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Heavy cover special | intercept 99% malicious traffic, reveal WAF offensive and defensive drills best practices
2022-08-01 19:02:00 【Tencent Cloud Security Center】
If the major events are guaranteed before“安全加固”Work likened to“防御工事”的构建,How to build and reinforce layers、A combined defense line that can be combined,It is the top priority for effective defense.
安全“防御工事”The builds are available from the web、边界、Start at all levels such as the host,Deploy complete security tools to reinforce defense lines,and through the Cloud Security Center、Threat intelligence, etc. to achieve a secure one-stop linkage control,As well as functional interoperability and data collaboration.
In the last article we talked about best practices for building the first line of defense,In this article we focus on how to protect the coreWebApp security deployment,In-depth analysis of offensive and defensive drillsWebBest practices for application protection.
知攻懂防,First find out the blue army attack method
一般来说,There is only time left for the Blues in the offense-defense drill scenario2-3周,And need to attack multiple targets at the same time,This also determines that the attacking characteristics of the Blue Army are often faster、更准、更狠,They tend to utilize a plethora of automated tools、商业化IPProxy tools to detect and bypass,For exposed assets、The service quickly attacked.
常见的WebThere are several types of application attack methods:
- 分布式扫描器:Use distributed scanners to frequently change attack sourcesIP,from a free agent、IDC、VPS 、Internet toll proxy、再到 4g 基站、物联网、家宽、秒拨IP、Cloud function proxy、serverless代理、worker 代理等等,By transforming a huge number of sourcesIPContinuous scanning attacks on services,Routine discovery1个IPban1个IPThe response measures are often delayed.
- API Fuzzer:利用Fuzzer 对业务的APICarry out risk detection,Including but not limited to permission vulnerability discovery、Business logic vulnerability discovery、Weaknesses in security measures are found and bypassed、用户遍历、数据遍历等Web Weak point of protection,Attack sniffing, which requires tools to quickly find such non-basic security vulnerabilities of attackers、尝试.
- Malicious terminal connectors that can obfuscate traffic:The traditional landing is through file uploadWebshellOr the malicious backdoor that needs to persist in the form of a file on the target server gradually fails,The attack difficulty gradually increases,Attackers are starting to use fileless memorywebshell进行攻击.
由点及面,Then analyze the status quo of application security governance
With the continuous exploration and wide application of cloud computing technology in the industry,More enterprises have begun to implement cloud-native architecture transformation to improve the overall resource utilization efficiency of the enterprise,实现降本增效.与此同时,The boundaries of application security governance and the key issues that need to be addressed also vary:
- Open source software is widely used:There are more and more applications of open source software,The resulting open source software vulnerabilities have also increased,如:Log4j2、shiro、fastjson ……
- Cloud-native environment changes:The cloud-native environment brings convenience at the same time,It also brings about the problem of environment configuration,There are application security risk items that occur due to improper environment configuration,如:容器逃逸、API配置不当、file resides、命令执行……
- App security is gradually shifted to the left:In the process of security operations governance,will join fromSAST、DAST、IASTand other related safe left shift capabilities.Although the convergence of basic security vulnerabilities.But it will inevitably bring the attacker's sight to the business/Combined with data security,如:业务逻辑、API问题、越权……
- 多端接入:Client access methods are more variable,It also leads to multiple clients accessing the same service at the same time.It will cause protection granularity on different ends/The phenomenon of inconsistent treatment strategies appears,It is also easy to be targeted by attackers for disguise.
- Traffic attacks increase:Business traffic attacks increase,如:CC攻击流量、多源低频CC、BOT爬虫、Sniper Bot ,Fuzzer……Increased security operating costs,Security operational rules require rapid update iterations to address attacker countermeasures.
Armed for the situation,全方位保护Web应用安全
Combined with the actual governance difficulties,Tencent Security summarizes the following breakthroughs in application security governance,For corporate defense team reference:
- 注重WebAttack identification and defense,如 OWASP 定义的十大 Web 安全威胁攻击
- 结合 0day 漏洞虚拟补丁,Protection against emergency vulnerabilities
- Multi-terminal access security control,And configure fine-grained disposal policies
- Pay attention to business terminals、Abnormal identification of accounts,Combine intelligence to discover and block malicious access to sources
- 通过BOTBehavior management realizes rapid perception of malicious traffic and automatic evolution of disposal strategies,automated confrontationBOT及CC攻击
而腾讯WebApplication Firewall is based on AI的一站式Web业务运营风险防护方案,沉淀了腾讯20多年业务安全运营及黑灰产对抗经验,can be efficiently improvedWebApply safety guard water level,Combined with client risk identification、Inbound threat intelligence、Big data analysis and other capabilities systematically combat malicious traffic from multiple dimensions and at multiple levels,拦截率99%以上.
使用腾讯WebUsers of the application firewall can pass the following6Check yourself for best practice stepsWeb安全防护配置,Ensure that effective security protections are enabled while converging security risks:
其中,BOTProtection is forWebAn effective means of special governance for business assets,In the configuration process, we can pay attention to the following points:
- Enable client risk identification:Configure protection paths to implement site-wide protection,Turn on automated tool recognition、Page anti-debugging switch,and enable block mode.
- Configure the intelligent analysis module:Open the threat intelligence module,Configure smart statistics and set to loose mode,Configure action settings and set relatively tight score ranges and take actions.
- 配置会话管理:Custom policies support intercepting abnormal access sources,如BOT机器人、代理、IDC、网络攻击、扫描器、Account takeover, etc;Support interception of abnormal clients,Such as games or TV terminals, 公开BOT类型, 未公开BOT类型, 自动化工具, Unknown type, etc;Supports interception of exception parametersFuzz、Intercept abnormal access rate and abnormal access duration、拦截 FakeUA Abuse of reptiles、拦截 Referer 滥用、拦截 未登录用户、Intercept directory scanners, etc.
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