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Data analysis thinking analysis methods and business knowledge - analysis methods (III)

2022-07-06 00:20:00 Begin to change

Analysis method

Group analysis method

What is it? ?

  • According to a certain characteristic , Divide the data into different groups , Then compare the data of each group

What's the usage? ?

  • Analyze how the user retention rate changes over time

    • Why keep ?
    • Why lose ?

How to use ?

  • First use the group analysis method , Find groups with low or high retention , Then use hypothesis testing 、 Correlation analysis and other methods , Study why these groups have low or high retention , After finding the reason, you can optimize the product accordingly

  • Instance of a

    • Video platform user churn analysis

      • Group by month of new user registration

        • Drawn as a horizontal axis is time , The vertical axis is the retention rate , Then compare the broken lines of each group
  • Example 2

    • Twitter user retention analysis

      • Core users

        • Visit at least every month 7 Man of heaven
      • General users

        • People who use products less frequently
      • Indifferent users

        • People who stop using the product after using it once
  • Examples of three

    • Financial industry expectations

matters needing attention

  • In addition to grouping by time , It can also be determined according to specific business scenarios

RFM Analysis method

What is it? ?

  • The last consumption interval (Recency)

    • The closer it is to the last consumption ,R The smaller the value. , The higher the user value
  • Consumption frequency (Frequency)

    • The more frequently you buy ,F The bigger the value is. , The higher the user value
  • Consumption amount (Monetary)

    • The higher the consumption amount ,M The bigger the value is. , The higher the user value
  • User classification rules

    • 1、 Important value users ( high , high , high )
    • 2、 Important development users ( high , low , high )
    • 3、 It's important to keep users ( low , high , high )
    • 4、 Important to keep users ( low , low , high )
    • 5、 General value users ( high , high , low )
    • 6、 General development users ( high , low , low )
    • 7、 General user retention ( low , high , low )
    • 8、 Generally retain users ( low , low , low )

What's the usage? ?

  • Use different operational strategies for users with different values , Maximize resources

How to use ?

  • First step : Calculation R,F,M Value
  • The second step : to R,F,M Value score by value
  • The third step : Calculate the average value
  • Step four : The user classification

matters needing attention

  • R,F,M Indicators are defined differently under different businesses , It should be applied flexibly according to specific business
  • R,F,M How to determine the scoring rules by value
  • R,F,M These three indicators can be flexibly combined with other analysis methods

AARRR Analysis method

What is it? ?

  • Get users (Acquisition)

    • How users find us
  • Activate user (Activation)

    • What's the user's first experience like
  • Improve retention (Retention)

    • Will users come back
  • increase income (Revenue)

    • How to make more money
  • recommend (Referral)

    • Will users tell others

What's the usage? ?

  • It involves the whole process of users using the product , It can help analyze user behavior , Specify decisions for product operations , To achieve user growth

How to use ?

  • Get users

    • Channel exposure

      • How many people see the information of product promotion
    • Channel conversion rate

      • How many people become users because they see advertisements
    • Number of new users per day

      • How many new users are added every day
    • Daily app downloads

      • How many users download products every day
    • Customer acquisition cost

      • The cost of acquiring a customer

      • Ways to reduce costs

        • Language

          • How to move the user's heart
        • channel

          • Search engine

            • Improve the ranking of products on the search results page through search engines
          • Application market

          • Payment channels

            • Display advertising space (CPM)
            • Search advertising (CPC)
            • Information flow advertising (CPA)
          • Word of mouth channels

            • Users actively recommend products to people around
  • Activate user

    • Aha moment

      • Users can't help but like the product highlights 、 A moment of admiration , For example, Netease cloud music review
    • To activate users , You need to draw a road map to aha moment , Analyze the user conversion rate of each node in the process , Look at the loss of users at that stage , In order to optimize the product , Improve user experience

  • Retain

    • The core goal of retention is to let users develop usage habits , In this link, we need to pay attention to the retention rate index
    • Alipay ant forest
    • Shared bicycle
  • increase income

    • Service income

      • Paid services in products
    • Advertising revenue

      • Advertisements placed in products
    • Grip

      • Where potential gains are lost
  • recommend

    • The contagion itself

      • Know enough about your products
    • The environment needed for infectious agents to function

      • User's environment
    • People's behavior of spreading infectious substances

      • Why share products

matters needing attention

  • Flexible use

Funnel analysis method

What is it? ?

  • Measure the conversion rate of each step of the business process

  • Link conversion rate

    • Link conversion rate = Number of users in this phase / Number of users in the previous phase
    • Measure the transformation of adjacent business links
  • Overall conversion

    • Overall conversion = Number of users in a certain link / Number of users in the first phase
    • In order to measure the overall transformation from the first ring to this link

What's the usage? ?

  • Locate the problem node , That is, find out where the problem business link is

    • User conversion rate
    • User churn rate

How to use ?

matters needing attention

  • Different business processes are different , Funnel analysis diagram is also different

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