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Three steps, one pit, five steps and one thunder, how to lead the technical team under the rapid growth?

2020-11-07 20:16:00 InfoQ

This paper is written by dbaplus Community authorized reprint .

At present, I am in charge of the database in the shell room 、 Work on big data and machine learning . Shells have been established for about two years , Not long ago, it just came into the market , It's still in a period of rapid growth , So this time combined with my team management experience , To share with you the rapid growth of technical team management and management focus .

One 、 The factors of human growth

Want to manage a team well , We can't just focus on management methods , We need to analyze the factors behind management , And I think it's more about “ people ”. To manage is to manage people and things , And things are arranged to be done by people , So in the final analysis, management is still to solve people's problems .

Technicians have very specific characteristics , They have a strong desire for growth , Sometimes even the attention to their own growth is far greater than the requirements of salary . So we need to focus on the many factors that help people grow , This is the root of management .

Human growth factors are mainly divided into two aspects , One is the internal cause , Towards the cognitive level , It's about how we know ourselves 、 Knowing the world ; And the other is the external cause , Towards the environmental level , It's more about physics and reality .

1、 Internal cause

When it comes to internal causes , We have to talk about the classical Maslow's demand theory , From low to high :

  • Physiological needs are generally not a problem for everyone , It's just right in 997 For the students who work in the company “ sleep ” This factor is a proposition ;
  • At the level of security requirements , Technicians are more about career 、 The sense of security of professional value ;
  • To the level of belonging , In the work, the friendship is mainly like comrades in arms , Focus on being able to work with colleagues 、 Companies form emotional connections ;
  • And then up to the level of respect , It's about self-esteem 、 trust 、 Achievement and respect , This layer of technical personnel is more concerned about whether the organization can be 、 What the company or society needs , What others have done can be recognized ;
  • And the highest level of self actualization , Everyone has a different understanding of this , I don't want to start here .

Link to the original text :【https://www.infoq.cn/article/cFuafW4se7xXDoq8utWM】. Without the permission of the author , Prohibited reproduced .
