is blurred
''' def gaussian_filter(input, sigma, order=0, output=None, mode="reflect", cval=0.0, truncate=4.0): Input parameters : input: Input to the function is the matrix sigma: Scalar or scalar sequence , It's the Gaussian function \sigma, The bigger this is , The more blurred the filtered image Return value : The return value is the same matrix as the input shape '''
# Seed image initializes the minimum value of the image , And set its boundary to the pixel value of the original image
seed = np.copy(image)
seed[1:-1, 1:-1] = image.min()
mask = image# Use the original drawing as mask
# Morphological reconstruction with dilation
dilated = reconstruction(seed, mask, method='dilation')
# After subtracting the inflated image, only coins and a flat black background are left , As shown in the figure below .
fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1,
figsize=(8, 2.5),
ax0.imshow(image, cmap='gray')
ax0.set_title('original image')
ax1.imshow(dilated, vmin=image.min(), vmax=image.max(), cmap='gray')
ax2.imshow(image - dilated, cmap='gray')
ax2.set_title('image - dilated')
''' Although the characteristics ( The coin ) Is obviously isolated , But coins surrounded by a bright background in the original image are dimmer in the subtracted image . We can try to use different seed images to correct this problem . We can use the characteristics of the image itself to seed the reconstruction process , Instead of creating a seed image with a maximum value on the image boundary . here , The seed image is the original image minus a fixed value h '''
# Use the characteristics of the image itself as the basis of the reconstruction process seed, This time seed Set to subtract a fixed value from the original image h.
h = 0.4
seed = image - h
dilated = reconstruction(seed, mask, method='dilation')
hdome = image - dilated
# In order to get the feeling of the reconstruction process , We follow a slice of the image ( Denoted by a red line ) Draw mask 、 The intensity of seeds and enlarged images .
fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, figsize=(8, 2.5))
yslice = 100
ax0.plot(mask[yslice], '0.5', label='mask')
ax0.plot(seed[yslice], 'k', label='seed')
ax0.plot(dilated[yslice], 'r', label='dilated')
ax0.set_ylim(-0.2, 2)
ax0.set_title('image slice')
ax1.imshow(dilated, vmin=image.min(), vmax=image.max(), cmap='gray')
ax1.axhline(yslice, color='r', alpha=0.4)
ax2.imshow(hdome, cmap='gray')
ax2.axhline(yslice, color='r', alpha=0.4)
ax2.set_title('image - dilated')
''' The functionality : Draw parallel to x Horizontal reference line of axis Call signature :plt.axhline(y=0.0, c="r", ls="--", lw=2) y: The starting point of the horizontal reference line c: The line color of the reference line ls: The line style of the reference line lw: The line width of the reference line '''
As you can see in the image slice , Each coin is given a different baseline intensity in the reconstructed image ;
This is because we use local strength ( The offset h) As a seed value . therefore , The coins in the subtracted image have similar pixel intensity .
The final result is called image h-dome, Because this tends to isolate the height h Area maximum of . When your image is illuminated unevenly , This operation is particularly useful .
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